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  1. Works for me now. Thanks Josh!
  2. I cant seem to start any projects i create. When i press F5 to run the project a red prompt pops up for a millisecond that states "Game is running" and nothing happens. I created a completely fresh project and tried to run the sample start map with the same results. I tried to run the .exe from the folder with CMD windows popping up for a millisecond and nothing more. When i opened cmd and tried to run the .exe is where it told me that it failed to read a test.lua file. I first consulted @Andy90 and he tried to create a fresh project on his machine to test run it just to see if it was on my end but he wasnt able to since he got the same error as i do.
  3. Alright, i didnt even think about that i was loading the project i created yesterday before the update. Created a fresh one and it all runs fine.
  4. Okay, should ve tested more before posting, but now the 3D Viewport is broken. When i create a box its black in the 3d viewport and when i move the cam around kinda the same happens as before with the grid in the 2D viewports. E: When i deselect the box everything turns to normal until i select the box again, but when i deselect it and try to zoom in/out in the 3D viewport the whole engine freezes and gives me a "program wont respond". Edit 2: Just noticed the tons of "Failed to load posteffect: WireframeSelection.fx and Outline.fx"
  5. Works like a charm. Big thanks, Josh!
  6. Ugh, thats tough. Planned on upgrading but didnt since every stuff i use on a regular still runs fine with it.
  7. AMD Radeon R9 380, 3D Viewport is working fine tho.
  8. Hey guys, i finally upgraded to Ultra but now im facing a little problem. As i start up Ultra, everything looks fine but when i just zoom in and out in the 2D viewports it gets all messy, as if the grid isnt updated but kinda like copied over the one before. Hope someone has a fix for that. Thanks in advance.
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