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Matthew Nicholls

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  1. Do you use the OpenGL ES 2.0 API specification on Android? Or is there a lot of LW specific code that would stop me using the shaders in another programs? As I might be interested in getting LW3 with android support, if I can use it to test some shader designs.
  2. There isn't a lib to download, but there is PDF tutorial to download. This will explain how you can write your own lib. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/programming/how-to-make-a-java-library-for-leadwerks-r54
  3. ok no probs glad you got it working. Just tried it myself, seems there is something up with setting the working directory in net beans. I had to build the jar and drop it in the LW directory to run it.
  4. Let me have a look at it and get back to you in a couple of hours.. have to go to a parents evening for my 6 year old. =).
  5. Why not just use your xml file but put it in a password protected zip and stream it from there?
  6. So what is being tested? I'm interested in the work flow to get a game running on Android.
  7. The Leadwerks editor only works in windows, but the games you make work in Linux using wine. I've had no problem getting a game.exe to work in ubuntu You can even use Lua with the engine.exe. I have tried Unity, UDK and T3D and I still find Leadwerks the most easy to use. The others have great tools for all sorts of things but I find programming quicker and easy to learn in leadwerks.
  8. Welcome and good luck with your internship. I am looking forward to seeing your work.
  9. Yes the normal map uses the same UVs as the diffuse texture.
  10. Do you need to use the normal map in sketchup? If you are wanting to use it in Leadwerks once made you can just add the normal map to the material file.
  11. I have been sick for 3 weeks so not much progress was made until today. I added eyes to the model instead of just texture. Also I have discovered that my topology in places has not been good for animations so I am refining some of the joint areas.
  12. Ditto lol. I'm glad someone else has had this problem too. I though I was going mad. This is a major problem for me as my characters like the skeleton require multiple LODs and the ability to attach accessories/gubbins, as the first level is 8k triangles. Having LODs is essential if you want a massive army of the undead! My human characters should be around 5k ,but that still requires LODs to work well. Maybe for a hero character you can get away with a high poly model and no LODs so then it wouldn't matter. I really hope there is a work around or bug fix for this as it is a big worry.
  13. I'm not even going to ask Yes indeedy.. Character design is the most fun I have with computer games, so I thought what the hell, I might as well just make some game characters and stuff that goes with them so others can enjoy putting together their own combos.
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