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Everything posted by Yue

  1. boxes and other models still do not appear. The
  2. I was sure I had purchased these boxes and other models, but they are not available for download unless I buy them again.
  3. The Leadwerks documentation can be downloaded for offline viewing, I will be without internet for quite a while.
  4. Yue

    Ragdoll effect.

    -- Torax. self.torax:SetPosition(self.boneTorax:GetPosition(true),false) self.torax:SetRotation(self.boneTorax:GetRotation(true),false) self.boneTorax:SetParent(self.torax,true) self.torax:SetMass(1.0) -- Externon. self.externon:SetPosition(self.boneExternon:GetPosition(true),false) self.externon:SetRotation(self.boneExternon:GetRotation(true),false) self.boneExternon:SetParent(self.externon,true) self.externon:SetMass(1.0) -- Pelvis. self.pelvis:SetPosition(self.bonePelvis:GetPosition(true),false) self.pelvis:SetRotation(self.bonePelvis:GetRotation(true),false) self.bonePelvis:SetParent(self.pelvis,true) self.pelvis:SetMass(1.0) -- Joints. self.jointPelvis = Joint:Hinge(self.externon:GetPosition(false).x,self.externon:GetPosition(false).y,self.externon:GetPosition(false).z, 1,0,0, self.pelvis, self.externon ) self.jointPelvis:DisableLimits() I have a problem here, I have three bodies that I assign to the bones of the mesh. These have joints, but when I assign them to the mesh they sink into the ground. However if I don't assign them to the mesh, they don't sink, any suggestions?
  5. Leadwerks Editor 4.6 - G__Leadwerks_Mars_Maps_start.map 2021-01-15 16-34-36.mp4
  6. Version 4.7 beta is broken, Josh has not had time to work on it, due to the new engine, they recommend to have version 4.6.
  7. There is some tutorial on how to make the rag doll effect. I am doing some tests, but I would like to know if anyone already has an idea in the community of the steps to follow. The idea is that the effect is activated when the character dies, and a disturbing question is : Is it possible to reverse the effect, like when in gta V you are hit by a car and then the character is reincorporated.
  8. Script.mHead = "Entity" --entity "Head Mesh" function Script:Start() --self.mHead:Hide() self.boneH = self.entity:FindChild("mixamorig_Head") end function Script:UpdateWorld() if Window:GetCurrent():KeyHit(Key.A) then self.mHead:SetPosition(self.boneH:GetPosition(),true) end end I'm trying to position a net on the player's head bone, but it's put in the middle of the world in the middle of his legs, which I'm doing wrong.
  9. No is GetHidden, is simple Hidden. Documentation Error. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Widget_GetHidden
  10. Yue

    Player for Mars

    Loading progress level.
  11. Solved here. Change line Script on Button.lua. Here:
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