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  1. This is a bummer! Although I can use the tutorial start.map files they DO NOT! Match the tutorial guide. They start with a much bigger game. Say, Marble Game Tutorial for example it DOES NOT start with floor and two models it starts with a Complete Game. Auuughhhhh!!! I want to learn the tutorials follow them badly is there a way someone can please HELP me. I want to follow along step - by - step with the tutorials to learn the engine! Thenks! and if anyone knows where I can get the C++ project files that would help too. thanks a billion! Scott B.
  2. I just recently purchased the leadwerks engine along with many additions due to a sale on Steam. I had a couple of questions regarding your Engine API. Is there any C++ templates available for starting off in c++ and maybe where? The biggest question is this though from me. I'm trying to learn the tutorials and I just can't get the startup files to be plain. without game? I wanted to work my way through them as a learning course but it seems every time a start a new project startup I get the whole game(s)? not where I could follow along with the tutorials step by step as what I would love to do. So, the question is where on earth do I find the basic startup files? Any ideas or thoughts to help would be greatly appreciated. I can't wait to use the product this way! I love how this has come along though. as I might have talk to some of your techs in the past. Thanks Scott_Bro_1@outlook.com
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