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Posts posted by SpiderPig

  1. Do you use C++?When yes create and other world ,render first the other world(s) and set than the motionblur shader/whatever and render the world with your helicopter rotor.But don't forget to set the shader after rendering your "motionblur world" to NULL.


    I use C++. Thanks for the input.



    I agree with this. It seems to be the way its most commonly done... Also it will reduce the performance hit that the motion blur post processing will cause with the other method


    This seems the more likely approach. Rather than wasting processing time on other worlds, buffers and effects.


    @Naughty Allen; Don't suppose you could give us a little preview of how good it looks? biggrin.png

  2. Thats the way i do stuff like this and it's the only way i can think of.


    Looks like I'll be giving this a try then.

    Does Leadwerks 3D have a better way of doing this? I saw somewhere in the past that Josh was working on motion blur - unless I was imaging things blink.png

  3. I've had a look through the tutorial, thanks.

    What I'd like to do is have the blur effect only on a single object in the world; like the propeller on a plane or the rotor of a helicopter. What would you suggest? Would the best way be too load all my "Motion Blur" objects into a separate world and render this world to the BackBuffer after processing the blur effect? Any help is greatly appreciated. ;)

  4. you guys have this issue in the Editor? with the deserthighway? just loading it or making a change to the road then saving it and reloading? just curious because i cant get mine to crash... even made a small road scene as well and couldnt get it to crash...


    Yeah, in the editor loading the deserthighway and after loading a small road scene. I havn't edited anything in the road nodes. And as I said, I re-downloaded the road files just to be sure...maybe i should try a clean install.... :)

  5. I want to have each LOD level of a model too execute a script... Should it be done with the GetModelLODEntity() command?

    I've tried giving the models LOD1.gmf a script of it's own but it doesn't seem to execute when the LOD level changes in the editor...

    Any ideas? :mellow:

  6. Hey guys, got a problem with the fbxtogmf.exe... I export a mesh as .fbx from blender which has several sub-meshes and it looks fine in the .gmf viewer - but looking down the list of meshes in the viewer and at the rotations for them, it has random numbers instead of just 0,0,0 like it shows in blender...any one had this problem before? :D

  7. Not exactly a feature for Leadwerks, but sort of - It would be nice for the UU3D .gmf exporter to export object groups so that they can be found by the GetChild() commands. At

    the moment it just exports as one object...

    What would be even better - a .gmf import / export for Blender! ;)

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