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Everything posted by Yue

  1. Yue


  2. Will it support fbx formats and which versions?
  3. I will give it a try, thanks for giving a path to follow. I'll let you know later.
  4. Yue

    Editor WIP

    Will the external Lua script editor be launched from the editor?
  5. I am testing ragdoll, the problems I had the last time I tried this was that the rotation of the joints is set to global level and what I need is that they are set to global level when I assign them to the mesh so that the effect is effectively correct. That is to say that the knee joint rotates 90 degrees inward in local rotation and not global.
  6. https://media.giphy.com/media/oobNzX5ICcRZC/giphy.gif
  7. Let's see how we do with the ragdoll effect.
  8. How do I download the particle effect from steam?
  9. A search box option in Assets and Scene I think would be great
  10. A loading animation where a gear turns clockwise. And below it shows the total in percent of what is needed out of 100.
  11. CH={ value=nil, New=function(self) local this={} setmetatable(this,self) self.__index = self function this:Init() self.value = System:GetProperty("FS","true") end this:Init() return(this) end } h = CH:New() System:Print(h.value) --Return false. For some reason the System:GetProperty does not work.
  12. A more correct approach to object programming. CWorld= { world =nil, Create = function(self) this={} setmetatable(this,self) self.__index = self function this:Start() self.world = World:Create() end function this:GetWorld() return(self.world) end this:Start() return(this) end } local world1 = CWorld:Create() local world2 = CWorld:Create() System:Print(world1:GetWorld()) System:Print(world2:GetWorld())
  13. Ok, solved here. CWorld= { world =nil, Create = function(self) this={} setmetatable(this,self) self.__index = self function this:Start() self.world = World:Create() end this:Start() return(this) end } local world1 = CWorld:Create() local world2 = CWorld:Create() System:Print(world1.world) System:Print(world2.world)
  14. CWorld= { w =nil, Create = function(self,wc) this={} setmetatable(this,self) self.__index = self self.w = wc return(this) end } local world1 = CWorld:Create(World:Create()) local world2 = CWorld:Create(World:Create()) System:Print(world1.w) System:Print(world2.w) I can't understand this, I go back to the same world, when they should be two different worlds. This has a problem because I am dealing with the OOP paradigm, that is to say that when I try to change the rendering world I will always have the same one, no matter the object.
  15. I'm trying to understand this Lua class thing, apparently it's a static variable. Evidently it's the same world because I can't find a way to change it. So what I am doing is looking at the Lua documentation regarding tables, where although you can create objects, the term class does not exist, and what you do is to use a prototype of an object to create others.
  16. It would be a good idea to have a fixed option in the top menu that is exclusive to this category of free resources, so they do not get lost in the forums and we would have access to them much faster.
  17. CWorld= { worldx=nil, } function CWorld:Create() self.worldx = World:Create() return(self) end mundo1 = CWorld:Create() mundo2 = CWorld:Create() System:Print(mundo1.worldx) System:Print(mundo2.worldx) Something simpler.
  18. CWorld= { world=nil, } function CWorld:Create() self.world = World:Create() local this={} this.world = nil World:SetCurrent(self.world) function this:GetCurrent() return(World:GetCurrent()) end function this:GetWorld() return(CWorld.world) end return(this) end menu = CWorld:Create() map = Map:Load("Maps/menu.map") mars = CWorld:Create() map2 = Map:Load("Maps/testMap.map") System:Print(mars:GetWorld()) -- x085x System:Print(menu:GetWorld()) -- x085x I am trying to get this to work, but it turns out that when I try to retrieve the world, it returns two identical values, even though I have created two worlds. what am I doing wrong?
  19. self.e = 0 function Loading() while self.e < worldMars:GetCurrent():CountEntities()/1025.0 do if Wind:IsClosed() then return( false ) end App:Update() self.e = self.e + 1 * Time:GetSpeed() self.context:DrawRect(0,0,Context:GetCurrent():GetWidth(),Context:GetCurrent():GetHeight()) Wind:Update() end end A 2048 x 2048 map returns 1025 entities with the count command in the world. Then the system evaluates all these entities on the hook when loading the map. The solution is that knowing that data is divided and the count would be in relation to the entities that actually exist on the map. Although this value can be manipulated so that for example in the case of loading only three entities on the map, we can simulate an animation in a time that suits our taste. Always something new to learn. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  20. CountEntities() Another issue is that this command when one loads a map with a terrain depending on the size of the map returns more or less entities on the map. https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o72F7YT6s0EMFI0Za/200.gif
  21. self.e = 0 function Loading() -- Hook Load Map. --local camera = worldMars:FindEntity("Camera") --camera:Hide() while self.e < worldMars:GetCurrent():CountEntities() do if Wind:IsClosed() then return( false ) end App:Update() self.e = self.e + 1 Context:GetCurrent():DrawRect(0,0,Context:GetCurrent():GetWidth(),Context:GetCurrent():GetHeight()) Context:GetCurrent():Sync() end end Why is it that there are commands that are not officially documented? As in this case, find the total number of entities that a world has. CountEntities() Is there any place where I can see those commands that may not exist due to lack of documentation?
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