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  1. Hey @JoshHave you seen Poly? They have both a free and paid service for AI textures
  2. Hey Josh, I just saw the video on the LeadWerks Software YouTube page about the editor. Super excited for the new engine. I am going to pick up a standard edition pre-order when I have money around the 15th.
  3. Hey @Josh If you do not mind me asking. How far away are we from the launch of ultra engine?
  4. Hey @Josh I am very excited for Ultra Engine. So as long as you do not do what Unity is doing with their absurd pricing structure I am good. Total side note: but If we could get Oculus Quest 2 support in Ultra Engine that would be amazing. Cannot wait to get my hands on Ultra Engine and the new Editor.
  5. Mr_SquarePeg

    Editor WIP

    I really like how it looks.:)
  6. I do not even know What the **** is going on Who Acquired Title As
  7. Good to hear that nothing special will be required to run and it will run well in Virtual Reality. I am on a MSI 570 8GB Video Card so hopefully it will be sufficient for this.
  8. Hey @JMichaelK Got a few questions about your Voxel ray tracing implementation - 1. What hardware is required to run this? 2. Does this work well in Virtual Reality? 3. Does this work well for large worlds?
  9. I shared this in the Quake modding discord server since you mentioned quake 3 mapping a few times. Hopefully it drives some more interest into turbo
  10. Why not make it a plugin for Turbo or would that not be feasible?
  11. So I posted this in the Lead Werks discord and I might as well post it here. https://coherence.io/
  12. Hey bit of heads up but check out UVMagic in the blender addons. It makes UV Mapping a breeze.
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