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  1. yes i am having a hard time learning lua and c++..Is there visual scripting on this engine?
  2. ah okay...drat gonna have to learn something harder then coding haha! Thanks again
  3. Thanks all for the information...also can i create models in this program or do i have to use like blender and learn that program?
  4. Yes im a total newb when its comes to video game programming and design..My questions are.. 1.. What is the best tutorial on going about learning the LUA programming language for use of this engine? Please provide links 2.. Can i make an ARPG game like Diablo 2 and diablo 3(NOT CLONES) using this engine and LUA scripting? 3 I have heard that the community for this forum is very toxic to new comers and was wondering if that is true or not? any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks all who help!
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