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Everything posted by havenphillip

  1. That's awesome, dude. That's how it goes for me. Just keep hacking it until you get something. The more time you spend changing numbers and values the more you understand it. Some resources you could investigate. Tons of shaders here. Flipping them over to Leadwerks isn't that hard: https://shaderfrog.com/app/ https://www.shadertoy.com/
  2. I think if I can figure this thing out I might be able to add foam at least. I do wonder how those big waves are created. Maybe vertex displacement or something.
  3. I've been meaning to pull the water shader apart to see how it works. I guess now is as good a time as any. Anything I should take note of specifically to get what I'm looking for like the fog or the amplitude or something?
  4. What about this? The foam around the rocks suggests to me that there is a way for the plane to "know" the shape of the things intersecting it. The question is what part of the shader knows that? http://fire-face.com/personal/water/
  5. I don't suppose you have a snippet that shows how to do this?
  6. Man I'm always in over my head. Sounds like what you're saying is a fresnel and using the DepthToZPosition that is in your water shader with vec3 screencoord? That's what I think I want. The problem I'm having is with the parallax shader. When I set things on it they look like they're floating above it. The rock highs and lows don't interact with like a box or tree model. So if you recall you can just cut the parallax texcoords and they appear to have a 3d "beyond the geometry" look. So if I can find all the intersections of items set on the parallaxed surface I can then discard those areas to give that impression on everything. UE's Pixel Depth Offset is the closest thing I've seen to accomplish this though I'm not entirely sure this is what they're actually doing. What approach do you recommend for solving that?
  7. What I really want is to make a plane on the ground and find all the objects that are intersecting it by the space they're occupying or the "hole" they're making in the plane. Ultimately I'm trying to develop a pixel depth offset effect like Unreal has but all their tutorials are using that goofyass node system. Some of them are doing this weird thing with that force field shader where they're using a depth buffer as a texture like "texture(depthbuffer, fragcoords);" What's the LE equivalent of that? Bounding boxes are probably good for finding the area but seems like a lot to do just to discard that space.
  8. Ok bounding boxes. Perfect. I'll start reading up on them.
  9. I just need to be pointed in the right direction is all. What's the term I should look up? Depth intersection? Something like that?
  10. I was thinking shaders but I'm not entirely opposed to Lua if I could get it to work. I'm looking at the forcefield shader I keep seeing all around the internet. It draws a line where the two intersect. https://cyangamedev.wordpress.com/2019/09/04/forcefield-shader-breakdown/
  11. Did you ever finish this? I was looking forward to it.
  12. ...or where can I find out how to do this? What's the term I should look up?
  13. Made a silhouette shader using geometry based on this idea of duplicating the mesh. It's got some bugs in it but I got the basic thing. Silhouette.zip http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Silhouette-Outlined_Diffuse
  14. What makes this impractical for game development, out of curiosity? Seems like they're going to attempt to make games out of it.
  15. Trying to make this toon shader. It's compiling but I'm seeing nothing. https://prideout.net/blog/old/blog/index.html@tag=opengl-silhouette.html
  16. You got them sharper dude I can tell. They look real.
  17. Here it is on the sphere. You can see it only works where you cut the texture:
  18. I've made it work on squares and rectangles but it's best for planes, like if you have a wall segment and want to spice it up you could do that, but put some pillars on either side. I tried it on a beveled cube but the smoothing breaks the parallax, and I made a wall that had a diagonal 45 degree angle and it couldn't make sense of the angle as I walked past it. It did the same with the parallax shader included with Leadwerks, so I figure that has to do with the TBN matrix. It doesn't like diagonals. Besides that, the cutting system I have is horrible because you have to reset it manually for each shape. I currently have to select the brush, click "Select Face" and then center it. Then I have to unhide the alpha square and adjust the size of it, and you have to get those numbers almost perfect or you go too far and don't cut enough and get gaps, or cut too much and lose the effect. So my problems are the cutting system, the sharp lines along the edges nearest the camera, and the FPS cost. I'd like to get it to a point where it works to maybe round the edges of the quad in the shader and generally solve the edge problems. I'm not that good though so it may take me awhile.
  19. Maybe a better explanation: I overlayed the two images so you can see it's all inside the geometry. The space you can see between the red line and the yellow line are actually repetitions of the texture which you can only see because the parallax "sinks in" the texture. You're actually seeing beyond the boundary of the quad. So all I'm cutting are those (infinite, I presume) repetitions of the texture that wouldn't normally be seen anyway.
  20. Thanks, man. It took a long time to get it there.
  21. Dude I sit and drool over the stuff you're making over there. I'll gladly try it with some of your stuff.
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