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CJO Games

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Everything posted by CJO Games

  1. After a few days of testing and playing with Ultra and quite a few false starts and mis-steps I think I'm getting more and more comfortable with the terrain tool and have my first map ready to showcase. This one is designed to look like a sub-polar tundra like terrain. All I need now is some vegetation but as an empty map I think its looking pretty good for a starting point...
  2. I've adapted the model converter so that it copies all gltf models into a specific model folder - specifically they are being written to the following directory: Models/gltf_models. It appears to be working as hoped so that they are separated from the .mdl and .fbx formats for me at least this makes it easier to deal with the project when you have a large number of models to work with - especially if they are being converted from .fbx or .mdl. In case this is of use to anybody else I'm placing it here. For use add this to Scripts--> Start--> Converters--> and the engine will do the rest. Hopefully, this is helpful rather than redundant... FBX2glTFCJO.zip
  3. The settings for min/max slope; min/max height and texture mapping are consistently reset each time the engine is started -this is the case on all maps.
  4. Playing newly created terrain sees the player falling through the terrain - unlike the last terrain issue the player falls continuously as though the physics in the map are not working at all. Thea Mk2.zip Thea Mk1.zip
  5. Trying to load Leadwerks .map files into Ultra causes a crash to desktop after initial pop-up with "index out of range message." Attached are the .map files I have tried so far from my Leadwerks project all of these have failed in the same way. Island Community.zip Coastal.zip Another World.zip
  6. Not sure if this is relevant but it would seem that Godot game engine are relying on their own build as the upstream is (according to their website) no longer maintained - link here: FBX Import (godotengine.org) perhaps there is some useful additions in their build that could be used to fashion something for Ultra? FBX2glTF-master.zip
  7. is this what this part eludes to? > FBX2glTF --binary --draco --verbose \ --input ~/models/source/butterfly.fbx \ --output ~/models/target/butterfly.glb so if the existing FBX2GLTF.lua included this in the process parameters?
  8. Oddly enough, I was just writing to suggest this as the possible problem as I had isolated each model type within there own folders .fbx; .mdl & .gltf and the problem had gone away... I also created a separate texture and materials folder with textures a sub folder of materials - I'm sure somebody better at code than me could explain how to do this automatically... thanks Josh!
  9. I would but as soon as I get to the files that are in .gltf format in the editor (however I do it) the error boxes come up and then as of today the editor crashes to desktop. If I use the editor to scroll the .fbx files it doesn't crash and no errors are present it is only once it reaches the .gltf files that the editor seems to have a problem.
  10. The original fbx files are here so that you can convert them yourself - I can't send you the mats as the folder is too large and I'm not actually sure which atlas is the correct one for the model... the only .bin file in the folder is attached - not sure if this is the correct one or not. buffer.zip Yellow_Ladder_02.zip Yellow_Ladder_03.zip
  11. Hi Josh; yes, just seen that. Looks like its in hand...
  12. I've noticed that when painting the terrain the sensitivity(?) of the entity select is such that I continuously select objects already in the map when dragging the pain tool to extremities of the map - it appears, to me at least, that the orange outline is the limits of painting tool use before the entity select takes over; unfortunately I keep grabbing models in the map when painting. I wonder if its possible to turn this off like with Leadwerks where you have to switch to the model tab to interact with them?
  13. I've attached tow random gltf meshes from the folder for you to look at and will send some mats separately. Yellow_Ladder_03.zip Yellow_Ladder_02.zip
  14. I've managed to replicate this with another file - its a folder of assets which have been converted by Ultra to gltf format. The screenshots are copied below: RockyMoon.zip
  15. I think I've isolated it - I'll keep testing and see if I come across it again.
  16. End of File error - aggressive pop-up which prevents working on any other program. Please see below for a screenshot of this - appears to be something to do with loading/converting assets and textures.
  17. Hi Josh, I can confirm this fix is working. Thanks :-)
  18. That would make sense - so the terrain collider isn't picking up the slopes... Interestingly, I put a nav-mesh collider underneath the terrain but it didn't have any effect.
  19. Hi I've attached two screenshot below - one with the 'game' running showing the issue I'm having with terrain - that being that the character will fall through terrain that is sloped - is this known, a bug, or am I not understanding the way it works in Ultra?
  20. HI Josh thank you for confirming and apologies for any confusion with the terminology in my original post :-)
  21. Hi Josh that's what I thought was happening - I use hide well in Leadwerks and it has the desired effect. On another note the hide in Ultra doesn't seem to work in this scenario although I wonder if that is because the model has duplicated the limbs too many times to know which to hide and which not?
  22. OK uploaded here as part of this message: If you look at the map you will see NightSkyDome with the following limbs: clouds; clouds for 2d; Horizon; Clouds; Clouds for 2d; horizon for 2d; horizon. There should be four limbs horizon; horizon2d and two corresponding cloud layers. SkySetUp.zip TestingTerrain.zip
  23. The editor seems to be duplicating layers that have previously been deleted from models. I'm currently experimenting with sky domes and the models I have have four separate layers. I've deleted the un-needed layers in the editor. On restarting the editor and loading the map the deleted layers have duplicated themselves.
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