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Everything posted by Yue

  1. Hdri on Ultra Engine cange gama.
  2. File InBox Discord.
  3. The HDRI to pbr converter for a skybox does not do the conversion correctly, the brightness is turned up a lot in the image. As shown in the first image. In the second one the dirty trick is to go to the Leadwerks editor to create the cube map texture and use it in its tex format. Now the disadvantage is that this texture tex can not be converted to dds, the converter fails to obtain the pbr.
  4. It is still totally the same, what I was saying to the spider pig, for me this is very confusing. Even if there is a zip inside the game directory, it does not load the map editor. And when trying to load the zip from Lua script, it closes in the zip loading and does not give depuation messages.
  5. If the zip is empty, the editor starts, but you see the message on the console that the zip has failed to load. If the zip has any files inside it, the editor will not start.
  6. I have removed all the files from the project, when I try to launch the editor it doesn't work, only the Zip file is inside the directory.
  7. I have updated, but it doesn't work. If any zip file is in the project directory, the editor will not start.
  8. I am encountering a connection where if I try to run the game with either executable, it shuts down unexpectedly. And if I try to launch the map editor, unexpected shutdown, but if I remove the zip, everything works fine.
  9. The route is simplified on my computer. But when I put the mouse on the address bar it shows this look.
  10. I'm going to make a video. One Moment.
  11. I have discovered something that may have something to do with the problem, if a zip file is in the root directory of the directory, when I try to launch the map editor it does not open, if I remove the zip file, it loads the editor without problems, maybe this can give a clue.
  12. What I perceive is that it stays inside the command to load the package and the automatic closing happens, it is very strange
  13. Only script load pack. Crash.
  14. I have this, but it still doesn't go past loading the package, I don't get any information in the debugger before closing, just that it's loading the package. If for example I put a zip that doesn't exist, I get this back.
  15. I'll try another hard drive, maybe that's it.
  16. C:\Users\Yue\Documents\Ultra Engine\Projects\Test
  17. Sorry, that's why I updated the main file. It doesn't work anywa
  18. Update main, herror continue. --Initialze Steam (optional) --if not Steamworks.Initialize() then return 1 end --Load FreeImage plugin (optional) local fiplugin = LoadPlugin("Plugins/FITextureLoader") --Get the displays local displays = GetDisplays() --Create a window local window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1280, 720, displays[1], WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_TITLEBAR) --Create a framebuffer local framebuffer = CreateFramebuffer(window) --Create a world local world = CreateWorld() --Load a map local mapname = "Maps/start.ultra" local cl = CommandLine() if type(cl["map"]) == "string" then mapname = cl["map"] end local scene = LoadMap(world, mapname) while window:KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false and window:Closed() == false do --Garbage collection step collectgarbage() --Update the world world:Update() Steamworks.Update() if window:KeyDown(KEY_R) then local p = LoadPackage("Maps.zip") p:SetPassword("1500") end --Render the world to the framebuffer world:Render(framebuffer) end Steamworks.Shutdown() main.lua
  19. Proyect Test, Press key R for load zip. https://www.mediafire.com/file/f4qmp77zneigfku/Test.zip/file
  20. I've created a new project, and I'm still the same, installing on another hard drive and the application close
  21. Video on Discord. https://discord.com/channels/1175951843118031049/1175951843612954786/1253806372634755124
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