Its been a while but then I have been learning some new techniques...
The following images are of models that I have built myself both in engine with the use of CSGs and the more complicated models are from Blender. This is the first time I've created a map entirely from my own models and I am rather pleased with the outcome. Other's feedback would be greatly appreciated as well
Could you add an option for the splash screen to be hidden when the editor is starting so that the attached screenshot is not something that is regularly occurring please.
This is usually as a result of the converters running before the editor is fully loaded and it can be hard to do other things whilst waiting for it to load with a non responsive splash screen obscuring all else.
I've found InstaLOD to be excellent in this case - not only for LODs but also for generally reducing the number of polygons - see here:
There is an individual licence option similar to standard clauses regarding income.
Hi Klepto,
One more for you with a small island, foliage and some simple settings (bloom, ssr etc.). The island is 512 * 512
If its any use to you at all I'm happy to make this map (freely) available.
Unless Yue says otherwise I have been unable to reproduce this since early July - perhaps its been fixed or perhaps it was an coincidental error at my side.
2 tb of memory! No wonder it was struggling! ha ha!
No worries about the oversight at all it's good that you found the problem - I'll wait for the update to come down the pipe... Cheers!
For completeness, altering the grass density in the other direction from 2.0 to 3.0 and 3.0 to 4.0 whilst slow doesn't cause the above buffer resize error.
The other way around also works increasingly slowly until the density of 1.0 is selected and then the above error is recreated.
The good news is its no longer causing my graphics card driver to crash and isn't causing an overall OS crash either.
Loading a map from the editor has now slowed down significantly - looking at the windows basic task manger ram use is very high and the system as a whole has slowed down:
Interestingly with the client apparently running in the background the CPU use seems high too:
The next image is with the map loaded in and the editor 'at rest' with a much smaller level of RAM being used in this state:
In the following images I change the grass density from 2.0 to 1.0:
As reported everything jumps up significantly until the buffer resize error pops up:
Pressing ok and leaving the editor alone results in a crash to desktop with the client still running but the editor closed.
The map is the one attached above the painted textures are 1024 in size from the Ambient CG assets add on. The models (grass trees etc.) are imported from Leadwerks Vegetation/nature dlc.
The map size is 2048 x 2048 with a height setting of 20000. Its a L3DT professional map imported as a RAW16.
If this is repeated enough times the map will become corrupted i.e. it will no longer open in the editor.