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Everything posted by havenphillip

  1. Sounds great, man. Congrats. I still don't like the subscription thing though. That's my only gripe. Everything else A+.
  2. Awesome. Thanks, man. I'll see what I can do with this.
  3. Yeah that'd be great. plane reflections.zip
  4. I don't have anything clamped. I did try clamping stuff but nothing seemed to affect it.
  5. Just using the shader from above. That's why I'm wondering if I need to use a script like a Render function or something. It does look like that in game too. The one I was using has a similar problem it looks ok until I look down then I get this. I dont' know what it is but it looks like maybe it has to do with the buffer not fitting to the screen?
  6. All I get with that are these weird lines. I'm not sure what they are. Like the buffer or something? Even on the one I was using I was getting a similar thing. Do you know what it is ? What's happening here?
  7. This is what I have: VERTEX: void main() { //entity matrix mat4 entitymatrix = entity.matrix[gl_InstanceID]; mat4 entitymatrix_ = entitymatrix; entitymatrix_[0][3]=0.0; entitymatrix_[1][3]=0.0; entitymatrix_[2][3]=0.0; entitymatrix_[3][3]=1.0; //model position ex_vertexposition = entitymatrix_ * vec4(vertex_position,1); gl_Position = projectioncameramatrix * ex_vertexposition; //clip float cam = cameraposition.y; float c = 2 * (cam - ex_vertexposition.y); vec4 e = ex_vertexposition; e.y += c; clipspace = projectioncameramatrix * e; //normals mat3 nmat = mat3(entitymatrix_); ex_normal = normalize(nmat * vertex_normal); ex_binormal = normalize(nmat * vertex_binormal); ex_tangent = normalize(nmat * vertex_tangent); ex_texcoords0 = vertex_texcoords0; } FRAGMENT: void main() { //Normal vec3 normal = ex_normal; normal = normalize(texture(texture1,ex_texcoords0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); normal = ex_tangent * normal.x + ex_binormal * normal.y + ex_normal * normal.z; normal = normalize(normal); vec4 clip = clipspace; clip.xyz *= vec3(1,-1,1); clip.x = (clip.x / clip.w) * 0.5 + 0.5; clip.y = (clip.y / clip.w) * 0.5 + 0.5; //Reflection vec4 reflection = texture(texture10,clip.xy)*0.8; //Diffuse Output fragData0 = reflection; }
  8. I was trying to make my own. So far I'm just using a shader. I'm basically just flipping the Y texcoord on the model so the image is flipped. But I can't seem to figure out how to make it move the opposite direction when I "yes" nod the camera.
  9. Would I need to use a script for this or can it be done entirely in the shader?
  10. Yeah this works. With this all you need to do is make a pivot, attach the script, and drag the player/camera into the script slot. The closer you get to the pivot the thicker the fog gets. fog zone.zip
  11. This is an interesting idea. I'm thinking maybe somehow use a PostEffect fog then thin it out or thicken it based on the distance of the cameraposition to the "center" of it. I'm going to try this. Something like: output = mix(regular screen, foggy screen, distance(cameraposition , self.entity:GetPosition())))
  12. I'm not that good at scripting but I think maybe put the self.Updatecamera() line in the UpdatePhysics() function? I think the Start() function would only update the camera once at the beginning and that's all. You want it to keep updating. Something like that
  13. Yeah man that's awesome. I'm glad you like them . I don't mind if you put me in there somewhere.
  14. havenphillip

    Art of the pull

    Macklebee was legit. Wish he was still here.
  15. havenphillip


    Yooooo...that looks awesome.
  16. If the problem's in the shader I can probably figure it out. If you get stuck you can send it to me and I'll fiddle with it. But my best guess - assuming it's not a bug, is that either the shader is not compiling or maybe you made a change and forgot to hit save somewhere so the changes didn't update.
  17. Looks like maybe the shader isn't compiling?
  18. Hey Josh how did you get the planar reflections to stop following the camera on the water? Seems like no matter what I do if I nod the cam "yes" the reflection wont' stay put. This is what I have. I'm stuck here: vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy/buffersize; if (isbackbuffer) coord.y = 1-coord.y; vec4 reflectcol = texture(texture10,coord); fragData0 = reflectcol;
  19. Will you have solved the refraction problem with foreground objects refracting by first release ?
  20. This is great dude Leadwerks needed this. I always had trouble with mist around waterfalls and water. Are you going to have the same z-sort/alpha system or is alpha going to be built-in to the standard mode?
  21. Subquestion how much do you think texture resolution plays into the speed? Like high res up close but low res far away.
  22. Looks like maybe the normal calculation on the model?
  23. Yeah sorry I didn't clarify. I added a normals from heightmap part to it to get an extra boost on the groove of the tread. I think if you don't want the heightmap used you can hide this line: normal = mix(heightnormal,normal,0.5); ...and remove the whole "normals from heightmap" section and it should work fine if you have a dramatic normal map.
  24. A lod system basically looks like three copies of the models and textures with varying degrees of polygons/resolution, right? Is any other thing to it? I always feel like I'm probably going to miss something obvious.
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