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  1. Iain

    Leadwerks 5 Beta Rollout

    So, is it possible to change the render type of the engine? I know this may seem vague, but would it allow me to create my own shaders similar to UE4 and cryengine without performance hindrances? I'm not entirely sure if I am able to do it with this current version of leadwerks. I just find that the renderer of this editor to be clunky or very similar to the FEAR series.
  2. Nope, I'm beginning to wonder if it's my UV map. I've marked appropriate seams but one can only rule one thing out at a time.
  3. Yes, I have tried a multitude of texture sizes ranging from 256-4096 to see if that works.
  4. Thank you, I appreciate the reply. I use 8192 x 8192 textures. I try and play with the compression settings but the moment I click uncompressed leadwerks freezes up and closes. It isn't my system, maybe something to do with the editor?
  5. I hope not haha, writing shaders that actually looks like something I'd use with my programming experience would actually take me years. Thanks for your "non-expert" help, did help in parts.
  6. I've tried that multiple times, it was even suggested on other forums. Whenever I try and pull my 8k texture onto the UV, bake the textures and normal maps etc. Import it and blurry, can't really say it's my pictures. I did find out that some of the quality it kept if you go into texture paint mode and paint the textures onto the UV increases the quality but doesn't have the results I was expecting. I don't really want to go to another engine due to this, I'd prefer no royalty.
  7. I've been trying for the past couple days trying to figure out the reason why textures are being unnecessarily stretched to the point to which it is almost impossible to even see what texture was. I have the correct import scale. When importing it into Leadwerks It deforms the texture, even if I apply the correct shaders to comply with my normal/specular/displacement maps it stretches it along the longest face.
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