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Everything posted by Yue

  1. Where this is installed, I can't find it. Nature Model Pack
  2. For spatial simulations.
  3. I have tried to move the tires and the whole vehicle, but the tires for example rotate relative to their local coordinate and not relative to the vehicle. You always get better at something, over and over again practicing you always see something more beautiful.
  4. Here Script vehicle System. -- ********************************************************** -- Fichero Script : CVehicle.lua -- Notas : Fichero Clase para objeto / Vehiculo. -- Scripter : Yue Rexie. -- ********************************************************** -- Sitio Web : http://www.iris3dgames.ga -- Fecha : Viernes 10 de Enero / 2020 -- ********************************************************** vehicle = {} function vehicle:New(chassis,wheels,springs,axis) local this = {} function this:Start() this.chassis = chassis this.wheels = wheels this.springs = springs this.axis = axis this.axisFL = nil this.axisFR = nil this.springFL = nil this.springFR = nil this.springBL = nil this.springBR = nil this.hingeWFL = nil this.hingeWFR = nil this.hingeWBL = nil this.hingeWBR = nil end this:Start() function this:Init() self:InitSprings() self:InitMotorWheels() self:InitAxisW() end function this:InitAxisW() self.axisFL = self:CreateHinge(self.axis.FL, self.springs.FL,0,1,0) self.axisFR = self:CreateHinge(self.axis.FR, self.springs.FR,0,1,0) self.axisFL:EnableLimits() self.axisFR:EnableLimits() self.axisFL:SetLimits(0,0) self.axisFR:SetLimits(0,0) end function this:InitSprings() self.springFL = self:CreateSpring(self.springs.FL) self.springFR = self:CreateSpring(self.springs.FR) self.springBL = self:CreateSpring(self.springs.BL) self.springBR = self:CreateSpring(self.springs.BR) end function this:InitMotorWheels() self.hingeWFL = self:CreateHinge(self.wheels.FL,self.axis.FL, 1,0,0) self.hingeWFR = self:CreateHinge(self.wheels.FR,self.axis.FR, 1,0,0) self.hingeWBL = self:CreateHinge(self.wheels.BL,self.springs.BL,1,0,0) self.hingeWBR = self:CreateHinge(self.wheels.BR,self.springs.BR,1,0,0) end function this:Update() if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.F) then self.chassis:AddForce(0,5000,0) end end -- Joints. function this:CreateHinge(child,parent,pinX, pinY, pinZ) local posChild = child:GetPosition(false) local h = Joint:Hinge(posChild.x, posChild.y, posChild.z, pinX, pinY, pinZ, child, parent) return h end function this:CreateSpring(spring) local posSpring = spring:GetPosition(false) local s = Joint:Slider(posSpring.x,posSpring.y,posSpring.z, 0,1,0,spring, self.chassis ) s:EnableLimits() s:SetLimits(-0.05,0.02) s:SetSpring(1,0.5,1) return s end return this
  5. I have a vehicle that is made up of several joints, sliders and hinges. I don't know how to turn the vehicle, i.e. by script, change its angle on its Y-axis, or change its initial position. If I try it like I really did with SetPosition, or SetRotation, I don't get the results I expected. That is, I can only mark its position and initial angle using the map editor, but I can't do it by script. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) TEMP 2020-01-11 19-36-16.mp4
  6. Yue

    Jeep on Desert

    Spring.mp4 When you're about to get a joint degree in leadwerks.
  7. One question, when you say "unofficial", what exactly do you mean, what doesn't Josh do?
  8. The particles don't collide when I launched the game, however in the map editor, those particles do collide if I have the RealTimeRender option enabled.
  9. I've been testing the collision of the particles, but something strange happens, in the editor with the realtime render option enabled, the particles do collide, however when you launch the game as such, those particles don't collide. What am I doing wrong?
  10. With this I can learn to write shaders for leadwerks? https://learnopengl.com/Introduction
  11. It's quite strange why this doesn't happen, you see strange effects when I want to simulate a sunrise, and I've never been able to understand why Leadwerks doesn't do this.
  12. It's just that the terrain doesn't produce shadows. Inside the shaders I see some that say terrain. I'd expect the hill to cast a shadow over the same terrain.
  13. I'm going to distort this question a bit. Is it possible to modify the ground shader so that it casts shadows?
  14. I don't know if it's the same, but once I had a problem with changing the color of a surface in several models loaded from the editor. If you change the color on one, they would all be changed. I remember that the solution was to load the model by script again, and that way it didn't get distant every time I dragged it to the editor.
  15. Luxology imageSynth v2.0.zip I share this tool, to remove the edges of the textures.
  16. I was looking inside the leadwerks shaders directory and I see shaders of parallax and tessellation. My question is what's the difference between these and the one you've exposed here. I don't know much about shaders. But it is curious to see that you always have something to learn.
  17. Nice here Materialize!! Thanks You
  18. A question, with what do you create the texture of protuberance? ( the blue texture ). I see that you don't have the same result if I use the texture that is created in leadwerks.
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