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  1. yes all rgiht---many thanks Agrror... I'lltry this today
  2. thanks I'll try and see even I did not understand so much what I have to do LOL
  3. right..but waht I dont know is HOW to specify the sequence number for the animation to play and how to attach that animatio to a specific event
  4. I thinnk would be nice to have a complete workflow pipeline o how to import animated character, give them the right animation and tell them when that animation must be played... I ask for that due I have some animated models from mixamo (fbx) and imported them into leadwerks but : 1: textures are gone and models show black and yellow 2: I can see animation in model editor but when I place the model into the scene it dont move 3: I dont know how I must do to make that model with step animation when move, run animation when running , idel aniamtion when is "idle", death animation when die and so on... plus I have several animations I bought in he past associate to a character and I dont know how I can "export " that animaton and import it into anothercharacter.... I think we need more documetation... I know Josh is making a great work but I think he needs some help to produce basic documentation (apart general leadwerks guide ) for specific tasks like that... Noobs (like m LOL) need help if is there a guideline to follow anyone can experiment himself... but if we dont know how to start all becaome more only frustrating... obviously IMHO...
  5. you are right ..but a simple tutorial with stesp to follow would be a good start for newcomers
  6. ok thanks.. but I did not understand anything.. I hope someoe can do a complete tutorial how imprt and set animations into leadwerks
  7. I dont have any loadweapon script-- In your tutorial I didnt see any loadweapon script if you are referring to fpsplayer script that contain the weaponscript...i didnt touch anything.. this... --Load the default weapon, if one is set if self.weaponfile~="" then local entity = Prefab:Load(self.weaponfile) if entity~=nil then if entity.script~=nil then entity.script.player = self self.weapon = entity.script self.weapon.entity:SetParent(self.camera) self.weapon.entity:SetRotation(0,0,0) if self.weapon.offset~=nil then self.weapon.entity:SetPosition(self.weapon.offset) else self.weapon.entity:SetPosition(0,0,0) end end end end
  8. I'm following the tutoria land I'm doinog exactly what Rick done ..I controlled for typos errors but not found anything
  9. nope..I trie ..but doens work
  10. Hi I'm following Ricky Weapon pickup tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWBGtJ7NQ4Y but after I attached the script to my weapon I have an error on line 30 that says Script.entered = false Script.exited = false Script.hadCollision = false Script.vModel = "" --path function Script:UpdatePhysics() if self.entered then if self.hadCollision == false then if self.exited == false then self.exited = true self.component:CallOutputs("TriggerExit") self.entered = false end end end self.hadCollision = false end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) self.hadCollision = true self.component:CallOutputs("OnCollide") if self.entered == false then self.component:CallOutputs("TriggerEnter") if entity:GetKeyValue("type") == "player" then entity.script.weaponfile = self.vModel entity.script:Loadweapon() self.entity:Hide() end self.entered = true self.exited = false end end
  11. I have the same issue.. I yhnik a good tutorial on workflow how to importa and set character animations would be good.
  12. ok thanks.. and which tools ca I do that.. so what it the easies and fastest way to importa character animations into leadwerks? i'm thinking o buy fuse that is on sale for few hours n steam..do you recomment it?
  13. I downlaod this pack from the workshop but I cant know how to use it. I created a prefab of the 2 weapons to try and applied them the fpswapon.lua but the edior crashes when I launch it.. I tried without he script attached but arms and weapon are not dislayed.. how can I solve that??
  14. but is I have some animatios bought form them with a character ..is there a way Can I export these animations and set the mon other charatcters without go into mixamo and pay again?
  15. Hi I'm asking if i thre a complete pipeline to create character from scratch , animate them and after put all into leadwerks.. I tried with my mixamo models but after I place them into leadwerks and scale them the animation doesnt play... must I use any script to acheive that'? additional I want to know if I but the daz3d package I can have models+animations working into leadwerks...
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