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Everything posted by Yue

  1. Some way to scale the GUI according to the window size. What happens is that when I get to the smallest screen resolution, the buttons look too big and when I am at the highest screen resolution, the buttons look too small.
  2. Here Code Lua Script, run perfect. function this:LoadConfig() self.stateCFS = System:GetProperty("FScreen","false") self.checkFS:SetState(self.stateCFS == "true") end Thansk You.
  3. How can I put transparency to a widget, I'm searching but I don't know.
  4. The GUI is also deleted, the thing is that in the resolution change it seems that the GUI is broken, it does not draw the menu correctly in the coordinates, I think I have to delete it and create it again.
  5. When I delete the window, is the context of the window and the world it contains deleted?
  6. Thank you very much, always something to learn with Leadwerks.
  7. Yue


    Made in Leadwerks Engine. Astrocuco by Yue (itch.io)
  8. The question is: How do I destroy a wind
  9. The box where the astronaut case resposes, is a cube, however it doesn't look that way. any suggestions?
  10. How can I implement a change of window to full screen after activating the option in the options menu? Do I have to force the user to restart the game? Or can I do it with the program running live?
  11. The thing is that I have an option that is checked for full screen, which can be true or false in its verification. The default configuration file of leadwerks, I save text strings, where initially I have a value of "false", ie does not run in full screen mode, and that value I need to pass it to boleano to check the box in the configuration. I appreciate any suggestions.
  12. if self.event.source == self.btnStart then elseif event.source == self.btnOptions then elseif self.event.source = self.btnExit then end
  13. Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate the help, otherwise I would be at a dead end. The question is how the heck did you know that detail, I am left intrigued. Another question, is it possible to change the color of the widget text. function this:MenuOptions() self.context = Context:GetCurrent() self.base = base self.menuStart = menuStart self.pnl = Widget:Panel(self.context:GetWidth()/2-225, self.context:GetHeight()/2-175, 450,350, self.base) self.lblOptions = Widget:Label(self.title, 15,15,130,15, self.pnl) self.lblOptions:SetStyle( LABEL_MIDDLE) self.btnCancel = Widget:Button("CANCEL", self.pnl:GetSize().x/2-130-65/2,self.pnl:GetSize().y-50,150,30, self.pnl) self.btnSave = Widget:Button("SAVE", self.pnl:GetSize().x/2+35,self.pnl:GetSize().y-50,150,30,self.pnl) self:Hide() self.cFullScreen = Widget:Button("Full Screen",15,50,250,26,self.pnl) self.cFullScreen:SetStyle(BUTTON_CHECKBOX) self.cFullScreen:SetFont("Assets/Fonts/space age.ttf",12) end
  14. Ok, I'll give it a try, I was installing the default font with Font:Load. And in the documentation I haven't seen this. Thank you very much.
  15. Hi, How can I change the text size in the full screen tab, is that possible?
  16. Yue

    Config file Game.

    Is it possible to set up another path to store game configuration data? Or the recommended path is the default one in Leadwerks?
  17. Hello, is there any documentation on what you are telling me?
  18. I have a concern about the command to check if a window is closed. What happens is that after pressing the close button, it always returns true, I would expect it to automatically return false, after being pressed. This has me in trouble with the exit management of the program through a menu where it should show a dialog box that is activated from an exit menu button and the title bar on the close button.
  19. Yue

    Astrocuco deadth ;(

    Over time I am getting a little better. I'm getting closer and closer to making a game. https://iris3dgames.itch.io/astrocuco
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