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Everything posted by havenphillip
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
Ok I figured out if I do it like this it works: local healthRegen = 0.001 * (Time:GetSpeed()) * self.healthRegen So here's everything I added to the FPSPlayer to get health regen. Thanks, ya'll: Script.healthRegen = 10 --float "Health Regen Rate" function Script:UpdateWorld() --Regenerate Health if self.health < self.maxHealth and self.health > 0 then local healthRegen = 0.001 * (Time:GetSpeed()) * self.healthRegen self.health = self.health + healthRegen end self.health = Math:Clamp(self.health, 0, self.maxHealth) -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
Nice! That worked. I was wondering what clamp meant. -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
That's all it is. It's plugged into the FPSPlayer with the Status Bars from the Workshop. But here's what I have: import "Scripts/Functions/ReleaseTableObjects.lua" Script.health = 100 --int "Health" Script.maxHealth = 100 --float "Max Health" Script.healthRegen = 0.005 --float "Health Regen Rate" Script.stamina = 1000 --float "Stamina" Script.maxStamina = 1000 --float "Max Stamina" Script.mouseSensitivity = 15 --float "Mouse sensitivity" Script.camSmoothing = 2 --float "Cam smoothing" Script.moveSpeed = 2.5 --float "Move Speed" Script.speedMultiplier = 1.5 --float "Run Multiplier" Script.strafeSpeed = 4 --float "Strafe Speed" Script.playerHeight = 1.8 --float "Player Height" Script.jumpForce = 8 --float "Jump Force" Script.flashlighton = false --bool "Flashlight on" Script.useDistance = 3 Script.alive=true Script.eyeheight=1.4 Script.footstepwalkdelay = 500 Script.footsteprundelay = 300 Script.weaponfile=""--path "Weapon" "Prefab (*.pfb):pfb|Prefabs" Script.input={} Script.maxcarryweight=5 Script.throwforce = 500 Script.isairborne=false Script.bloodindex=1 Script.teamid=1--choice "Team" "Neutral,Good,Bad" Script.hurtoffset=Vec3(0) Script.smoothedhurtoffset=Vec3(0) Script.mouseDifference = Vec2(0,0) Script.playerMovement = Vec3(0,0,0) Script.tempJumpForce = 0 Script.IsClimbing = false Script.climbingSpeed = 2 --float "Climbing Speed" function Script:CycleWeapon(direction) local n,weapon local foundindex=false local prevweapon if direction==1 then for n,weapon in pairs(self.weapons) do if foundindex then self:SelectWeapon(n) return end if self.currentweaponindex==n then foundindex=true end end if foundindex then for n,weapon in pairs(self.weapons) do self:SelectWeapon(n) return end end else for n,weapon in pairs(self.weapons) do if prevweapon then if self.currentweaponindex==n then self:SelectWeapon(prevweapon) return end end prevweapon=n end if prevweapon then self:SelectWeapon(prevweapon) end end end function Script:AddWeapon(weapon) if weapon.index==nil then weapon.index=1 end if self.weapons[weapon.index]==nil then self.weapons[weapon.index]=weapon self.weapons[weapon.index].player = self self.weapons[weapon.index].entity:SetParent(self.weapontag) self.weapons[weapon.index].entity:SetPosition(self.weapons[weapon.index].offset) if self.weapons[weapon.index].rotation~=nil then self.weapons[weapon.index].entity:SetPosition(self.weapons[weapon.index].rotation) end self.weapons[weapon.index].entity:Hide() if weapon.index>self.currentweaponindex then self:SelectWeapon(weapon.index) end if self.sound.pickupweapon~=nil then self.sound.pickupweapon:Play() end return true end return false end function Script:SelectWeapon(index) if index~=self.currentweaponindex then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].entity:Hide() end self.currentweaponindex = index if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].entity:Show() end self.weaponlowerangle=90 self.suspendfire=false self.weapontag:SetRotation(self.weaponlowerangle,0,0) end end --This function will be called when an entity is loaded in a map. Use this for intitial setup stuff. function Script:Start() self.spawntime = Time:GetCurrent() self.count = 0 self.weapons={} self.currentweaponindex=-1 self.camRotation = self.entity:GetRotation(true) self.weaponlowerangle=0 self.image={} self.image.crosshair = Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/crosshair.tex") self.image.hand = Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/use.tex") self.image.blood={} self.image.blood[1]=Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/blood1.tex") self.image.blood[2]=Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/blood2.tex") self.image.blood[3]=Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/blood3.tex") self.image.blood[4]=Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/blood4.tex") --Load shared sounds self.sound={}--table to store sound in self.sound.flashlight=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/flashlight_02_on.wav") self.sound.damage={} self.sound.damage[1]=Sound:Load("Sound/Impact/body_punch_03.wav") self.sound.damage[2]=Sound:Load("Sound/Impact/body_punch_04.wav") self.sound.pickupweapon=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/pickupammo.wav") self.sound.footsteps={} self.sound.footsteps.concrete={} self.sound.footsteps.concrete.step={} --self.sound.footsteps.concrete.step[1] = Sound:Load("Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step1.wav") --self.sound.footsteps.concrete.step[2] = Sound:Load("Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step2.wav") --self.sound.footsteps.concrete.step[3] = Sound:Load("Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step3.wav") --self.sound.footsteps.concrete.step[4] = Sound:Load("Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step4.wav") --self.sound.footsteps.concrete.jump = Sound:Load("Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/jump.wav") self.bloodoverlay={} self.entity:SetPickMode(0) --Set the type for this object to player self.entity:SetKeyValue("type","player") local mass = self.entity:GetMass() if self.entity:GetMass()==0 then Debug:Error("Player mass should be greater than 0.") end --Create a camera self.camera = Camera:Create() self.camera:SetFOV(70) self.camera:SetRange(0.05,1000) self.camera:SetMultisampleMode((System:GetProperty("multisample","1"))) --Set the camera's rotation to match the player self.camera:SetRotation(self.entity:GetRotation(true)) --Set the camera position at eye height self.camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true)+Vec3(0,self.eyeheight,0)) --Create listener self.listener = Listener:Create(self.camera) --Add fog to camera self.camera:SetFogMode(true) self.camera:SetFogRange (0,40) self.camera:SetFogColor (0.9,0.9,0.9,0.08) self.camera:SetFogAngle (0, 180) self.camera:SetClearColor(0.721, 0.352, 0,1) --Create flashlight self.flashlight = SpotLight:Create() self.flashlight:SetParent(self.camera,false) self.flashlight:SetPosition(0.2,-0.1,0) self.flashlight:SetRotation(10,-3,0) self.flashlight:SetConeAngles(30,10) self.flashlight:SetShadowMode(Light.Dynamic+Light.Static) if self.flashlighton==false then self.flashlight:Hide() end --Load the default weapon, if one is set self.weapontag = Pivot:Create(self.camera) --Hitbox for bullets self.entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Character) local hitbox = Model:Box(0.5,1.8,0.5) hitbox:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()) hitbox:Translate(0,0.9,-1) hitbox:SetParent(self.entity,true) hitbox:SetCollisionType(Collision.Prop) hitbox:SetShadowMode(0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --We want the player model visible in the editor, but invisible in the game --We can achieve this by creating a material, setting the blend mode to make --it invisible, and applying it to the model. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local material = Material:Create() material:SetBlendMode(5)--Blend.Invisible self.entity:SetMaterial(material) hitbox:SetMaterial(material) material:Release() self.entity:SetShadowMode(0) local window = Window:GetCurrent() local context = Context:GetCurrent() window:SetMousePosition(Math:Round(context:GetWidth()/2), Math:Round(context:GetHeight()/2)) self.camera:SetRotation(self.camRotation) if self.weaponfile~="" then local prefab = Prefab:Load(self.weaponfile) if prefab~=nil then if prefab.script~=nil then self:AddWeapon(prefab.script) else prefab:Release() end end end end function Script:Release() self.listener:Release() self.flashlight:Release() if self.corpse~=nil then self.corpse:Release() self.corpse=nil end ReleaseTableObjects(self.sound) ReleaseTableObjects(self.image) local k,v for k,v in pairs(self.weapons) do v:Release() end end function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed) if speed>20 then self:Hurt(5) end end function Script:Hurt(damage,distributorOfPain) if self.health>0 then self.sound.damage[math.random(#self.sound.damage)]:Play() self.health = self.health - damage self.hurtoffset = Vec3(math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1),0):Normalize()*30 local blood = {} local n=1 blood.texture=self.image.blood[math.random(1,4)] blood.intensity=1 table.insert(self.bloodoverlay,blood) if self.bloodindex>4 then self.bloodindex=1 end if self.health<=0 then self:Kill() end end end function Script:Kill() self.corpse = Pivot:Create() local shape = Shape:Load("Models/Characters/Generic/corpse.phy")--this shape is made from a low-poly CSG sphere, so it will roll around a bit but come to a stop quickly self.corpse:SetShape(shape) if shape~=nil then shape:Release() end self.flashlight:Hide() if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:Hide() end self.corpse:SetMass(5) self.corpse:SetMatrix(self.camera:GetMatrix()) self.camera:SetParent(self.corpse) self.camera:SetPosition(0,0,0) self.camera:SetRotation(0,0,0) self.corpse:SetCollisionType(Collision.Prop) self.corpse:SetSweptCollisionMode(true) self.entity:SetCollisionType(0) self.corpse:SetFriction(10,10) local maxomega=5 self.corpse:SetOmega(Vec3(math.random(-maxomega,maxomega),math.random(-maxomega,maxomega),math.random(-maxomega,maxomega))) local v = self.entity:GetVelocity() if v:Length()>1 then v=v:Normalize() end self.corpse:SetVelocity(Vec3(math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1))) --self.entity:SetMass(0) -- Line deleted because game crash if you die self.entity:SetPhysicsMode(Entity.RigidBodyPhysics) end function Script:FindUsableEntity(entity) while entity~=nil do if entity.script then if type(entity.script.Use)=="function" then --If "enable" has not been set, it still won't be "false" so this will pass: if entity.script.enabled~=false then return entity else return nil end end end entity = entity:GetParent() end return nil end function Script:UpdateWorld() --Regenerate Health if self.health < self.maxHealth and self.health > 0 then local regenRate = self.healthRegen * (Time:GetSpeed()) self.health = self.health + regenRate end if self.health >= self.maxHealth then self.health = self.maxHealth end if self.health <= 0 then self.health = 0 end --Put this under post-render function: context:DrawText("Health: "..Math:Round(health).."/100",2,2) local currenttime = Time:GetCurrent() if self.lastweaponhittesttime==nil then self.lastweaponhittesttime=0 end if currenttime - self.lastweaponhittesttime>100 then self.lastweaponhittesttime=currenttime local pickinfo=PickInfo() local p1 = Transform:Point(0,0,0,self.camera,nil) local p2 = Transform:Point(0,0,0.6,self.camera,nil) local pickmode = self.entity:GetPickMode() self.entity:SetPickMode(0) --if self.entity.world:Pick(p1,p2,pickinfo,0.25) then -- self.weaponlowered=true --else -- self.weaponlowered=false --end self.entity:SetPickMode(pickmode) end if self.weaponlowered then self.weaponlowerangle = self.weaponlowerangle + 4 * Time:GetSpeed() else self.weaponlowerangle = self.weaponlowerangle - 4 * Time:GetSpeed() end self.weaponlowerangle = math.max(0,math.min(self.weaponlowerangle,90)) self.weapontag:SetRotation(self.weaponlowerangle,0,0) --Exit the function early if the player is dead if self.health<=0 then return end local window = Window:GetCurrent() local context=Context:GetCurrent() if window:KeyHit(Key.P) then self.camera:SetDebugPhysicsMode(true) end if self.isairborne==true then if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:BeginLand() end end end self.isairborne = self.entity:GetAirborne() --Mouse look self.currentMousePos = window:GetMousePosition() window:SetMousePosition(Math:Round(context:GetWidth()/2), Math:Round(context:GetHeight()/2)) self.currentMousePos.x = Math:Round(self.currentMousePos.x) self.currentMousePos.y = Math:Round(self.currentMousePos.y) if self.mousezpos==nil then self.mousezpos=0 end if self.currentMousePos.z~=self.mousezpos then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex] then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].currentaction==nil then for n=1,math.abs(self.currentMousePos.z-self.mousezpos) do if self.currentMousePos.z>self.mousezpos then self:CycleWeapon(-1) else self:CycleWeapon(1) end end self.mousezpos=self.currentMousePos.z end else self.mousezpos=self.currentMousePos.z end end self.mouseDifference.x = Math:Curve(self.currentMousePos.x - Math:Round(context:GetWidth()/2),self.mouseDifference.x,3) self.mouseDifference.y = Math:Curve(self.currentMousePos.y - Math:Round(context:GetHeight()/2),self.mouseDifference.y,3) self.camRotation.x = Math:Clamp(self.camRotation.x + self.mouseDifference.y / self.mouseSensitivity,-90,90) self.camRotation.y = self.camRotation.y + (self.mouseDifference.x / self.mouseSensitivity) --Adjust the view shake self.hurtoffset.x = Math:Inc(0,self.hurtoffset.x,2*Time:GetSpeed()) self.hurtoffset.y = Math:Inc(0,self.hurtoffset.y,2*Time:GetSpeed()) self.smoothedhurtoffset.x = Math:Curve(self.hurtoffset.x,self.smoothedhurtoffset.x,3) self.smoothedhurtoffset.y = Math:Curve(self.hurtoffset.y,self.smoothedhurtoffset.y,3) --Set the camera angle self.camera:SetRotation(self.camRotation+self.smoothedhurtoffset) --Picking and usage local pickInfo = PickInfo() --Raycast Pick that is being send from the camera in to the world self.canUse = false local fire = false local currentime = Time:GetCurrent() if self.carryingEntity==nil then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].automatic then if window:MouseDown(1) then fire=true else self.suspendfire=false end else if window:MouseHit(1) then fire=true end end end end --Fire weapon if self.carryingEntity==nil then if fire then if self.suspendfire~=true then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].clipammo==0 and self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].automatic==true then self.suspendfire=true end self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:Fire() end end end --Throw object if holding one if self.carryingEntity then if window:MouseHit(1) then local dir = Transform:Vector(0,0,self.throwforce,self.camera,nil) self.carryingEntity:AddForce(dir) self:DropEntityCarrying() end end if window:KeyHit(Key.R) then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then if type(self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].CanReload)=="function" then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:CanReload() then self.suspendfire=false self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:Reload() end end end end if window:KeyHit(Key.E) then if self.carryingEntity then self:DropEntityCarrying() else local p0 = self.camera:GetPosition(true) local p1 = Transform:Point(0,0,self.useDistance,self.camera,nil) if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true) then --Looks for any entity in the hierarchy that has a "Use" function local usableentity = self:FindUsableEntity(pickInfo.entity) if usableentity~=nil then --Use the object, whatever it may be usableentity.script:Use(self) else if self.carryingEntity == nil then mass = pickInfo.entity:GetMass() --Pick up object if it isn't too heavy if mass>0 and mass<=self.maxcarryweight then self.carryingEntity = pickInfo.entity self.carryingobjectcollisiontype = self.carryingEntity:GetCollisionType() self.carryingEntity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Debris) self.carryrotation = Transform:Rotation(pickInfo.entity:GetQuaternion(true),nil,self.camera) self.carryposition = Transform:Point(pickInfo.entity:GetPosition(true),nil,self.camera) end end end end end end --The icon that shows that an object can be picked up or can be interacted with if self.carryingEntity == nil then local p0 = self.camera:GetPosition(true) local p1 = Transform:Point(0,0,self.useDistance,self.camera,nil) if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true) then if self:FindUsableEntity(pickInfo.entity)~=nil then self.canUse=true else local mass = pickInfo.entity:GetMass() if mass>0 and mass<=self.maxcarryweight then self.canUse = true end end end end end function Script:DropEntityCarrying() self.carryingEntity:SetCollisionType(self.carryingobjectcollisiontype) self.carryingEntity = nil end --[[This function plays footstep sounds in regular intervals as the player walks function Script:UpdateFootsteps() if self.lastfootsteptime==nil then self.lastfootsteptime=0 end if self.input[0]~=0 or self.input[1]~=0 then local speed = self.entity:GetVelocity():xz():Length() if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then if (speed>self.moveSpeed*0.5) then local t = Time:GetCurrent() local repeatdelay = self.footstepwalkdelay if speed>self.moveSpeed * (1+(self.speedMultiplier-1)*0.5) then repeatdelay = self.footsteprundelay end if t-self.lastfootsteptime>repeatdelay then self.lastfootsteptime = t local index = math.random(1,4) self.sound.footsteps.concrete.step[index]:Play() end end end end end]] --This function will be called once per physics update function Script:UpdatePhysics() --Exit the function early if the player is dead if self.health <= 0 then return end local window = Window:GetCurrent() --Fade out the screen blood if self.bloodintensity~=nil then if self.bloodintensity>0 then self.bloodintensity = self.bloodintensity-0.01 self.bloodintensity = math.max(0,self.bloodintensity) end end --Update the footstep sounds when walking --self:UpdateFootsteps() --Toggle the flash light on and off if window:KeyHit(Key.F) then self.sound.flashlight:Play() if self.flashlight:Hidden() then self.flashlight:Show() self.flashlighton = true else self.flashlight:Hide() self.flashlighton = false end end --Apply forces to make the carried object move the way we want if self.carryingEntity then local currentpos = self.carryingEntity:GetPosition(true) local pos = Transform:Point(self.carryposition,self.camera,nil) local rot = Transform:Rotation(self.carryrotation,self.camera,nil) local maxdiff = 0.5 local diff = pos:DistanceToPoint(currentpos) --Drop the carryinItem when the distance between camera and item exceed the pickdistance if diff>1.5 then self:DropEntityCarrying() else if diff>maxdiff then pos = currentpos + (pos-currentpos):Normalize()*maxdiff diff = maxdiff end self.carryingEntity:PhysicsSetPosition(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,0.25) self.carryingEntity:PhysicsSetRotation(rot,0.5) end end --Player Movement local movex=0 local movez=0 self.input[0]=0 self.input[1]=0 if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then self.input[1]=self.input[1]+1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.S) then self.input[1]=self.input[1]-1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then self.input[0]=self.input[0]+1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then self.input[0]=self.input[0]-1 end local playerMovement = Vec3(0) if self.isClimbing then playerMovement.y = self.input[1] * self.climbingSpeed playerMovement.z = self.input[1] * self.climbingSpeed self.entity:Move(0,playerMovement.y,playerMovement.z/10) else playerMovement.x = self.input[0] * self.moveSpeed playerMovement.z = self.input[1] * self.moveSpeed --This prevents "speed hack" strafing due to lazy programming if self.input[0]~=0 and self.input[1]~=0 then playerMovement = playerMovement * 0.70710678 end --if self.entity:GetAirborne() then -- playerMovement = playerMovement * 0.2 --end --Check for running with shift and when not carrying anything if self.carryingEntity == nil and window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) then if self.stamina > 0 then self.abletorun = true else self.abletorun = false end end if self.notrunning then if self.stamina <= 99 then if self.stamina == 0 then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) then self.stamina = self.stamina -1 end end end end if self.stamina < self.maxStamina then self.stamina = self.stamina +1 end if self.stamina == self.maxStamina then self.stamina = self.stamina +0 end if self.abletorun and window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and window:KeyDown(Key.W) then playerMovement.z = playerMovement.z * self.speedMultiplier self.running=true else self.running=false self.notrunning=true end if self.running then self.stamina = self.stamina - (2%Time:GetCurrent()) end -- Check for jumping local jump = 0 if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) and self:IsAirborne() == 0 then jump = self.jumpForce --self.sound.footsteps.concrete.jump:Play() if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:BeginJump() end --Give the player an extra boost when jumping playerMovement = playerMovement * 1.6 end -- Check for crouching --if App.window:KeyHit(Key.ControlKey) then -- crouched = not crouched --end --With smoothing --Position camera at correct height and playerPosition self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , false, 1.0, 0.5, true) end local playerPos = self.entity:GetPosition() local newCameraPos = self.camera:GetPosition() --local playerTempHeight = ((self:IsCrouched() == 1) and crouchHeight or playerHeight) newCameraPos = Vec3(playerPos.x, newCameraPos.y ,playerPos.z) if newCameraPos.y<playerPos.y + self.eyeheight then newCameraPos.y = Math:Curve(playerPos.y + self.eyeheight, newCameraPos.y, self.camSmoothing) else newCameraPos.y = playerPos.y + self.eyeheight end self.camera:SetPosition(newCameraPos) end --Return whether the player is airborne function Script:IsAirborne() return self.entity:GetAirborne() and 1 or 0 end function Script:PostRender(context) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) --[[this is if you want to see your ammo on screen if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then context:DrawText("Ammo: "..self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].clipammo.."/"..self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].ammo,context:GetWidth()-100,context:GetHeight()-100) end]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --Draw the blood overlay on the screen to indicate damage local k,v for k,v in pairs(self.bloodoverlay) do if v.intensity>0 then context:SetColor(1,1,1,v.intensity*0.5) context:DrawImage(v.texture,0,0,context:GetWidth(),context:GetHeight()) if self.health>0 then v.intensity = v.intensity-0.02 * Time:GetSpeed() end else self.bloodoverlay[k]=nil end end context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) if self.health>0 then if self.canUse==true and self.carryingEntity == nil then local pickUpX = math.floor((context:GetWidth() - self.image.hand:GetWidth()))/2 local pickUpY = math.floor((context:GetHeight() - self.image.hand:GetHeight()))/2 context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawImage(self.image.hand, pickUpX, pickUpY) else if self.carryingEntity==nil then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then if self.image.crosshair then local crossHairX = math.floor((context:GetWidth() - self.image.crosshair:GetWidth()))/2 local crossHairY = math.floor((context:GetHeight() - self.image.crosshair:GetHeight()))/2 context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawImage(self.image.crosshair, crossHairX, crossHairY) end end end end end context:SetBlendMode(1) context:SetColor(0,0,0,0.5) local indent=8 local w = 180 local h = 40 end --Return whether the player is crouching function Script:IsAlive() return self.alive and 1 or 0 end --TakeDamage function Script:TakeDamage(damage) --Decrease health self.health = self.health - damage; --Call OnHit output self:OnHit() --If health lower or equal to zero, the player is dead if self.health == 0 then self.alive = false --Call the OnDead output self:OnDead() end end --Increase health function Script:ReceiveHealth(healthPoints)--in --Increase health self.health = self.health + healthPoints; --Health can not be more then maximum health if self.health > self.maxHealth then self.health = self.maxHealth end --Call Health received output self.component:CallOutputs("HealthReceived") end --stamina bar function Script:StaminaBar(staminaPoints) if self.running then self.stamina = self.stamina - 1 end if self.stamina > self.maxStamina then self.stamina = self.maxStamina end end --when health is zero or lower, an output call is made function Script:OnDead()--out --Extra check to make sure that the player is no longer alive if not(self:IsAlive()) then self.component:CallOutputs("Ondead") end end --when the player gets damaged we call this output function Script:OnHit()--out self.component:CallOutputs("OnHit") end function Script:GetInventory() return self.entity:FindChild("PlayerInventory").script end -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
That's what makes sense to me, logically. But when I do it that way I take no damage at all. I have: Script.healthRegen = 0.005 -- float "Health Regen Rate" function Script:UpdateWorld() --Regenerate Health if self.health < self.maxHealth and self.health > 0 then local regenRate = self.healthRegen * (Time:GetSpeed()) self.health = self.health + regenRate end if self.health >= self.maxHealth then self.health = self.maxHealth end if self.health <= 0 then self.health = 0 end I tried to get a picture of it. You can see I just got hit and no damage: -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
Oops. Ok. Like this, then? The other thing now is how to turn it into a script.variable so I can adjust it in the side tab. I tried... script.healthRegen = 0.005... local t = self.healthRegen * (Time:GetSpeed())... ...but then my health stayed at 100 no matter what: function Script:UpdateWorld() --Regenerate Health if self.health < self.maxHealth and self.health > 0 then local healthRegen = 0.005 * (Time:GetSpeed()) self.health = self.health + healthRegen end if self.health >= self.maxHealth then self.health = self.maxHealth end if self.health <= 0 then self.health = 0 end -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
Cool I got this to work. So far so good: function Script:UpdatePhysics() --Regenerate Health if self.health < self.maxHealth and self.health > 0 then self.healthRegen = 0.01 * (Time:GetSpeed()) self.health = self.health + self.healthRegen end if self.health >= self.maxHealth then self.health = self.maxHealth end if self.health <= 0 then self.health = 0 end -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
I got the code working. Works well with the Math:Round() under the PostRender function but now I'm noticing the regen rate changes while I'm walking around. When I spawn in the first crawler attacks me and the health immediately jumps back. But as I walk around it is really slow. What would cause that? I'm using Time:GetCurrent() so maybe it has something to do with the frame rate or something? -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
Haha! Thanks. Chicks dig it. I have a lot of fun with Leadwerks and the community is really helpful. The appeal of it was that a noob like me can download it and make my own games and I'm finding that to be the case. I don't get stuck and just give up. Gratuitous feedback: I hope you end up making that Boner 3D program. I'd buy it. I'm learning the coding but I also want a way to make models and rig/animate them and a lot of these programs (looking at you, Blender) are horribly tedious and confusing. Possibly a lot more Leadwerks projects would come to fruition if there were some kind of modeling/rigging/animating program that was easily accessible to somebody like me the way Leadwerks is with the coding aspect. end rant -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
Awesome. I'll try that. I like the trigger delay version but I couldn't' get it to work and I'm a noob at coding so I get easily confused... -
Trying to make a health regen code...
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
Awesome I'll try this. -
Can't figure out how to make it show rounded numbers. Is this a quick fix or am I way off? I'm guessing using Math:Round() but I don't know how to plug it in. Here's what it looks like and the code I've got so far:
Is there some way to use the fog shader with a night skybox?
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in Programming
I got something worked out borrowed this script from Yue... ...put this in the FPSPlayer script under the start function. Works pretty good: --Add fog to camera self.camera:SetFogMode(true) self.camera:SetFogRange (0,40) self.camera:SetFogColor (0.9,0.9,0.9,0.08) self.camera:SetFogAngle (0, 180) self.camera:SetClearColor(0.721, 0.352, 0,1) -
Ok I did all that. I'd seen this before but I just went back to double check. The problem I'm having is that I can see the shadows lying across the ground in the perspective view of the console but when I run the game those shadows are gone. I have the material set to cast shadows and I have the cast shadows option selected in the terrain tool. But still nothing. Maybe it's worth mentioning that it's the vegetation painter that does this. If I plant the trees one by one the shadows work fine.
Is there some way to use the fog shader with a night skybox?
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in Programming
I looked at the script but I'm not a programmer. It looks like gibberish to me. I'm learning slowly and I fiddled with a few of the numbers but couldn't make it do anything and I don't want to break it. Do you have a link to that Klepto ground fog shader? That's exactly what I want. Just a little mist to give it that eerie feel. -
Change the character angle in the physics settings to 180, not the y-axis rotation in the general settings tab.
Can't open Leadwerks! What's this?
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
I'm not sure. I had closed the script window and it seemed to close Leadwerks altogether, but the icon was still open in my start menu bar. Nothing on screen, though. So I uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it and that's when I got the file lock problem. I went on Steam and followed their recommendations, clearing the library and repairing it, and rebooted my computer, then reinstalled Leadwerks and it worked but the icon was still showing up in my start menu but there was nothing on screen. I eventually resolved it when I hovered over that icon and popping up the mini-window pop-up, which was blank. I scrolled to the mini window pop-up and right-clicked/maximize window and it popped up. It seems as if Leadwerks had minimized itself to such a degree that I couldn't even see it on my screen, and I did check for that, lol. It works fine now. Must have been a glitch somewhere. Idk. I couldn't reproduce it but I roughly recreated it in GIMP: -
Can't open Leadwerks! What's this?
havenphillip replied to havenphillip's topic in General Discussion
My Leadwerks won't open. I uninstalled and reinstalled it. I turned my computer off and on. It won't start. It's saying I have this problem: C:\Program Files (x86)Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks\_CommonRedist\vcredist\2010\installscript.vdf I went there and tried to open it. Says it's locked? How do I fix this? I want back on my Leadwerks!
I'm a total noob. I posted this here then realized it's in the wrong spot and now I don't know how to delete it. I got frustrated and reported myself in hopes they'd take it down from the other end.
Nice. A response from the man himself. I did what you said and I didn't have any luck initially but I messed with it some more and for whatever reason ended up also changing the self:AddItem(item) in the PostRender function to self:AddItem(self.item) to see what would happen and those two changes seem to have done it. I have no idea why but It appears to be working perfectly now. Thanks, man!
Hey Community. I'm new to Leadwerks and I've been going through Aggror's Project Saturn and I got stuck at a point where I was unable to put items in the inventory. I moved some things around and found some scripts and got it to work but now my problem is I don't know how to add just one item to the inventory. It just adds the item to any open slot. I'm sure it's something dumb that I would never guess because I'm new to programming. I have the Player Inventory script attached to the Bottle the Inventory Item script is being imported to the Player Inventory. Also, it is saying System:Print("We place the bottle in the inventory") so I'm assuming I'm close. Could someone please help me out with this?