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  1. Its a 3d object that is part of my GUI. I am not drawing the GUI to a 3d mesh.
  2. Hi, I am having trouble getting something to draw last. It is a gui mesh, and I want it to draw last on top of everything else. I kinda thought that zsort in the .mat file would achieve this. It doesn't seem to do this however? I am kinda thinking I need to be doing something special with the buffers? I dunno. Any ideas, hints, or direction would be welcome. Thanks!
  3. Spacechimp


    Is it possible to get wxMax working with leadwerks?
  4. Hello. I am just starting to look at HLSL and Leadwerks materials. My understanding is very rudimentary. I am trying to get a diffuse texture to "tile" (repeat, etc) on the surfaces of a cube. In rendermonkey I was able to achieve that with the following .vert and .frag files. .frag uniform sampler2D baseMap; varying vec2 Texcoord; vec2 mytexcoord = vec2(16.0,16.0); void main( void ) { gl_FragColor = texture2D( baseMap , Texcoord * mytexcoord ); } .vert varying vec2 Texcoord; void main( void ) { gl_Position = ftransform(); Texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy; } It seems as if multiplying the gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy via: gl_FragColor = texture2D( baseMap , Texcoord * mytexcoord ); is the way to make it tile over a surface. I am assuming that if I multiply the Texcoord variable in leadwerks "mesh.frag", I will get the tiling effect I am looking for. Using mesh.vert and mesh.frag as includes, how do I manage to do that in leadwerks? Thanks!
  5. I am using LE 2.28 I am using bmax 1.35 I have these files in my project directory: engine.dll engine.debug.dll JointLibrary.dll netwerks.dll newton.dll shaders.pak I have replaced truck.phy in the data.pak file. on line 55 of vehicle.bmx: vehicle=CreateVehicle(chassis,4) I get the error "too many function parameters" If I knock off the last parameter (4) on line 55, I then get the same error on line 61. And then if actually re-read the thread, and realize that I should be using flexman's code and not Josh's, I start to feel slightly retarded, and go hide under a rock. Its working, thanks.
  6. Could someone post an example of vehicle code that works in 2.28? The example here does not seem to be working anymore. Among other things, I am getting "to many function parameters" on several lines. A new example would be very nice. Thank you.
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