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  1. If I use the Boost library in my C++ code, will it break anything in Leadwerks? Cheers! -Caolan
  2. After you mentioned it though I went into the sections that the video was referring to and I see the materials and prefab the video referred to. Thanks for the nudge.
  3. Yes I have it up right now and am going through the script editor.
  4. Hello, New to game programming and LUA but not C++. I started going through the tutorial that walks through creating a simple game: C++, Lua and editor tutorials By AggrorJorn, March 14, 2013 in General Discussion but I couldn't get through the first video because Player Prefab, and other materials, are not there in the download of v4.4, Pro Ed. Is there an up-to-date version of the tutorial videos someplace? Or can someone point me to where I can download the assets so that I can follow along? Cheers! -Caolan
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