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Everything posted by TheConceptBoy

  1. Trying to introduce my buddy to Leadwerks. Got this error when created a fresh project. PS This is a brand new win 10 machine that never ran VB or Leadwerks until now. edit: had to restart pc
  2. Haha well it was 200 on sale, which is why I was considering it. But it's not on sale anymore so oh well. It would have been an impulse purchase anyways as I none of the VR game ideas I have are the active ones I'm working on at the moment.
  3. Good day, could someone advise on a few questions. Can Microosft Mixed Reality Headsets used for game dev in Leadwerks / Turbo? This is the headset I'm looking at. https://www.staples.ca/en/HP-Windows-Mixed-Reality-Headset-With-Controllers-VR1000-100/product_2800476_1-CA_1_20001 It's affordable, comes with controllers. I just need something entry level that I can develop for: My main concern is developing a game on A Microsoft "mixed reality" headset and the game ending up not compatible with other headsets like HTC or Oculus. Is that a thing devs have to consider?
  4. Does this only work on spotlights? Can you provide a spherical map and apply it to a point light?
  5. Two questions. 1) Can you attach a sprite / map to a light source to get more interesting light types? Like a sprite attached to a flashlight to get that old classic flashlight look: 2) Can an emissive map cast light / be used as a light source? Perhaps one can attach a point light onto an missive object, and going back to question 1, attach a sprite to the light so that the light casing would at least resemble something other than a sphere of light.
  6. From what I've read at least. Substance Designer is a node based material creation tool. Aside from texturing, it handles the design of materials. I haven't used it yet, but that sounds awfully like being able to do more than just setting values of roughness, metall-ness, specular, etc. It sounds like you can use Designer to take vertex coordinate data, use noise generators and other nifty tools and create some gnarly looking materials.
  7. By masks, you mean textures? Is that what substance designer exports? Even all those bump and tesselation materials you can design in SD just get exported as textures?
  8. Substance Designer offers the Unreal Engine - like Node based Shader Creation system. Now when it comes to game logic and code, I find the use of nodes to be absolutely abominable. However with shaders, it seems to actually be quite a pleasant experience. Designer offers the easy to understand workflow for creating materials in much the same way Unreal Material Editor does, which means that if I can design my materials in Designer and export them to Turbo, that will be probably make me consider Turbo over Unreal for nearly all of my 3D projects. There's 13 hours left on the Steam Sale for Designer so I'd love to asap. Next sale will be at the end of 2019
  9. Hey, everyone! Substance Designer is on sale at the moment and since I already have Substance Painter, I'm debating on getting designer too. My last question was why Substance Painter textures looked so much different in Leadwerks than in Substance Painter Editor. And the answer to that was the fact that Painter uses Physically Based Rendering (PBR) Materials which use different algorithms for calculating shader effects from texture data. Then I was told that the next version of Leadwerks dubbed Turbo Engine will be using PBR Materials. Does this mean Materials exported with Substance Designer will be compatible with Leadwerks 5? Thanks
  10. From what I know, in C++ you have to create a class of the crate if you want it to have logic and to spawn multiples of them and then via C++ you have to create the instances using pointers. In the constructor of that class you then load up the 3D model and other assets pertaining to that crate object. That is my logic of it. I'm not sure IF you can even attach a c++ code snippet to an object in leadwerks in the first place. Perhaps I'm over thinking it and LW already offers a system in palce. I know it does for Lua but I'm working in C++. The dummy object is basically my solution since as far as I know, you cannot physically place/create objects in the LW editor that are are instances of a class that was declared in C++ using Visual Studio. Or maybe you do and I'm an idiot.
  11. In Lua, yes. There's a code editor built into Leadwerks. I'm not sure if that's also possible with C++ though. Can you do the same with c++ in the editor? Perhaps you'd know more on the subject.
  12. Oooo the attach thing would actually be great. If anything I think I ended up answering my own question above with the dummy object and a piece of code that replaces each dummy with a C++ class object.
  13. Ah, that's how you find the exiting entities placed in the level editor. So for the other one? Say I program an AI behavior in C++, I can turn it into a class and have the class load the model in the class constructor. How can one then use the leadwerks editor to place these class objects in the level, even if that's possible? I can certainly find ways around it, like create a dummy marker object that I place in the editor, then use the FindEntitiy on level startup and replace all dummy markers with C++ Class instances of the object with code. Just want to see if there is more than one way to get that done. Thanks
  14. Good day everyone and happy new year! The two questions in the title are related. From what I understand if you are using the leadwerks editor with Lua, you have the ability to create objects that have logic attached to them. So you can create a crate that makes a bell sound and explodes while spawning confetti particles when you get close to it. And then you can drag and drop as many of those boxes in your level as you want. In this case they act like instances of a class and I'm very familiar with it this sort of logic Game Maker studio. Now when using the C++ API, how does one go about creating these classes AND be able to place them in the level editor as instances? On another note. Say you placed a wall mesh in the editor and a some point in the level you need to delete that instance in C++, how do you go about grabbing the id of that mesh to delete it in C++ code? Thanks.
  15. Happy one, how's everybody doing. My recent experimentation with substance painter have resulted in some pretty wildly different results in leadwerks then what the model and textures look like in substance painter. Things like specular Maps looking fine in substance but causing over-exposed white dots in leadwerks are an example of what I am seeing. I will post a screenshot later on with the example when I get home. Now when setting up a substance painter project, you seem to require to set up which engine you are working with. You have some choices among the biggest ones like unreal and unity, among others. This tells me that substance painter has to adjust its shade or behavior according to the engine you are working with, which means that shaders seem to act slightly different from engine to engine depending on how they are programmed. So my question is, has anybody made a profile for substance painter to texture your model that would closely respond the way leadwerks renders 3D models with it's rendering engine at the moment. on the side note, I'm going to have to ask the same exact question just a little under two years from now when the next rendition of leadwerks with a brand new rendering engine comes out. So maybe this is actually something the devs may consider doing up on the release of the engine.
  16. So how much of the current leadwerks documentation is then compatible with Turbo? I'm reading that when you sign up, you get access to the turbo forum. So Perhaps thats where I can learn more about the functionality.
  17. Haha. Well that may as well be true. I like the name leadwerks. But now that, from the L5 landing page, I know that turbo is indeed leadwerks at it's core, I can rest easy knowing I can give it a go and concentrate on using it as a basis for my course.
  18. And to be honest, knowing its Leadwerks 5, makes me a bit more comfortable signing up to the beta and going off exploring the engine.
  19. To be honest, and this is just my opinion, I'd keep the Leadwerks brand. You already state in the Leadwerks 5 Landing Page that it uses the the well established Leadwerks editor, which makes it sound like there's a sense of familiarity instead of the sense of the unknown. With the confusion, I genuinely felt like once Turbo comes out, I would have to abandon everything I've already learned in leadwerks 4.5 and re-learn from scratch as if I went from Ureal Engine to Unity. I'd say there's no sense in starting a new brand line up when you already have a long lasting, established name that has some history and a track record. Unless Leadwerks has had some major PR Kaa Kaa attached to it's name, like getting a mars land rover to crash into the planet because the simulation was set to Feet but the rover programmed in Meters That would warrant an absolutely need to clear the name by creating a fresh brand. I know that TGC renamed FPS Creator Reloaded into Game Guru engine because the new engine was light years ahead of FPS Creator and FPSC was so old and dated at this point that they might have thought that the old engine would make the new engine feel old. Mind you, FPS Creator was made in 2008. FPS Creator Reloaded was out in 2016-2017... almost a decade of very little to no improvement.
  20. Ok, so could please clear something up for me as now I'm confused.... What in the world is this? https://www.leadwerks.com/5 and What is the difference between this? I'm genuinely confused. I thought Leadwerks was the one being retired to make way to Turbo Engine...
  21. I see. Well in that case, how much of Leadworks functionality is currently in Turbo as of right now? 3D Mesh with Bones, Physics, Audio? What's missing that Leadwerks has?
  22. Oh I'm solely concentrating on C++ actually. It is why leadwerks caught my attention in the first place. Getting started with a C++ 3D priject in Leadwerks is infinitely less complex than in Unreal. That's what appealed to me. I wasn't thrilled on the lua side, however when I found out that the Pro edition had C++ api, that's what sold me on it. How's the documentation for Turbo?
  23. I see. It makes sense from both of our perspectives. No sense in making a game in an engine to become obsolete, especially when the course would come out by the time the engine is nearing the end if it's life cycle. Is there a roadmap available yet for Turbo? Pre-production of a game takes mostly outside the engine, so I don't have to commit to Leadwerks at this stage. When, in the ball park of dates, would you say Turbo would be ready to be stable enough for commercial use? I'd imagine after a certain point the changes to the engine stop being so drastic the that any project made in it would require sever re-writing of it's code?
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