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  1. Hello, Would it be possible to add a feature for 2D tile map (supporting isometric map) and sprite support ?
  2. I have just noticed something about the script editor wish has a run button but no stop button. While I was testing a script I was unable to stop it. Maybe another button could help ?
  3. Thank you. A tutorial fo Dev-C++ might be usefull too.
  4. Hello, My favourite IDE is Bloodshed. I have tried Visual c++ and CodeBlocks but no way to install correctly the engine. Well, one thing I like with bloodshed is that you can install a library just with a devpaks. That works even with the CodeBlocks IDE that has a plugin for installing and manipulating devpaks. There is a way to create them. http://blog.weinachter.com/post/2006/08/15/How-to-create-a-DevPack-for-Dev-C Well, I am going to try it. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. It seems true. So would it be the solution ? Or would it be usefull to add an animation feature too (for instance like in DAZ3D) + and bvh import ?
  6. Actually, as written, I have imagined to different way to proceed : the first might be a plugin for Poser. The second might be a feature (or program) that would rather be made for animation than modeling. I am not sure whish one would be the best. Maybe the first would be the easiest. The second might be a program like 3D world studio ?
  7. Yes, I use Blender. But some might want to save time rather than use another software to get animations. So I wondered if there wasn't an easier way to do the work. Where can I download fbxtogmf ? I think it might be easier if LE could import bvh and FBX files.
  8. Yes, something like that. Obviously, I thought of a plugin (whish might be the easiest way to do it ?)
  9. Well, what would be possible with the FBX and BVH format ? Could we imagine use them to get gmf animated models ? Maybe if you have a look at bvhacker you would guess what I mean ? Lol. Yes The first thing that I imagined was a simple plugin or a feature. But maybe are there other solution ?
  10. I understand. Well, the first thing is the "WISIWYG" scene editor. I have never seen something easier to use in softwares like Poser. It is easy and fast. Second thing : the walking simulator. Imagine now you could export the animations you have made directly to gmf. You would not have to export your animated models and then use another software to create new animations. I think that is waste of time and some poeple may not be skilled enough at modeling with Maya or 3D studio. Poser can export to RIB, quickdraw 3DMF, 3ds, DXF, BVH... so you can export directly animations. So Maybe the FBX format, or BVH could be usefull too ? You should have a look at bvhacker. I think it a good software. http://davedub.co.uk/bvhacker/
  11. Hello, I have tried several softwares to create animated models and it can be a real pain for people who are not in model design. What I would like would be a plugin or a feature that would be as easy to use as the Poser animation features. You see : just create it, export to gmf and it is done.
  12. Thank you Josh. No problem with the updater but I still have the message "Sorry, but your 30-day trial has expired !"
  13. Hi I have purchased Leadwerks Enigne 2 but get no serial key nor download link. Who could help me ?
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