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  1. I am not too certain what's happening, but from what I know, Post Effects = after rendering scene = will be on top. You didn't specify what your depth is doing, so I am just assuming that the post effect is rendering on top of everything. If it's backwards, then that'll be odd.
  2. I'm going based off the manual but check to ensure which meshes are rigid bodies, which ones are intended to be static (non-moving) and otherwise ensure your props have the right physics property applied to them. Some of this might be in relation to the automatic mesh collider generation (name a limb collisionhull vs collisionmesh or whatever it said, depending on if you want a static or mobile thing). Also, turning on gravity might be a great way to see if your prop is intended to be a part of the map or not. Or... it'll just fall regardless... idk. Haven't messed around with it that much. Ensure you've studied the physics details tho.
  3. Yeah I don't know how my head went to VR. As for UAK, the marketing material talks about unifying multiple things, so I thought iOS and similar. Qt used to work but then they went all commercial and there's no point unless you're writing enterprise apps. So this may be a nice alternative from those expensive ones. Telerik is... a different market altogether, but similar idea
  4. Ah ok, for VR then. I got a few VR devices, which is partly why I'm getting familiar with engine
  5. Hey Josh! I don't mean to burst your bubble so I'll try to word this as neutrally as I can. As an iOS developer, I worked on games for Big Fish in 2010. We created custom views such that, we literally had to write no new code until we got to a puzzle. In other words, we made 30+ scenes per game doing nothing more than drag and drop, using pure native tools (on top of bugs). Android is a bit less functional, but can do custom views its own way, also reducing code. This includes complex things with see-thru and interaction. We also used similar at other jobs. When you get into Swift UI and Autolayout, these tools vanish and your workflow becomes slow and honestly I don't understand the fanatacism for "new things" when all they do is add weights to your ankles. A bit of algebra will handle everything autolayout does and you never have to write it more than once. That said, when I see UAK, I have to ask... is this really a time-saver for mobile developers? Sorry about the long premise, but there's a million Swift developers now that think it's OK to create pointers to access variables in superclasses because that's how ReactJS taught them to do things, and I needed to establish that I know how to code proper. They also think functional code "erases the problem where you have random memory everywhere" and I'm like "How the hell do you get that problem? Do you type with a blindfold and ignore all the principles of dev?"
  6. The old Windows Game Programming for Dummies came with a demo disk. On it was a 2d game with planets where you'd fire things and they had gravity behaving the way you're describing. Unfortunately, the game was named something that's also a popular name for other games. Of which I forgot the exact name of. I believe it was "Deadlock", even though that's also a 4x game that I happen to have played as well. If anyone can find that game, you might have a lead on the type of math you need. Of course, it's just math, and if you can recreate a gravity equation, which I believe is the same as the magnet equation, (Force in relation to distance, something squared, blah) or just fake it by creating a fall-off distance where the force is greatly reduced after N units or something, you should be good. Long story short, your problem is a math problem and you may be forced to dive into trig at the easiest, calc otherwise, and there's no getting around. Find someone who can do the equations if you can't, or go watch the tuts on game math throughout the internet. I admittedly only have surface knowledge of linear alg and whatever calc from HS.
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