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    Russian federation

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  1. For searching members by name better to use: membersByName={} ..... -- when creating new one memebersByName[name]=member -- when searching return memebersByName[name] it's much faster than "for" loop in Lua
  2. Aily


    I just want ot make some clear here in shaders - its default Josh's LE2 shaders, just enabled gloss for everything and little adjusted. Isotype have realy good concept, but not for current hardware.
  3. So theme is not "Machines", better to say Myst-style quest
  4. I has such errors when using non-latin paths to project. Try this - create "myproject" in C drive root Put there projects bmx file, shaders.pak and newton.dll Framework leadwerks.engine registerabstractpath(AppDir) Graphics 800,600 createworld() while not keyhit(KEY_ESCAPE) or Appterminate() RenderWorld() Flip() wend It mast to work, blitzmax+Leadwerks2 is very stable.
  5. Put RegisterAbstractPath(AppDir) after import leadwerks.engine line
  6. Seems like 1st and 2nd place Daimour and Arinthian deserved
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUpJhevQ8JU
  8. Still nothing to show, works with core functions thise days.
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