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    Colombia / Bogotá

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  1. It is normal that in the map of the Ultre Engine example the GPU makes use in almost 60%. gtx 1070 8 gigs viram.
  2. Yue

    Smart Brushes

  3. Solved, sorry, Me in my C++ apprenticeship Change Color Tabber font?
  4. I have started another test, starting with this memory in use. Back in 30 minutes. A map is loaded that only contains the sky box by default.
  5. This is out of control, almost a gigabyte in ram, and it keeps going up, very slowly but it keeps going up, try it for 30 minutes.
  6. aWhen I load the default map I have memory leaks, the windows task manager shows how the memory is going up, however I have started to remove elements from the scenery, and finally I have removed the models of the boxes and the default character, and the program is now stable.
  7. If I only create a camera and do not load the map, it remains stable both in the game and in the task manager.
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