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Everything posted by Matthew Nicholls
Can anyone please help with getting all the levels of detail to animate at the right time. I have 4 LOD models and an animation in an other gmf file. If I only have the one model in the folder and load the animation in to it, it animates fine. But when I have the 4 LOD models in the folder only the LOD4 animates. The main model and the LODs 1-3 all show at the right distance but they do not animate. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) end function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetLODDistance(5,0) object.model:SetLODDistance(10,1) object.model:SetLODDistance(20,2) object.model:SetLODDistance(30,3) object.model:SetLODDistance(40,4) --Walk object.frame_Walk = 1 object.sequence_Walk = LoadAnimation(object.model,"abstract::Animation_Walk_Normal.gmf") object.framebegin_Walk = 1 object.frameend_Walk =31 object.blend_Walk = 1.0 object.animspeed_Walk = 50.0 object.recursive_Walk = 1 function object:Update() --Walk self.frame_Walk = AppTime()/self.animspeed_Walk self.frame_Walk = mod(self.frame_Walk , (self.frameend_Walk - self.framebegin_Walk)) + self.framebegin_Walk self.model:Animate(self.frame_Walk,self.blend_Walk,self.sequence_Walk,self.recursive_Walk) end function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end function mod(a, return a % b end end
Hello Spider, I'm not sure what to do with the OCC but here is the way you can load the other four. Put the DISP in the Alpha channel of your COLOR. I use the DirectX Texture Tool that comes with the DirectX SDK. All you have to do is load up the COLOR map and then choose file menu - Open on the alpha channel of this Surface.. the DISP file, then save. (Just a side note the DISP might need to be made a negative You can do this in a program called IrfanView click on image menu then Negative ) Put the SPEC in to the Alpha channel of your NRM using using the DirectX Texture Tool as before. (Just a side note to get the normal map looking right in the material editor I had to flip the colour channels. You can do this in a program called IrfanView. Use Image/swap colors and then experiement with them as I can't remember what colors needed swapping. Do this before you add the SPEC into the normal map.) Then write a mat file called brickwall01.mat . You can do this using the Material editor in Leadwerks or just copy this code. texture0="abstract::brick_wall01_color.dds" clamp0=0,0,0 texture1="abstract::brick_wall01_nrm.dds" clamp1=0,0,0 blend=0 depthmask=1 depthtest=1 overlay=1 zsort=1 cullface=1 castshadows=1 specular=0.500000000 bumpscale=1.00000000 gloss=0.500000000 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_parallax.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular_pom.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert","" Is this how it is supposed to look? See the leadwerks documentation for anymore information Materials brick_wall01_textures.zip
This is going to look soo cool. I remember your project from realmcrafter. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Good luck Vickie!
Here are some renders in Zbrush from different perspectives. Can anyone see any other major problems with the model before I sort the UV again and edit the 4 LOD meshes and re-skin the mesh =). Josh has got an eye for detail but I am open to all help I can get.
Thanks Josh for your observations . I don't agree with you about the neck as the neck is the correct size for the body, I have found that it is actually the first ribs which are a bit to low. Giving the impression that the neck is long. You are right about the clavicle bones, they need to be thicker. You are also right about the pelvic joints, somehow during the poly reducing phase I lost the detail in the pelvis. The model is not intended to be an anatomical study of the human skeleton and I have taken some liberties (artistic simplification) with the details in order to reduce the poly count, so I'm expecting some discrepancies. I really do appreciate your constructive criticism .
@Rick Started on the human male base mesh today! @Clackdor Yes definitely more intricate animations. All kinds of combat that you could think of as well as ambient animation for background NPCs. I am experimenting with Motion capture as well as key framed animation with some physics thrown in as well. I'll post a video when I have the animations polished.
Just a little update... I have created 4 LODs for the skeleton. rigged and skinned the main mesh, animated a short walk cycle and done a little test in Leadwerks editor to make sure it loads and animates properly. So far I am pleased with the results. It will be very cool having a customizable army of the undead
The bones are not boned just yet! =D
Thanks Rick and Dadonik. Yes this is a warning of the dangers of fat camp!
Here is a test screen shot of a female skeleton. There is still some texture detailing to do still but I am pleased with how it looks in Leadwerks. Next will be some rigging and animating.
Most of my modelling has been Star Wars, as that is my favourite. Glad you like it Still working at it. Full time (well 6 hours, 5 days a week) on it as my daughter has started back to school now. I plan on spending this whole year doing it. There may be not much to show for a while but I am definitely doing it. I am in the process of developing skeletons to base the models from. I'm starting with skeletons so the animation set up is as realistic as possible and also to make some undead and zombie characters. The next step will to make the base meshes for a selection of body types e.g. Human male/female average, short (dwarf, Halfling, goblin), supersized( ogre, orc, giants),elfin, monstrous ect. suggestions welcome. I'll post pictures as they develope. (no jaw for this model yet, still in progress.)
Thanks for the post Paramecij. For the moment I want to focus on humanoid characters as this does mean it is easier to make animations that can be modified to fit each character. Hopefully the animations will work with very little or no modification. Obviously animations can be pushed only so far in how they can fit different characters. It might be that I produce a basic set of animations for each body type and then animation packs that can be bought separately. I am making characters that can be used for NPCs or main player characters. I may consider making fauna in the future but not just yet.
Bones sounds like it might be the way to go then . It will be an ongoing process of experimentation, mostly trial and error. Whatever solution it turns out to be, it will be easy for the user to add to their game. I think a program or interface to set up characters in game or just as a pregame process would best be done by the individual programmers for each game. If someone came up with a standalone tool or maybe an in-editor tool would be very cool. An NCP random creator would be neat as well. I don't have the time to develop anything like that as my time will be taken up modelling and animating for the foreseeable future
I'm grateful for the questions Rick as they make me think more about the process. It also means the final product should be that much better so keep them coming =) Yes you would be able to attach them through code. My point is that the things that can be attached will be set in the modelling process to match up with the points that they would be attached too. If you had a helmet for example you could just parent it to the head bone and it would fit without having to set its position manually. This would be done by having the model point of origin to be the point of attachment or have a bone that would be set to the attachment point. Models that don't need animations shouldn't then need bones. I know some modellers don't actually set up the axis for the model to match up and expect it to be done in code which can be fiddly and take a lot of time to sort out. It may take a little bit more time for me to get the hang of and set up initially, but I think it is worth the time to get things working together from the outset. Is that any clearer?
Thanks Richard, smart suits and casual dress noted. Thanks Rick. My intention is to make the characters with a bone position and naming system that will mean accessories will be placed without the need to adjust them in code. Ideally a lua script with just parent some model to this character, attached to each character should be enough to equip them. I hope to make a system that can be used easily in any game engine so if a team changes engine they could take their characters with them. Given enough time there should be enough characters and accessories so any team can use a selection of parts and get a variety of characters that can look unique to their game. My favourite part of any game is the character creation process. Especially with RPG and MMOs so expect to find a fully customisable system.
Thanks Rick I plan on taking a modular design approach and create interchangeable parts that can be swapped and reused. What do you mean by setup the bones correctly. What do you have in mind? Thanks Metatron Karate noted. Thanks franck22000 Zombies noted. Skeleton already in production . Thanks cassius animations noted; ladder climbing, door opening.
I'm going into the 'Character design make and sell business', if anyone has requests or suggestions for characters they would like to be able to buy then please post below. You are under no obligations to buy anything I make, it is just for market research. I am happy to explore any genre so keep the ideas coming. I will be mainly focusing on humanoid characters and their accessories. When the models are ready for sale I will post some screenies here and you will have opportunities to buy. I'm not taking any orders yet or commissions. Edit: Thanks for the suggestions so far. I'll add to this list as they are suggested. Character Request list: Karate Zombies Basic human character (male female) Space marine Medieval warrior Cowboy Animation Request list: ladder climbing door opening Clothing Request list: smart suits casual dress hats, boots, gloves, shoulder pads
Having discontinued Leadwerks for Java and removed all the Java tutorials and videos, I have written a How to guide so anyone can write their own Java library to use Leadwerks. The tutorials and videos where no longer relevant as all the tutorials done by Josh cover all that is needed. This means I don't have to maintian the library and anyone has access to be able to write their own source code. Having promoted Leadwerks with the idea that it can be used with Java I didn't want to leave anyone who may have bought Leadwerks without a solution. So here it is enjoy! tutorial
As the title says, I have discontinued Leadwerks For Java.
Very nice, loved all the destroyable buildings and trees. You might want to pak up all your media with a password.
I agree, those pictures are a bit misleading as there are only two programs as far as I know, that support export of *.gmf. Ultimate unrap3d and 3ds Max. The exporter for Max is brilliant and works nearly every time, even sets up the material lua and physics files. UU3d can export *.gmf, but I have always had major difficulties getting the materials working properly.
I have written a 'How to set up DevC++ ready to use Leadwerks2' tutorial that is in the C++ tutorials secton!
It is easy when you know how! You could be working in Leadwerks with Java in a couple of hours if you just want to map the functions directly using the dll (not recommended). To get a fully object orientated implementation takes a bit longer. I'm still testing my implementation but having fun learning Leadwerks while I do it. You can see from the screen shots and video I have posted that it works fine. You can either wait till I have finished implementing it myself, or if you want to do it yourself have a look at JNA, you can use it to access the dll libraries directly from Java code without having to use the JNI yourself. I recommend having a look at implementing it yourself as it is a great way of learning the engine.
Not relevant after the the roll back.
Cheers! It has had me up till 3am many nights trying to get it to work. So I'm just glad to have somthing to show for it.