Hi, first sorry about my english, its not my primary language.
I have problems with shaders on LE i think.
I did an animation in 3d max of a walk-cycle biped with his mesh attached and with the physique modifier. I exported in ".FBX" , then i converted to ".gmf" with the "fbx2gmf" tool. And then i did the lua script so the animation works on LE.
The animation works perfect, and the textures too. But the problem is that when i open the LE, and i throw the model, the model appears and disappears deppending the way i look it, i mean the way i move the mouse as to see the moddel.
Thanks for reeding. I hope someone can help me.
PD: the lua script i use is this:
local class=CreateClass(...)
function class:CreateObject(model)
local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)
function object:Update()