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Everything posted by Yue

  1. Here? https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/releases
  2. Also for the decal system.
  3. World:GetCurrent():FindEntity ("generic"): Hide () I tested this on 4.6 from a script file, and it worked correctly.
  4. I don't think you can move forward unless you indicate a jump spot to move. It's like marking the position and then appearing in that place. I don't know about that technology, but it seems that it's up to a command to establish that position.
  5. No matter what values you enter, the blue mesh does not appear.
  6. I'd like Environment Probes to have the climber as well as the brush. To correctly manipulate the space they occupy.
  7. I think it has to do with the rotation axes when exporting the fbx, I think it is necessary to verify in which rotation angle it is exported. Another thing is to try with the old leadwerks import tool that is in the tools directory.
  8. The only light that produces shadows, is the directional light in a land with vegetation.
  9. There was a change in the model importer, and the problem is that the model is exported from milkshape without normals, so the most practical solution is to use the oldest tool, which is within the directory of leadwerks tools. I don't really know if we will have thought about solving it, but I think that with the old tool it goes very well.
  10. Spotlight does not cast shadow on the vegetation of a terrain. Any suggestions? it only casts shadow with directional light.
  11. An example of how this type of data is used.
  12. Yue

    Terrain LE

    Post number 1000!
  13. Yue

    Terrain LE

    I like this one a lot..
  14. Yue

    Terrain LE

    A simple terrain for the cover of my website.
  15. local numero = 300 function ImprimirNumero() System:Print( numero ) end ImprimirNumero() For some reason I expected the variable not to be accessible from inside the function. In the debugger I see the value of the variable, and I thought that since it was local that would be impossible, why do I have this behavior?
  16. Yue

    Moon Sky

    From my own experience, finishing a game is usually epic, in my case I learn and learn things.
  17. function this:CreateSprings() --this:CreateSpring( this.springs[0], this.chassis ) for s = 0, 3 do this:CreateSpring( this.springs[s], this.chassis ) end end This yes work. function this:CreateSprings() --this:CreateSpring( this.springs[0], this.chassis ) for s = 0, 3 do this:CreateSpring( this.springs[0], this.chassis ) end end Any suggestions?
  18. The rotation gizmo is usually the same, you just don't move the object anymore but when you select an axis, it rotates the selected object. It could be a mistake, and it's time to report it. To use the dlc you go to steam and install them, or equally in the icon of the box in the bar of objects, to the being already bought you can install them without problems.
  19. Yue

    Car System

    Progress is evident, trial and error, this in the end tires, but I have learned new things. I don't think I'll ever play a game, but the little things I do are like filling out a crossword puzzle. MY car would never work, because I made it very big and as a measure now I have the height of character controller. -- Pivots Springs. Script.pSpring1 = nil --entity "Pivot Spring 1 :" Script.pSpring2 = nil --entity "Pivot Spring 2 :" Script.pSpring3 = nil --entity "Pivot Spring 3 :" Script.pSpring4 = nil --entity "Pivot Spring 4 :" -- Mesh Wheels. Script.mWheel1 = nil --entity "Mesh Wheel 1 :" Script.mWheel2 = nil --entity "Mesh Wheel 2 :" Script.mWheel3 = nil --entity "Mesh Wheel 3 :" Script.mWheel4 = nil --entity "Mesh Wheel 4 :" -- Classes. import("Scripts/Vehicle/Classes/vehicle.lua") vel = 10 function Script:Start() self.jeep = vehicle.New() -- Springs. self.jeep:CreateSpring( self.pSpring1, self.entity ) self.jeep:CreateSpring( self.pSpring2, self.entity ) self.jeep:CreateSpring( self.pSpring3, self.entity ) self.jeep:CreateSpring( self.pSpring4, self.entity ) -- Weels. self.llanta1 = self.jeep:CreateWheel( self.pSpring1, self.mWheel1 ) self.llanta2 = self.jeep:CreateWheel( self.pSpring2, self.mWheel2 ) self.llanta3 = self.jeep:CreateWheel( self.pSpring3, self.mWheel3 ) self.llanta4 = self.jeep:CreateWheel( self.pSpring4, self.mWheel4 ) end local vel = 0 function Script:UpdateWorld() if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.J) then self.entity:AddForce(0,500*6,0) end if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.X) then self.llanta1:SetAngle(self.llanta1:GetAngle() - 100 ) self.llanta2:SetAngle(self.llanta2:GetAngle() - 100 ) self.llanta3:SetAngle(self.llanta1:GetAngle() - 100 ) self.llanta4:SetAngle(self.llanta1:GetAngle() - 100 ) if vel < 2000 then vel = vel + 10 end else vel = 0 end self.llanta1:SetMotorSpeed(vel) self.llanta2:SetMotorSpeed(vel) self.llanta3:SetMotorSpeed(vel) self.llanta4:SetMotorSpeed(vel) System:Print(vel) end TEMP 10_05_2019 0_02_46.mp4
  20. Script.vel = 10 function Script:UpdateWorld() --self.suspT0:EnableMotor() local ventana = Window:GetCurrent() if ventana:KeyDown(Key.J) then self.entity:AddForce(0,25000,0) end self.vel = self.vel + 1000000 self.llanta:EnableMotor() self.llanta:SetMotorSpeed(self.vel) self.llanta:SetAngle(self.llanta:GetAngle()-100) self.llanta1:EnableMotor() self.llanta1:SetMotorSpeed(self.vel) self.llanta1:SetAngle(self.llanta:GetAngle()-100) end TEMP 09_05_2019 0_41_55.mp4
  21. -- Clases. import("Scripts/Vehiculo/Clases/vehiculo.lua") -- Suspención. --*************** -- Ejes traseros. Script.ejeAmT1 = nil --entity "Eje T1" Script.ejeAmT2 = nil --entity "Eje T2" -- Ejes delanteros. Script.ejeAmF1 = nil --entity "Eje F1" Script.ejeAmF2 = nil --entity "Eje F2" -- Ejes Dirección llantas delanteras. Script.ejeDir1 = nil --entity "Eje DF1" Script.ejeDir2 = nil --entity "Eje DF2" -- Llantas Traseras. Script.llantaT1 = nil --entity "Rueda T1" Script.llantaT2 = nil --entity "Rueda T2" -- Llantas Delanteras. Script.llantaF1 = nil --entity "Rueda F1" Script.llantaF2 = nil --entity "Rueda F2" function Script:Start() -- Se crea el objeto jeep. jeep = vehiculo:New() -- Se crean los amortiguadores traseros. jeep:InitSusp(self.ejeAmT1,self.entity) jeep:InitSusp(self.ejeAmT2,self.entity) -- Se crean los amortiguadores delanteros. jeep:InitSusp(self.ejeAmF1,self.entity) jeep:InitSusp(self.ejeAmF2,self.entity) -- Se crea los motores ruedas Traseras. jeep:InitMotorRuedas( self.llantaT1, self.ejeAmT1) jeep:InitMotorRuedas( self.llantaT2, self.ejeAmT2) -- Se crea los motores ruedas Delanteras. jeep:InitMotorRuedas( self.llantaF1, self.ejeDir1 ) jeep:InitMotorRuedas( self.llantaF2, self.ejeDir2 ) -- Se crea los motores de dirección de las llantas frontales. jeep:InitMotorDir( self.ejeDir1, self.ejeAmF1) jeep:InitMotorDir( self.ejeDir2, self.ejeAmF2) end function Script:UpdateWorld() --self.suspT0:EnableMotor() local ventana = Window:GetCurrent() if ventana:KeyDown(Key.J) then self.entity:AddForce(0,25000,0) end end This Script.
  22. Some suggestion, I don't understand this mistake.
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