Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate the help, otherwise I would be at a dead end. The question is how the heck did you know that detail, I am left intrigued.
Another question, is it possible to change the color of the widget text.
function this:MenuOptions()
self.context = Context:GetCurrent()
self.base = base
self.menuStart = menuStart
self.pnl = Widget:Panel(self.context:GetWidth()/2-225, self.context:GetHeight()/2-175, 450,350, self.base)
self.lblOptions = Widget:Label(self.title, 15,15,130,15, self.pnl)
self.lblOptions:SetStyle( LABEL_MIDDLE)
self.btnCancel = Widget:Button("CANCEL", self.pnl:GetSize().x/2-130-65/2,self.pnl:GetSize().y-50,150,30, self.pnl)
self.btnSave = Widget:Button("SAVE", self.pnl:GetSize().x/2+35,self.pnl:GetSize().y-50,150,30,self.pnl)
self.cFullScreen = Widget:Button("Full Screen",15,50,250,26,self.pnl)
self.cFullScreen:SetFont("Assets/Fonts/space age.ttf",12)