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Steam Community

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Everything posted by Steam Community

  1. Check out this video's YouTube channel for more info.
  2. Check out this video's YouTube channel for more info.
  3. Playing with the DrawRect() command in Leadwerks with a shader that rotates the squares about a specified pivot position with some new gradient options. Had to remake since I managed to delete majority of my shaders from last year. :(
  4. Initial attempt at curved text. Need to space letters based on letter width and in relation to length of the curve.
  5. Playing around with creating regular and star polygons with geometry shaders by using context:Plot(x,y) to determine polygon center.
  6. Compilation of games created with Leadwerks Game Engine.
  7. Using ENet, exposed to Leadwerks' lua engine and communicating with a local win console app server. Basic chat system and entity movement implemented.
  8. Playing around with texture bombing.
  9. Just testing backsplatting decals
  10. ��о�о�ип ма�ин�. ======================================== Реализовано (100%): Физика кол��, �изика ко�п��а, об�а� модел� поведени�, ��абилизи�ованна� каме�а, динами�е�ка� подве�ка, ��абилиза�и� ма�ин�. Реализовано (50%): �олигон, �� ма�ин� (��� ��е�бно. �о
  11. ��о�о�ип ма�ин�. ======================================== Реализовано (100%): Физика кол��, �изика ко�п��а, об�а� модел� поведени�. Реализовано (50%): �в�кова� �и��ема (н� в� пон�ли в�� е� пла�евно���), �глаживание каме�� (а не ж���ка� п�ив�зка) ��ед��ои�
  12. vehicle_project ======================================== ��о�о�ип ма�ин� б�л �еализован, вед���� ли�� мелка� до�або�ка ме�аники. �� �о�� и пло�о о�лажен и на���оен, но даже �ей�а� � ним можно "погон�����". � плана� его �азнооб�ази�� и до�або�а�� алго�и�м�
  13. simple animations and lights
  14. I made this with Leadwerks Game Engine!
  15. ��о��о п�икололо, п�икол�но по�агали на ме��е в неизве��но��� XDDD
  16. �адание:1.��пол�з�� алго�и�м пе�ебо�а � возв�а�ом, �е�и�е зада�� об�ода кон�м �а�ма�ного пол� �азме�а N: задана кле�ка пол�, ��еб�е��� в���ни��, ���е��в�е� ли об�од кон�м в�его пол�, на�ина��ий�� и закан�ива��ий�� в ��ой кле�ке, п�и ко�о�ом кажда� кле�ка,
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