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  1. guess im just dumb ? here is the solution for anyone else: auto Quit_b = CreateButton("Quit", window->ClientSize().x - 125, y, 120, 30, ui->root); Quit_b->SetLayout(0, 1, 0, 0); and this is where i found it https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/CPP/Widget_SetLayout
  2. so i noticed that in my application the button doesn't move to the edge of the screen when the app gets full-screened what can i do? i am using this: auto Quit_b = CreateButton("Quit", window->ClientSize().x - 125, y, 120, 30, ui->root);
  3. noticed a issue with the new launcher: if you hover over the text instead of the blank spot on any of the buttons they don't get highlighted
  4. i second this sorry if i am a bit impatient (also hi white theme users )
  5. might want to check out Object_Entity_GetRotation (the syntax is missing)
  6. please ignore the previous post figured it out --Update offset position local pos = VR:GetOffset() local d = self.targetoffset:DistanceToPoint(pos) local speed = 2.0 if speed>d then speed=d end pos = pos + (self.targetoffset - pos):Normalize() * speed local arot = Vec3(0,avr,0) --avr is addon rotation VR:SetOffset(pos,arot)
  7. how can i convert from (pitch,roll,yaw) to vec3 rotation? i have looked at rotation but am unsure about the last two arguments Vec3 Rotation(number pitch, number yaw,number roll, Mat4 src, Mat4 dst)
  8. okay now i just cannot teleport outside of a small area otherwise the rotation works fine function Script:UpdateWorld() VR:SetOffset(0,0,0,0,avr,0) --teleporting feedback if VR:GetControllerButtonDown(VR.Right,VR.AButton) then VR:TriggerHapticPulse(VR.Right,50) end --player turning right if VR:GetControllerAxis(VR.Right,VR.TouchpadAxis).x > 0.15 then VR:TriggerHapticPulse(VR.Right,20) avr=avr+5 end --player turning left if VR:GetControllerAxis(VR.Right,VR.TouchpadAxis).x < -0.15 then VR:TriggerHapticPulse(VR.Left,20) avr=avr-5 end
  9. thank you that fixed it but apparently this is not the way to turn in vr (the camera and controllers are not turned with the player model)
  10. i am trying to turn the player using Turn but i don't have any idea how to turn a model
  11. has anyone figured out thumb stick turning in vr? ,i have tried it but keep on getting a error that i do not know how to fix (i am using VRplayer lua the only extra code is here:) --teleporting feedback if VR:GetControllerButtonDown(VR.Right,VR.AButton) then VR:TriggerHapticPulse(VR.Right,50) end --player turning right if VR:GetControllerAxis(VR.Right,VR.TouchpadAxis).x > 0.15 then VR:TriggerHapticPulse(VR.Right,20) player:turn(0,45,0) end --player turning left if VR:GetControllerAxis(VR.Right,VR.TouchpadAxis).x < -0.15 then VR:TriggerHapticPulse(VR.Left,20) player:turn(0,-45,0) end
  12. so i just bought this engine and i am wandering where to start. I played around with premade levels a bit but i wanna create my own game from scratch so if anyone has tutorials on this game-engine can you please link them... ...thank you ?
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