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Everything posted by Yue

  1. -- Lua Script function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) end
  2. colRay = World: Pick ... System: Print (colRay) It also checks whether the material is for collection.
  3. It's a mistake in the documentation, here I have three spheres, each with different sides. 24, 12, 16. It's the same for the cone, the fewer sides the more it will look like a pyramid.
  4. I am referring to the sides, a high number implies that the sphere looks more detailed and more perfect, low values make it look more rustic. This can also be seen in the editor.
  5. The translator doesn't help me much in the documentation to understand this function. To confirm, this only acts on the entity to which the script is hooked, right?
  6. I'm using the character controller, and it looks like it's floating.
  7. Pawn 0.0 _ Alpha 02_06_2019 19_59_06.mp4
  8. In the texture editor you have that option, but I have no idea what it's used for. Besides, it doesn't seem to work, the program crashes.
  9. It's possible to put several filters, I've tried everything but I can't do it. Script.textura = "" --path "Textura" "Texture File (*tex):tex|Texture"
  10. Yue

    Leadwerks and C#

    One question: Are compilation times equal to c++?
  11. If so, that package includes the Editor directory, things like the map editor icons and other elements like development textures. On the other hand if you create manually, having the professional leadwerks version, you save a lot of space in the final package, you can also create individual packages of each directory. I think that possibly some time ago, that option works correctly.
  12. The engine sends the package everything even if it is not being used in a scene. For example the water textures and their respective shaders. I also think that some libraries depending on the operating system are not necessary, for example virtual reality, but undoubtedly is hooked to the environment.
  13. It seems that the editor to distribute the game does not work properly. You have an option to mark that creates the package only with the resources you use, but it seems to send everything to the same package. So I have rebuilt my own package manually with a password and I have a much smaller zip file. Download Test Pawn Test Publish Manual.zip
  14. The variable es radius. ( Script.radius ) T The edges of the panel are not rounded.
  15. This is crazy, when I try to pass to English what I want to express in Spanish. If evidently it is SetFloat. With SetFloat, I can take variables from widgets, and change certain values before variables. But it certainly doesn't work. on Panel.
  16. Okay, if I misspelled here, but it still doesn't work. myPanel:SetBool("radius",9") -- Not Workd. myButton:SetBool("radius,9) -- Yes Work. myPanel:SetFloat("radius",9") -- Not Workd. myButton:SetFloat("radius,9) -- Yes Work.
  17. myPanel:SetString("radius",9") -- Not Workd. myButton:SetString("radius,9) -- Yes Work. The only way it works is to modify the values directly in the lua panel file. function Script:Draw(x,y,width,height) local gui = self.widget:GetGUI() local pos = self.widget:GetPosition(true) local sz = self.widget:GetSize(true) local scale = self.widget:GetGUI():GetScale() if self.widget:GetParent()==nil then gui:SetColor(0,0,0,0) gui:Clear() end gui:SetColor(self.backgroundcolor.r,self.backgroundcolor.g,self.backgroundcolor.b,self.backgroundcolor.a) --gui:SetColor(self.color.background.r,self.color.background.g,self.color.background.b,self.color.background.a) gui:DrawRect(pos.x,pos.y,sz.width,sz.height,0,4.5) --self.radius <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< --Draw image if present local image = self.widget:GetImage() if image~=nil then local imgsz = image:GetSize() imgsz.x = imgsz.x * scale imgsz.y = imgsz.y * scale gui:SetColor(self.color.foreground.r,self.color.foreground.g,self.color.foreground.b,self.color.foreground.a) --gui:DrawImage(image,pos.x+(sz.x-imgsz.x)/2,pos.y+(sz.y-imgsz.y)/2,imgsz.x,imgsz.y) gui:DrawImage(image,pos.x,pos.y,sz.x,sz.y) end --Draw border --if self.border then gui:SetColor(self.color.border.r,self.color.border.g,self.color.border.b,self.color.border.a) --gui:SetColor(0,1,0,1) gui:DrawRect(pos.x,pos.y,sz.width,sz.height,1,4.5) --self.radius <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< --end --gui:SetColor(1,0,0) --gui:DrawRect(pos.x,pos.y,sz.width,sz.height,1) --gui:DrawRect(pos.x+self.indent/2*scale,pos.y+self.indent/2*scale,sz.width-self.indent*scale,sz.height-self.indent*scale,1) --gui:DrawRect(pos.x,pos.y,sz.width,sz.height,1) end
  18. Ok, I thought it was a problem, you can solve it by putting near the fire trees that are not part of the vegetation system. Although I was thinking of the headlights of a car on a road in the middle of the forest, but I suppose I can survive without that.
  19. --################################################ --## Proyecto : Pawn. --## Sitio Web : https://www.iris3dgames.xyz --## Fichero : Main.lua --## Scripter : Yue Rexie. --################################################ --## Notas : Fichero principal de entrada --## al programa en Script Lua. --################################################ --## Class. import "Scripts/Class/App.lua" import "Scripts/Class/Menu.lua" --## New Object App. local myApp = App:New("Pawn 0.0 | Alpha") myApp:InitGraphics(800,600) myApp:LoadMap("start") --## New Object Menu. local myMenu = Menu:New() myMenu:CreateGUI() while myApp:Exit() == false do myApp:UpdateWorld() end The question is, those objects are removed on their own at the end of the program?
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