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Everything posted by ZeroByte
With Leadwerk's awesome lighting, i think it would be cool to have it effect gameplay. Could be just day/night, or something cool like theif games had, where you could hide in the shadows. Oh, i like your vehicle concept Josh, that would be cool for troop transport..
I agree with Rick on this, oh, and this is a great idea Josh. Also, don't forget about Grenades..
Thank's for explaining that Lumooja, i was having problems, but it's ok after i did clean 2.3.1 install. Oh, and great job on Project Wizard Roland.
Hi, i created C++ VS2008 Console, with Framewerk project type, but these lines are confusing me. // Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it Framewerk fw; if( !fw.Create() ) { ErrOut( "Failed to initialize engine." ); return 1; } // Note! Lua is not supported when using Framewerk It says to "Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it" but then it says, "Note! Lua is not supported when using Framewerk". So, Lua is not supported when using Framewerk ?
You will need the recompiled engine.dll Josh posted on this thread.
I forgot the cement_asphaltscales-01_df_.mat file, but you can just add your own texture.
Hi, here is a LEO vehicle example, if anyone is interested: #include "leo.h" using namespace LEO ; float steerangle=0.0; int main( int argn, char* argv[] ) { Engine engine( "leocar", 1280, 800 ) ; Engine::SetAbstractPath( "C:/Leadwerks Engine SDK" ) ; Engine::SetFilters() ; World world( CREATENOW ) ; if( !world.IsValid() ) { MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to create world.",MB_OK); return engine.Free() ; } Buffer gbuffer( Engine::GetWidth(), Engine::GetHeight() ); Camera camera( CREATENOW ); camera.SetPosition( 0, 0, -10 ); Material material("abstract::cement_asphaltscales-01_df_.mat") ; //DebugPhysics(); DirectionalLight light( CREATENOW ) ; light.SetRotation( 45 , 45, 45 ); SetWorldGravity(Vec3(0, -20, 0)); LEO::Collisions::Set(1,1,SLIDINGCOLLISION); // Vehicle Model chassis; chassis.Load("abstract::impreza.gmf", 0); chassis.SetType(1); chassis.SetMass(10); Mesh tire[4]; tire[0].Load("abstract::vehicle_monstertruck_tire_left.gmf", 0); tire[1].Load("abstract::vehicle_monstertruck_tire_right.gmf", 0); tire[2].Load("abstract::vehicle_monstertruck_tire_left.gmf", 0); tire[3].Load("abstract::vehicle_monstertruck_tire_right.gmf", 0); RotateMesh(tire[0],Vec3(0,0,90)); RotateMesh(tire[1],Vec3(0,0,90)); RotateMesh(tire[2],Vec3(0,0,90)); RotateMesh(tire[3],Vec3(0,0,90)); Vehicle veh; veh.Create(chassis); veh.AddTire(Vec3(-1.4,0,1.4),0.5,1.0,80,200); veh.AddTire(Vec3(1.4,0,1.4),0.5,1.0,80,200); veh.AddTire(Vec3(-1.4,0,-1.4),0.5,1.0,80,200); veh.AddTire(Vec3(1.4,0,-1.4),0.5,1.0,80,200); BodyBox groundbody( 100, 1, 100 ) ; Cube ground( CREATENOW ) ; ground.SetScale( 100, 1, 100 ); groundbody.SetParent( ground ) ; ground.SetPosition( 0, -3, 0 ); ground.Paint( material ) ; groundbody.SetType(1); // Game loop while( !Keyboard::I****() && !Engine::IsTerminated() ) { if( !Engine::IsSuspended() ) { // Steering if (KeyDown(KEY_LEFT) && (steerangle<=40.0f)) { steerangle+=1.0f; SetSteerAngle(veh, steerangle, 0); SetSteerAngle(veh, steerangle, 1); } if (KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) && (steerangle>=-40.0f)) { steerangle-=1.0f; SetSteerAngle(veh, steerangle, 0); SetSteerAngle(veh, steerangle, 1); } // Torque AddTireTorque(veh, 0, -1); if (KeyDown(KEY_UP)) AddTireTorque(veh, 10, -1); if (KeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) AddTireTorque(veh, -10, -1); if (KeyDown(KEY_SPACE)) AddBodyForce(chassis, Vec3(0,200,0), 1); // Lift car SetEntityMatrix(tire[0],veh.GetTireMatrix(0)); SetEntityMatrix(tire[1],veh.GetTireMatrix(1)); SetEntityMatrix(tire[2],veh.GetTireMatrix(2)); SetEntityMatrix(tire[3],veh.GetTireMatrix(3)); Engine::UpdateTime(); World::Update( Engine::GetSpeed()) ; gbuffer.Set(); World::Render() ; Engine::GetBackBuffer().Set() ; World::RenderLights(gbuffer); Engine::Flip() ; } } return engine.Free() ; } I used the monstertruck tires from LE 2.3 SDK, because i can't get the wheel textures to show up on the car wheels. I removed the engine.dll, newton.dll, and shaders.pak from release dir. And i removed the engine.cpp, and leo.cpp from the project. Link to leocar.zip project: Link isn't always up.
Ok, thank's Josh, i'll try setting it up in LEO then.
Do you guy's know if this will work with LEO in c++. I just started using LEO, and i'm not sure if LEO needs to be updated also, or if it can be ported to LEO ? It's working great with C though, just not sure how to set it up in LEO. Thank's for any info.
Ok, thank's Lumooja, good to know.
Yes, thank's for that sample Josh.
Lumooja your code work's, just change: AddVehicleTire(veh,Vec3(-1,-1,0)); to AddVehicleTire(veh,Vec3(-1,-1,0), 0.5, 0.3, 45.0, 100.0);
Wow, thank's for recompiled DLL Josh, that was fast. And, thank's for the help Lumooja, i'm gonna go try this.
Awesome, thank's for posting bug report. Lol, yea a bug fix day.
Oh ok, do you know if Josh is going to fix this ? I've been trying to get vehicles going for awhile now, and i'd prefer to use c/c++ for vehicles. Thank's.
Thank's for that info Lumooja, i'll try to alter the header to return TTire then.
Hi BigB, i can't get the vehicle to work in c/c++ either, look's like you are running into the same problems as me. Try changing EntityType(chasis,2); to EntityType(chasis,1); The last working vehicle example in C, was in LE 2.24 it can be found here: http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3761&p=33322&hilit=vehicle#p33322 It was ported to C API by pushedx, maybe it will help you.
Hey Rick, haven't had time for LE lately, here is my c++ source: link should be working. i removed engine.cpp, layer.cpp, leo.cpp, mathlib.cpp, renderer.cpp. Also deleted, engine.dll, jointlibrary.dll, newton.dll, shaders.pak. Just ignore the xbox 360 gamepad input code, it's set to mouse input anyway. I noticed if i attach a Pi-ThirdPersonCamera to the monster truck, it doesn't fall through the terrain. Just the character, so it must be something stupid i'm doing wrong, or i'm not using c++ properly with Lua. I didn't include my map, it's just a flat surface, with Pi-ThirdPersonCamera, Pi-CharacterKeyboardControls, and character, or monster truck. Anyway thank's for your help, sorry took so long to post back.
I was assigning an entity type to the terrain, now that you mentioned the editor does it, i removed this line EntityType(scene,2); and my character controller in my c++ app still work's fine just using this line of code LEO::Collisions::Set(1,1,SLIDINGCOLLISION); Yes, other models collide with my terrain in my c++ app. I'll keep testing different settings, i'm new to Lua scripting, but i can see it's a great addition to LWE.
Hi Rick, thank's for trying to help, i tried your suggestions, still falls through terrain, it work's fine in the editor though. So, i guess it's cause i'm trying to get it to run from my c++ app. There must be a way to run game scripts from c++, but Josh commented these functions out in c++ headers. //inline TScript LoadScript(str filename) //{ // return leLoadScript(filename); //} //inline void RunScript(TScript script, BP funcname, BP object) //{ // leRunScript(script, funcname, object); //} //inline void FreeScript(TScript script) //{ // leFreeScript(script); //} Are the thingoids just meant to run with Lua only ? Well thank's again for your help.
That video was cool, can't wait to try this. thank's Niosop
Also, if i run this code, if (LEO::Keyboard::I****(KEY_Q)) { SetGlobalString("mode", "DESIGN_MODE"); SetGlobalString("quit", "true"); } it switches back to my other character controller.
Ok, i attatched the Pi-ThirdPersonCamera to my Pi-Character with Pi-CharacterKeyboardControls in the editor, and when i run this code from my c++ app, if (LEO::Keyboard::I****(KEY_G)) { SetGlobalString("mode", "GAME_MODE"); SetGlobalString("quit", "false"); } it switches to the third person cam on my character. So, i think i'm on the right track, just have to find why my character controller is falling through the terrain.
Ok i put SetGlobalString("mode", "DESIGN_MODE"); by mistake, changed it to SetGlobalString("mode", "GAME_MODE"); but when that is executed, the character just disappears, still trying.
Thank's Niosop, i think your right, i tried adding these lines SetGlobalString("mode", "DESIGN_MODE"); SetGlobalString("quit", "false"); to my c++ app, it compiled ok but didn't make it work when it was executed. I'll keep trying stuff, thank's again.