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  1. Note than after closing and reopening UltraEngine, uv offsets are also lost in the Editor.
  2. Hi, After many tests, i've noticed that uv offsets sometimes changes in run mode. What i've done: I've dragged n dropped a material i've done to a cube (16x16 pixels). After, I used face selection, and dragged and dropped an other texture with a square drawn inside. I've set the uv scale to 16x16, and changed the uv offset to center the squares. The first time after a run, I had no problems. But running again the program, UltraEngine has lost uv offsets. Look at the uploaded image. I've drawn arrows to see where are the problems.
  3. Is there an example somewhere i can use to compare ?
  4. I searched but not found how to add a pivot in Ultra Engine. I've commented "self.camera:SetFov(70)" but without success.
  5. Hi Dreikblack, i've already tried to attach a cylinder but without success. I'll try a pivot and let you know.
  6. Hi, I've attached FPSControllers script to a camera. I've scaled the camera to enter rooms in my map, but even if I set a very little scale size, it refuse to enter. An idea ?
  7. Hi, I've just ordered Ultra Engine on Steam yersterday, and I try to make my first game with it. I've made my own map, replacing start map. I've configured VSCode, but when I run default main.lua with the debugger, this is what happens : - The debugger starts, and stops after 1 or 2 seconds. - The main window does not open. - No error messages. If I add print("hello") at the beginning of my code, "hello" is never shown in the console. I've tested to run main.lua within VSCode and without opening Ultra Engine, I've got error messages about missing dll's. Any idea of what it is ?
  8. Hi Josh, i've not received any confirmation email for my preorder for ULTRA APP KIT, done since multiple days. I've tried to use the contact form, but nobody answer. Can you confirm me my order is ok ?
  9. I've imported a custom gunner model, and i have questions. 1) When a weapon is attached to a FPSplayer, how to activate collisions within the weapon and the walls ? 2) By changing settings of the FPSgun, is it possible to set a looping fire ? (example: one bullet every 0.2 seconds) Edit: With default settings, i can only fire one bullet, and i can't reload
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