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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1541690/Concealment/
  2. Yeah. I completely worked hard and forgot to write here about the release of the game.
  3. I forgot to switch the language to English ☹️
  4. The game engine does not support Cyrillic characters, so I had to sweat replacing the letters in the original font. Now you can switch the language during the game. The result can be seen in these screenshots: Russian: English:
  5. CONCEALMENT You receive a strange letter from your brother. He asks that you urgently come to an abandoned village where something strange is happening. Your goal is to find your brother and find out what caused the strange events. Features: Open for research location - Go wherever you want, explore the territory to your heart's content. Interactive items - You can pick up and examine items. Non-linear plot - Change the plot with your actions. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1541690/Concealment/
  6. Created a simple script to examinate items.
  7. Can you help me? Whats wrong this that shader? It's just a black screen: //Fragment #version 400 //https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ldjGzV out vec4 fragData0; uniform float currenttime; float time = currenttime/1000; uniform vec2 buffersize; uniform sampler2D texture1; uniform bool isbackbuffer; float range = 0.05; float noiseQuality = 250.0; float noiseIntensity = 0.0088; float offsetIntensity = 0.02; float colorOffsetIntensity = 1.3; float rand(vec2 coord) { return fract(sin(dot(coord.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453); } float verticalBar(float pos, float uvY, float offset) { float edge0 = (pos - range); float edge1 = (pos + range); float x = smoothstep(edge0, pos, uvY) * offset; x -= smoothstep(pos, edge1, uvY) * offset; return x; } void main(void) { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / buffersize.xy; if (isbackbuffer) uv.y = 1.0 - uv.y; for (float i = 0.0; i < 0.71; i += 0.1313) { float d = mod(time * i, 1.7); float o = sin(1.0 - tan(time * 0.24 * i)); o *= offsetIntensity; uv.x += verticalBar(d, uv.y, o); } float uvY = uv.y; uvY *= noiseQuality; uvY = float(int(uvY)) * (1.0 / noiseQuality); float noise = rand(vec2(time * 0.00001, uvY)); uv.x += noise * noiseIntensity; vec2 offsetR = vec2(0.006 * sin(time), 0.0) * colorOffsetIntensity; vec2 offsetG = vec2(0.0073 * (cos(time * 0.97)), 0.0) * colorOffsetIntensity; float r = texture(texture1, uv + offsetR).r; float g = texture(texture1, uv + offsetG).g; float b = texture(texture1, uv).b; fragData0 = vec4(r, g, b, 1.0); }
  8. Hello. I am not good at programming, so I wanted to ask how can I make items examination like in this video? I just want to pick up the item, rotate and put it in place.
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