Yes, that would be ideal. There is a lot of synergy which comes out of that, not the least of which is applicability of examples, documentation, and so forth. However, that may be problematic unless Josh designs for it up front. Things like multiple inheritance and certain template features are hard to implement in C#.
Besides, if a primary design goal was official C# support that matched the internal OO model, then I think there is a bettery way to go about it: C++ Interop (more on that below).
OK so that's interesting (and is opposite of what was said earlier). So essentialy it had it's own PInvoke declarations (even if they were a direct source-copy) and didn't usethe other DLL. Good.
I'm hot on the idea. ;-) I'm sure it would save me some time, especially if the wrapper is already very .Net-ish, as that's how I roll. The .Net runtime is wonderful in it's consistency of implementation, and if what you've come up with has a similar look and feel then I'm sure it would save me a lot of effort.
Part of the issue I see with C# and LE3 going forward is it's going to become a layercake situation if you assume the solution should be architected the way it is today. If I'm understanding LE2 architecure correctly, today the procedural layer essentially is the engine. But with LE3+ it's going to be a layer built on top of the engine. Then PInvoke acts as an interop / marshalling layer on top fo that. Then there's an OO C# layer on top of that. Sure, the change in LE3 architecture will affect all languages that use the procedural layer, but PInvoke is like adding insult to injury. ;-)
It's clearly more work for Josh (or the community), but perhaps a better way to support C# would be through Managed C++ (C++ Interop) classes that extend the new C++ engine classes for LE3. That not only provides a level of type-safety that doesn't otherwise exist, but it is also faster (in some cases a LOT faster) at marshalling data since it does a simple bit-copy with no data wrangling needed. It would be a lot faster. More info...
Of course, no Mono support...but since we're talking Windows only that's really not a huge deal, is it? And if you really wanted to use Mono, then just use the procedural layer and PInvoke.
In summary, if the goal was to have a C# OO class hierarchy that matches the C++ hierarchy, then going through the future procedural layer via PInvoke really isn't the best way to do it. Furthermore, if tne new LE3 classes are designed with the knowledge that they will have a C++ Interop layer wrapped around them (pretty please Josh), then adding and mainting such a layer will essentially become a fairly trivial bookkeeping exercise (I've written code generators that do this for me). In theory wouldn't be too much extra effort to support, because the same set of documentation and examples apply to both.
- Rhino