figured I ask. as that' s my goal to use it for but figure I better ask first just to be on the safe side. not really seeing allot on it is it suited for building a flight simulation is what I am looking to find out. I am looking in building a controller for a plane for a start. first just basic one lifts off the ground and flies. I have models loaded in to the engine and I guess next thing I am looking for how do control move and steer the plane . how do I interface with the engine model that I have loaded , I am working currently in lua code. not any examples on how to do that say like control a car first person. that, kinda new to this engine, looking for some information on this process. I don't want to get to far in, if its not suited for it. how does the engine and it elements connect to the lua code how do I reference the objects I have loaded in., like the plane and or carrier or any other object just need some info on this and how it done, to connect to plane object in lua code.
thanks. bg