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Everything posted by Robert_d1968

  1. Around when will this be ready to purchase. I'm looking foward to it.. And thanks for your teams effort to get this out as soon as possible. I would really like to purchase soon as It becomes available. Robert
  2. Like a floor plate with swept collision enabled and the door being place in the flow-graph editor. used to work, now the flow graph editor does not list a collision event to wire it up in the flow graph editor. I deleted all the config files in leadwerks 4.6 and re-installed it but the same problems exist in it. even the previous maps have the same issues. Robert
  3. Is there an application for Checking the maps that you make for some type of corruption? I put props in the map for opening and closing the doors and it I put the scripts in the door. you can manually activate the doors, but it complains about the light enitity's mass being less that zero, there is something wrong and I can't find it... Robert
  4. After the mouse messed up. It would report the Lights in the game as needing a mass greater than zero.
  5. it was a mouse problem that caused this to happen. I'm getting a new mouse ASAP!
  6. It kept telling me that an entity needed greater than 0 for mass, but it could not be done.
  7. This was telling me a light was an entity and I was like what? so I deleted all of the config files and resorted to a backup of Leadwerks.config to copy the working directories to the config file, now it's back to normal, thank god. Robert
  8. I found the Problem, something wrong with the files system. Had to resort to some early backups, but it seems okay now. This pos mouse I have sucks butt, causing all kinds of trouble in leadwerks. Thanks for the help though. much appreciated. Robert
  9. I have almost finished my map and structures along with the props involved. Now when I try to start the game it states entity mass must be at 1.0 But when I first made the map and played it a few times, it did not have this problem. What gives? Thanks for any help you can provide. Robert
  10. Thank-you so much hind sir. it is working now. Robert
  11. In the Leadwerks.cfg file it lists the Scene browser spliter at: SceneBrowserSplitterOrientation=0 SceneBrowserSplitterPosition=400 Are these the correct values? Robert
  12. Sorry about that, It's the scene panel in 4.6 that has vanished. it is no longer visible. I have uninstalled it and then installed it again. No Scene panel at all. Must be a setting somewhere to re-enable it, just cant find it. Robert
  13. It's the part on the right hand side of the 4.7 Leadwerks program. it contains all of the models and textures. I will just re-install it. that should fix it... Robert
  14. Hello there, I have been using 4.6 version for a while now and today the Scene editor has just vanished. Is there anyway to get it back? Thanks for any help that you can provide' Robert
  15. Hello there, I have just switched back to Leadwerks 4.6 Professional version. from Leadwerks 4.7 beta. In the scene tab I used to be able to add textures to my models, but it is no longer in there. The seen lists nothing but the models used in the map. also clicking on root no longer gives you any options to select items like, fog. water and what not. Is this still the same professional version that I purchased? If not, then where can I get it from? Thanks, Robert
  16. Will this require a script to achieve this? Thanks for any help that you can provide, Robert
  17. Is there a pre-made script for Addforce already in leadwerks 4.7? If not how would I go about making a script in Lua for this purpose? Thanks for any help you can provide, Robert
  18. Thanks for the idea. I will try that one out. Robert PS I do however foresee a problem with that, as it will be a multi player game and rotating the planet may put other players on the side of the moon. That may make them fall off the moon also. But it will be something I will try out.
  19. I made a sphere for a moon and when you walk to the side. the character falls towards the ground and hits the land mass below. The moon has no gravity so the character just falls off of it when the sides come up. Robert
  20. Hello there. Im making a PVP game and I have made a moon in the game for PVP purposes. The only catch is that when you go towards the side of the planet. you fall off of it. Is there anyway to generate gravity in a model of the moon? Thanks for any help you can provide, Robert
  21. I must be doing something wrong then, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. Thanks for you time there sir, Robert
  22. Hello everyone, I just got an upgrade to Leadwerks 4.7 last night. After I upgraded the game I noticed that .mat files can no longer be used. Is there a converter anywhere in the game designer that is built into it to convert these files over to the proper format? Thanks for any help that you can provide, Robert Dunn
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