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  1. Ok thanks for your response. I will write you a DM to continue on the subject of VR and Quest.
  2. So UltraEngine will not be supporting natively Quest 1 and Quest 2 (without a link cable) ? As you know Quest headsets are extremely popular (I do have both editions) If Quest is not supported in the upcoming major update of Leadwerks, I might have to rethink my strategy for my project. I wanted an affordable\practical\portable way to supply a headset with my VR application. Thank you.
  3. Makes sense. I would personally pay more for this. I paid $250 for .NET component that added extra UI widgets for Winforms, $300+ for an audio component as an example ... I know these days many people expect things to be cheap. I get you need a ROI for your work.
  4. https://gamefromscratch.com/ultra-app-kit-released/ Good site to have this mentioned ?. He also mentioned it in his discord. Hope one day you have an alternative to C++ (Lua, i know you mentioned it, or maybe .NET?) Very interesting stuff.
  5. Hi, Just wanted to share a positive review of Leadwerks I stumbled upon for those interested: https://www.gamedesigning.org/learn/leadwerks/ If I did not post in the correct thread, let me know. Thanks
  6. Hello, Will this be supported when in VR also with Leadwerks 5? Thank you
  7. Ok, so I did some more digging. It does not seem like the faceme.lua is the problem. But within the firepit.lua in conjuction with the spritesheet.shader that is used with the fire material that is included. If I use only the firepit.lua I get the double camera problem. So I guess that this shader cannot run well under VR only. I know nothing about shaders honestly. So if someone has an idea on how to fix this (or unless it's an issue with Leadwerks + VR), it would be greatly appreciated.? Thank you
  8. Ok, found the issue. Well by hiding my candle fire prefabs (based on the firepit lua scripts), it seems that the scripts were still being executed (my bad). So after removing the firepitcontrol.lua and faceme.lua from my candle lights (4 total running) prefabs I had in my scene, everything is fine in VR. Good! But I will need to see why one of those scripts seems to duplicates/de-sync the camera in VR. My guess it's something in the faceme.lua script that causes the issue in VR (and not in FPS): function Script:Start() --self.entity:SetParent(nil) end function Script:UpdateWorld() self.world=World:GetCurrent() if self.camera==nil then for i=0,self.world:CountEntities()-1 do if self.world:GetEntity(i):GetClass()==Object.CameraClass then self.camera=self.world:GetEntity(i) tolua.cast(self.camera,"Camera") System:Print(self.world:GetEntity(i):GetClassName()) break end end end if self.camera then self.entity:Point(self.camera,1,1); end end I did not create that script, so if you have any ideas? I will try myself also to find the problem. Thank you
  9. Humm... that's a good point. It does seems like there is 2 cameras now that you mention it. Althought I do not see any extra camera in my scene. I will double check. Thank you @Josh
  10. Like I mentioned, if I use the default VR Template (without any of my own models, ect..), the display is fine. In my project I did the following without any success: - I disabled Sync - I made sure I did not have any post processing. - I hide all my candle light flames (which uses the spritesheet shader) - I am not using any other shaders also. So, what I will end up doing is recreate my project from scratch with the VR template instead. Not what I really wanted to do. Hopefully it will work better this time. Thank you
  11. Hello, I am having a weird issue with VR in Leadwerks 4.6. I started a new project using the FPS template, to set up a scene to be able to pre-test it in FPS before in VR. So when I was ready to test it in VR, I changed the fps lua script for the player to the vr lua script. And also switch the main.lua from FPS to the main.lua found in the VR template. Then when I ran it in VR (works OK in FPS mode) the synching is all weird in my headset, and also in the debug window. Video example here: https://youtu.be/8skcB_wn3yU Debug window shot here: So am I missing something? BTW if I test the VR template with the same setup, everything is fine. My setup: - VR headset - Oculus Quest 2 via Virtual desktop - NVidia GTX 1060 3 Megs - PC i7 Intel + 16 Gigs ram I attached the 2 lua scripts also.Main.luamdb_VRPlayer.lua Thanks in advance!
  12. Ah! Ok good to know. Thank you very much. ?
  13. Hello, First, I am very new to Leadwerks and very impressed with the functionnalities and quality of this engine. I bought the professional version mainly for VR purposes. While experimenting with the VR demo project I wanted to have some text shown after I clicked the trigger button (added in the VRPlayer.lua), but nothing is showing. I used the same code in FPSPlayer and it does show. Am I doing something wrong? if VR:GetControllerButtonHit(VR.Left + n, VR.TriggerButton)==true then context:SetFont(self.font) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:SetColor(1,0.1,0.1) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawText("Test 1",160,70) local fh=self.font:GetHeight() context:DrawText(Test 2",(context:GetWidth()-self.font:GetTextWidth(text))/2,(context:GetHeight()-fh)/2-fh*1.5) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) ...... I am using the Oculus Quest 2 with a link connection. I see the proper controller models and can pickup the blocks and teleport around. Windows 10, latest NVIDIA drivers, latest Oculus drivers/app, latest SteamVR. Thank you very much in advance. Martin
  14. Very interesting! I am new to Leadwerks and have I started a VR project with it. So far very satisfied. But is the above project available somewhere? I am really interesting in the point and select of button your doing. Or is there a tutorial somewhere for this? Thank you and great work
  15. I found out how by myself by using the Firepit as an example. ? Thanks
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