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Steam Community

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Everything posted by Steam Community

  1. A super alpha version of an all in one player controller. And a small appearance of my test ai system.
  2. Experimental background loading of maps. Limitations: - Maps must have no terrain - Only 2D Drawing for the loading screen
  3. A bunch of guns I made with Leadwerks and these will soon be selling.
  4. Leadwerks lacks a way for environment artists to make materials have world reflections. With the recent PBR/substance shaders, I thought I should give this a look at, and mimic how Source does it, which isn't really next gen, but it's better than nothing.
  5. I made this with Leadwerks Game Engine!
  6. Vehicle driving in Leadwerks 4.2 SDMG-STUDIO.eu
  7. I made this with Leadwerks Game Engine! and Blender
  8. Week one of my personal Sunday afternoon game jam session. Basic core mechanic of "whack-a-mole" is complete but UI, and place holder artwork is incomplete.
  9. First pass at OpenVR implementation in Leadwerks with HTC Vive.
  10. Demonstration of our robotic arm prototype with forward and inverse kinematics, collision, and animation of poses. This could be used to develop manufacturing processes with reduced costs and improved safety. Seriously, I think I would have died three time
  11. This is a 3D inventory test for my new game I'm making with the Leadwerks game engine. idunno what to call it yet 'cos I'm still making it. But I do have weapons, it is FPS ,RPG, driving and inventory that is 3D ! 3D spinning inventory objects for inve
  12. Workshop - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=404088984
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