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Monkey Frog Studio

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Everything posted by Monkey Frog Studio

  1. That all sounds pretty awesome, actually. Thanks for taking the time to fill me in. Selfishly, all I care about, as an artist, is getting my assets into the engine as easily as possible. The less hoops I have to jump through, the better.
  2. Well, firstly, I didn't ask for it to be the DEFAULT file format, but recommended it as a format that could be supported by Leadwerks. And that was at least a year ago, too. Time moves on. Things progress. And as you worked with GLTF you found things you both liked and did not like. Due to the things you didn't like about GLTF (some of them mentioned in your post here), I then recommended USD as a possibility. Some are saying there are advantages USD has over GLTF. So, is there really any harm in looking at it? If you find that GLTF is great for what you want, then good. You've already done the work (or most of it), right? If you find USD is a viable option and provides benefits, then wouldn't you be happy to know about it? And when you do that, you then need a way for artists to get their content into your engine. That means exporting from their 3D package of choice into your custom file format. And that means someone creating and maintaining these export plugins for the various packages, such as Maya, 3DS Max, C4D, MODO, and Blender. Glad to hear it. That's a standard issue with CAD files in a non-CAD application.
  3. What is USD? Pipelines capable of producing computer graphics films and games typically generate, store, and transmit great quantities of 3D data, which we call "scene description". Each of many cooperating applications in the pipeline (modeling, shading, animation, lighting, fx, rendering) typically has its own special form of scene description tailored to the specific needs and workflows of the application, and neither readable nor editable by any other application. Universal Scene Description (USD) is the first publicly available software that addresses the need to robustly and scalably interchange and augment arbitrary 3D scenes that may be composed from many elemental assets. From: https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/docs/index.html
  4. USD is used to transfer, well, anything you can do in a 3D modeling program. So, it doesn't matter if you use 3DS Max, Maya, or even Blender. If you can import/export out USD, you can bring the entire scene (models, materials, animations (including bones, etc.), lights ... everything, in one shot (if you want). Unity already supports USD. Unreal is getting ready to (if they don't already). And most 3D modeling programs do, too. Apparently it has advantages over GLTF. USD Primer
  5. Have you thought about looking into USD/USDZ? It's evolving to be THE 3D file exchange format. I think several of the other game engines are now supporting it. https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/docs/USD-Frequently-Asked-Questions.html
  6. Sigh. I've stopped all development using Leadwerks (had stopped it some time back) because this one particular issue is a show stopper as far as I am concerned.
  7. What about the issue with going full-screen on some setups? Has this been looked at or fixed yet?
  8. Well, yeah. I agree. However, that's part of the problem right there ... CAD models. CAD is great when you need to physically build something from it. But it's pretty rotten when you need it for other things, like rendering or real-time 3D stuff. I've had a few jobs in the past taking CAD models for clients and reconstructing them accurately as SDS/poly models so that we could have reasonable render times. You'll definitely get the performance you need if you can not only convert these CAD files, but get someone to reduce them down. They look the same once reduced, but have a heck of a lot fewer polys!
  9. Ok. According to those that test video cards (just read several benchmarks), there is a pretty decent difference between a mobile 1070 and the desktop version. So, that is most likely the answer. So, like I had originally stated, the 1070, at least desktop, is fine for VR. Your slow-down issues are most likely due to the differences here. Since the OP was originally getting a card for a desktop, these differences don't matter. And since he had already purchased a 1080, it doubly doesn't matter. EDIT: apparently the main difference in speed comes from the power the GPU can draw upon. On the desktop, with a proper power supply, it's "unlimited". Not so on the average laptop. This can slow down the same GPU (1070 on a desktop vs. mobile) by 15% or more. On some game tests, the frame rate was HALVED on the mobile version.
  10. Sigh. You're not answering the question I had posted before. Is the 1070 mobile the same as a 1070 for desktop? Also, what are the system specs of that laptop that NASA is using with the 1070 installed. It can all make a difference. In any case, it doesn't affect me. I am not (yet) developing for VR. However, as stated previously, from the articles and reviews I've read thus far, there is actually little difference between the performance of the 1070 and the 1080. Yes, there is some. But for most, it is not noticeable. So, if there is a big difference between Leadwerks on a laptop with a 1070 and Turbo running on a completely different PC with a 1080, I would guess there are more differences than just the video cards.
  11. Half a million? That was just the Rover model. He stated some of the models they were using were over 2 million. Even so, I know this isn't for a real-time game engine, but I can normally manipulate a 3D model with well over 9 million polys in real-time in my modeling program. Heck, in Blender 2.8 I've had many millions more than that and was still able to move about in the view port in real time.
  12. Did you read through that thread I linked you to? Several of us have been having issues with Leadwerks not going true full screen. We played with just about every Nvidia setting we could think of and Josh eventually said it was a bug and he would make a fix for it ... eventually.
  13. Right. So, that's not really a problem with the 1070 and VR, but with optimizing the scene. But, once again, what version of the 1070 is this? Is it really a mobile version? Or a full 1070? I don't know how Nvidia is making their mobile cards these days, but there used to be big differences in performance between mobile cards and desktop cards, even in with the Nvidia 9 series.
  14. For Leadwerks not actually running full screen, check out this thread:
  15. Check out this thread: There seems to be an issue with Leadwerks on some systems when attempting to run full screen. The thing I notice is that all of us have Nvidia 10 series cards (1050, 1070, 1080).
  16. Yes. I get that you have a slowdown with VR on a 1070. Others don't have a noticeable slowdown with VR on a 1070. So, what does that say? However, which mobile card is it on the laptop? What are the specs of the laptop compared to the system with the 1080? I'm just curious.
  17. Yeah, I obviously can't speak to that as I don't have access to Turbo, etc. But with the games and VR applications made for and released to the public, the 1070 works just fine. In most cases, according to reviews and end-user experiences, the difference between the two cards is either negligible or not at all noticeable. So, if I were purchasing a video card (and not doing what you do) and was interested in VR, I would not hesitate to get the 1070. Than what? If Turbo is experiencing a noticeable slow down on the 1070 and not the 1080 in VR and these other games and applications are not (or not as noticeably) then there might be something else going on, I would think. Yes, the 1070 is slower overall than the 1080, but they use the same chip set (basically).
  18. According to just about everything I've read, the 1070 does just fine with VR (not the 1060, as it's a different chip, if I remember). The 1070 is a little slower and uses slower VRAM, but is not all that different than the 1080. One article even called the 1070 the "VR Sweet spot". https://newatlas.com/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1070-review-vr/44509/ On one of the REDDIT channels, they are saying VR on the 1070 is "smooth as butter" in all the games they played on it in VR. Now, that's not to say that the 1080 doesn't have more power. It does. However, a 1070 is just fine (and, in many cases, more than fine) for VR.
  19. You would do well with either the GTX 1070 or 1080. You really have to look into the differences between the two to see if the price difference is worth it. I am running a 1070 at the moment and there isn't a thing I can't run on it. All games run at their highest (ultra) settings, I create complex 3D models for work on it, etc. So, for me, I didn't have a need to dish out the extra for the 1080. But that's me.
  20. Jorn Theunissen has a few Leadwerks tutorials on terrain creation on YouTube. Of particular interest to you might be:
  21. I don't think they model it that way. In most games the rifle moves smoothly into position from it being held to right in front of your eyes. I think what they do (and I could well be wrong) is use another camera view for inside the scope that is zoomed in.
  22. Thanks for responding, Ma-Shell. But what I am really wanting to find out is if there is an advantage to using brushes to build level geometry vs. models, as far as performance in the game engine. There is an advantage when creating the geometry in the editor because you don't have to UV map brushes, textures instantly tile, and any CSG brush can be manipulated at any time (made longer, taller, etc.). So, let's say I build a simple room out of CSG brushes. This room consists of four walls, a floor, and a ceiling. In another level, I build the same sized room out of three models - one for the floor, one for the ceiling, and one for the wall (duplicated to make the four walls). Both the CSG room and the model use the same materials. So, would both have about the same performance? If, for example, CSG brushes had a significant speed advantage over models, then I would create most of the simple, flat stuff (floors, walls, etc.) out of them so I could take advantage of that and then create the more complex stuff (pipes, chairs, etc.) out of models. If, on the other hand, it's a toss up (i.e. similar brushes and models affect performance about the same), then I can do whatever I please ... models for walls or brushes ... whatever is best at the time. If models are easier on the engine, then I can build my entire interior level out of only models if I want. So, I am just looking at this from the perspective of performance, if that makes sense.
  23. So, does know one have any idea about this? Josh? Anyone?
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