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Everything posted by grinseengel

  1. I use the FSP Player script which pretends leadwerk. Which script should I show? The player script or the script with the helisound?
  2. With the original script, it works with the volume control. Now the question arises to me how I can integrate this for the player. Sorry for my beginner questions.
  3. OK thanks for the help. I have the following code now. range = 100 --Load a sound local sound = Sound:Load("Sound/heli2.wav") --Create a source source = Source:Create() source:SetSound(sound) sound:Release() source:SetLoopMode(true) source:Play() source:SetPosition(Vec3(0,0,1)) source:SetRange(range) local listener = Listener:Create() listener:SetPosition(0,0,0) The problem now is that the sound is not heard anymore. It does not matter which range I enter. The sound is converted to mono. I do not understand that now with the listener. Where do I have to integrate and which parameters do I have to set? I ask for help.
  4. Thank you for your great work. I have some elements built into my project. As a basic level, I use The Zone. that fits 100 percent.
  5. Hello, I have a question about music and sound. In my project I have a helicopter to which I have assigned a sound. How can I program the sound louder and quieter depending on the distance of the player? The following code I have now for the fundamental play. sound = Sound:Load("Sound/military_helicopter.wav") source = Source:Create() source:SetSound(sound) sound:Release() source:SetLoopMode(true) source:Play() Are there any 3D sounds in Leadwerk? In this context I would like to know how to determine the distance between two entities. Andreas
  6. Where can I buy the version and what does it cost?
  7. Thanks alot. It works now..... A question about Leadwerk 5. Is the version already available and is it supported 4k?
  8. The scales in Windows, I've tried all three. 1) aspect ratio 2) Full screen 3) no scaling All settings have not changed the appearance. I have uploaded a start level. test1.rar
  9. I now have the version 4.6 installed. However, my problem has not changed. I can not get beyond a resolution of 1280x720 pixels. Can it be because I do not use a monitor but a TV device?
  10. Ok, to load the beta steam asks me a betacode. I can not download the 4.6 beta therefore. Where can I get that?
  11. Ok, that's what I did. 1) Project loaded 2) Publish project 3) Leadwerk finished 4) Project started from hard disk 5) max. Resolution = 1280x720 pixels in full screen 6) a higher resolution is not possible
  12. The resolution in the editor max 1280x 720 pixels is I understood. But I have even if the project is published only as a max. Resolution 1280x720 pixels. A max resolution of 1920x1080 pixels I can not select as a standalone game. What am I doing wrong?
  13. I use a 4k TV with a resolution of 3840x 2160 pixels.
  14. Ok, then is the max resolution at 1280x720 pixels? Or is there a way with Leaswerks also projects with higher resolution to create?
  15. Thank you for your prompt reply. However, this is exactly the script which is included in the tutorial level. My problem is that I can set in Editor mode and after the publish in the menu of the screen resolution max only 1280x 720 pixels. I can set a small resolution but none about it. Since my graphics card and my current games under 4k run I do not understand. Is it possibly the version of Lead Works?
  16. Ok, I have the possibility to get a 4k resolution. I have a Gforce 1070. In the script I find the following code: "local gfxmode = System: GetGraphicsMode (System: CountGraphicsModes () - 1) if System: GetProperty ("devmode") == "1" then gfxmode.x = math.min (1280, gfxmode.x) gfxmode.y = Math: Round (gfxmode.x * 9/16) windowstyle = Window.Titlebar " How can I change the resolution? Greetings Andreas
  17. Ok, I have the possibility to get a 4k resolution. I have a Gforce 1070. In the script I find the following code: "local gfxmode = System: GetGraphicsMode (System: CountGraphicsModes () - 1) if System: GetProperty ("devmode") == "1" then gfxmode.x = math.min (1280, gfxmode.x) gfxmode.y = Math: Round (gfxmode.x * 9/16) windowstyle = Window.Titlebar " How can I change the resolution? Greetings Andreas
  18. Thanks for the quick help. ? Now I have another question. Which max resolution does the engine have? In the demo levels you can only set a maximum of 1280 pixels. Greetings Andreas
  19. Hello, I am a total beginner and I have a question about publishing. I have uploaded a tutorial map (07-AI und events) and would like to publish it. However, I get as a result always only one level with two simple blocks. What am I doing wrong? Greetings Andreas
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