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CJO Games

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  1. CJO Games's post in Copy entity create info in mesh. was marked as the answer   
    Unless Yue says otherwise I have been unable to reproduce this since early July - perhaps its been fixed or perhaps it was an coincidental error at my side.
  2. CJO Games's post in Artifacts in 'Model Viewer' was marked as the answer   
    A total reinstall of OS seems to have solved the problem - not sure what was going on or why but I believe this was an issue with my end. Thanks for looking in to it.
  3. CJO Games's post in Grid Lines visible over terrain was marked as the answer   
    I knew there was something I had forgotten to do... :-)
    I actually thought this had been solved through an earlier update so had decided not to supply a map I can confirm that I haven't come across this in the last few weeks. Here is a screenshot of a similar scene taken today which shows that the grid-lines are not visible:

  4. CJO Games's post in Lua/Struggles, and Setinput "LeadWerks was marked as the answer   
    Have a look at the attached fps script - it's a working example of how jump is integrated - it seems counter-intuitive to rewrite what is already available and what is already working...
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