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Monkey Frog Studio

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Everything posted by Monkey Frog Studio

  1. Thanks. This one was from Blender. Perhaps there is an issue there? I'm new to Blender. Been using MODO for years, though. And the MODO file I had tried previously did the same thing (no texture).
  2. Here you go. Thanks for looking into this for me. I appreciate it. Test1.fbx
  3. Hold on. I want to create another one for you without an original texture.
  4. Hello. I would love it if there were an option to "link" the ortho viewports (top, left, back) so that if you move the view in one, the others move, too, keeping the same focus. That way if you slide to a particular area in one view, the other views would go there, too. This makes it easy to move to an area in one view and edit in all ortho views. This could be a feature that can be turned on/off by the end-user. I've used something like this before, years ago, in another editor and it was really nice.
  5. Hello. I am new to the Leadwerks engine and am really enjoying learning it. Thanks for creating it! My background is a 2D/3D artist, so my suggestion will come from that perspective. Currently, there is very little to differentiate the move gizmo from the scale gizmo from the rotate gizmo. The only difference I've seen is the move gizmo has the extra handles that allow you to move objects along two axis at once. The scale and rotate gizmos are identical. It would be great if the Leadwerks editor had three different looking gizmos for each of the three modes. As pointed out before, the scale and rotate gizmos both are identical with arrows at the ends of each axis line. But arrow heads don't really convey rotation. And it is not the industry standard to have arrows for scale, but boxes instead. It would be great if the gizmo would change as follows: Move - same as it is now Scale - Replace arrows with boxes Rotate - Replace arrows with slight curves to indicate which direction you are rotating in Thanks!
  6. Hello! Does this work in Blender 2.79? I went to Add-Ons and used Install from File, but nothing shows up in the Blender Add-On window (i.e. there is no Leadwerks exporter to check). Thanks for any help with this.
  7. Hello. I am new to the Leadwerks engine, but am enjoying learning it. According to the help file, when you import an FBX file, the material/textures are automatically applied. However, I cannot get that to happen. I can convert my textures and normal maps to a material and then apply that material to my model in Leadwerks, though. So, that works. But what I am doing incorrectly that models come in without materials/textures applied? I've tried saving the FBX file and textures to my projects Models folder. They do get imported and converted automatically, which is nice. But the model appears white. I have to right-click on the texture to convert it to a material and then double click on the model to open the model editor so I can drag the new material onto it. Any help with this would be appreciated. For reference, I have tested using both MODO and Blender. Thanks.
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