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Everything posted by Aily

  1. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/234-lme-basic/ Here is implemented by vertex paint shaders only two layers, take a look at shaders code.
  2. What do you talking about? Hide..code..password. Ok, seems like Quake3 code are shared, which one of you all see it? I think is code doesn't need anyone. Need ready product. And if some peace of my code will have somebody - he's welcome (after project release). Because next code - is always better than previouse.
  3. Animated texture solving it Big sprite with baked sparks frames.
  4. has same trouble with old notebook. You can try to update latest drivers for video, remove skinned meshes, cubemap reflections, terrain, all lights and buffer work from code - and Leadwerks maybe runs then.
  5. Ok, it was long time ago when i start my gamedev playing with Blitz3D. It have very simple commands, and make casual game on it very easy. When i bought Leadwerks it was very cool that it's handle most Blitz3D commands, and same handy for me. But... Collisions system some confused me. But nothing was to do - i start to use Leadwerks Newton based collisions. It realy rocks! Anyone want to have realistic physics in personal project. But Newton have some complexity in charachter controls, that's why Josh maked his own. All cool, Leadwerks controller very good for FPS games, or strategy, RPG - where charachter must walk on ground and be realistic. Working with Last Chapter and couple external projects i was found some complex places in charachter controller: 1. Swept collisions doesn't working a: If i will make game where my hero can fall from high places - he will fly by through florground (someone here saw this bug when robot in Last Chapter stacking in blocks) b: If enemy can punch player - it make very much velocity to push charachter controller, and player can just fly through thinn wall behind him. 2. If geometry of stair vertical faces will be not 90 degrees (0,1,0 vector), controller can handle it as heavy slope, and don't want to walk there You can put small boxes (bricks) to ground, and little turn it randomly - controller will stacking in it, and "step height" value doesn't matter to him. 3. Casual games need casual charachter, and in 2.5D jump'n'run platformer - some complex to stay controller on one value by axis, but leave physics responce to it. If geometry of physics world in such game will be not perpendicular each other - it make controller slide to leftright, and put it to z=0 value not be so handy. Or lets say it will by TDS when you fly by helicopter on one height from earth - collision with ground mountains will slide controller topdown. Same problem. 4. Controller have rectangle form by side Ok, we making RPG for example, and our hero walk little out platform, as i expecting - it slide down from it, but default controller will still stay over platform break. (Seems like Quake2 known bug) Ufff... it's harder on not native languge when i thinking in top of text What can i say, minib3d (Blitz3D) collisions not so powerfull as Newton system, but, as answers on my notes: 1. minib3d collisions always swept 2. Moveble body in minib3d is sphere or egg, so it good working with rough geometry 3. Wee simple PositionEntity body,entityx(body),entityy(body),0 and it never go anyway from z=0 4. Egg form, do you remember .... At last i connected minib3d and Leadwerks, it have same commands and conflict with each other, so i little rewrote minib3d library. Now there each command have "bb" prefix, and types too Like cam=bbCreateCamera() bbMoveEntity cam,0,0,-10 or ent:bbtEntity=bbCreateCube() Leadwerks as you guess can be any version. So code to connect them is very simple - i calculating moving of minib3d bodies, next set Leadwerks meshes to minib3d bodies positions.. and i have Blitz3D with full Leadwerks features tiny example ' init both Leadwerks and minib3d Framework leadwerks.engine Import sidesign.minib3d registerabstractpath AppDir ' Leadwerks ' Helper function to get position/rotation of minib3d tEntity and set it to Leadwerks tEntity Global tmp:tvec3=vec3() Function align_as(lw_entity:tentity,bb_entity:bbtentity) tmp.x=bbentityx(bb_entity) tmp.y=bbentityy(bb_entity) tmp.z=bbentityz(bb_entity) PositionEntity lw_entity,tmp tmp.x=bbentitypitch(bb_entity) tmp.y=bbentityyaw(bb_entity) tmp.z=bbentityroll(bb_entity) RotateEntity lw_entity,tmp End Function ' basic inits Graphics 800,600 ' Leadwerks createworld ' Leadwerks lw_cam=CreateCamera() ' Leadwerks MoveEntity lw_cam,vec3(0,0,-2) ' Leadwerks ' createing minib3d pivot and Leadwerks cube, in main loop we will rotate minib3d pivot, and set Leadwerks cube to this pivot orientation bb_body=bbCreatePivot() ' minib3d lw_cube=CreateCube() ' Leadwerks Repeat If KeyHit(key_escape) Or AppTerminate() End bbturnentity bb_body,1,2,3 ' minib3d align_as lw_cube,bb_body RenderWorld ' Leadwerks Flip 1 Forever complied minib3d module - just unpack to mod folder (ahh, known minib3d bug with TurnEntity there fixed ) To see minib3d API - just look at Blitz3D online help sidesign.mod.rar
  6. Thanks, it realy works. .... Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" ..... Function run(fullpath$) Print "Run script: "+fullpath If luaL_dofile(luastate.L,fullpath) Notify "Error in script: "+fullpath+Chr(13)+lua_tostring( luastate.L, lua_gettop(luastate.L) ) End End If End Function run "index.lua"
  7. Aily


    All is correct, only this Knight:actor = new(actor) I always written Knight:actor = new actor
  8. Cool! It works! Nice tool, thanks Josh.
  9. Seems like Lua based Leadwerks game - opensource anyway
  10. Maybe compiled Lua script can make it more easy?
  11. Select careful. Xors3D still doesn't have good shadow system. It shadows are deferred, so it impossible to use with FSAA (will be artefacts at edges). At the end you probaly will inable shadows in, it and disable FSAA. And you will get same render picture as Leadwerks, but - all shaders you will need to write yourself for it. There are couple examples in SDK, but most thing you will need to write yourself. Leadwerks have ready to use shaders. And here it rocks.
  12. I was worked with Xors3D some time. Leadwers is much handy to work with shaders. Lights system in Leadwerks is much easier to use. Best things in Xors - is possibility to make games for very old PC, with forward rendering and vertex attenuation. Real FSAA. In Xors3D you can use BMP,TGA,PNG,JPG as textures without conversation it to DDS as it in Leadwerks done. In this place Xors3d better. Language is very similar (b3d based).
  13. Thanks Josh, 2 entities are not warry me now
  14. Aily


    If you are talking about body (with debugphysics on) - it's normal situation. Mesh attached to it moves smooth.
  15. And why this? 2 entities! With 2 oildrums - 4 entities0.
  16. I hope it runs like this: in render loop for each entity make frustum, distance and occlusion culling if all Ok - render If i turn back from scene, and don't see it - my FPS became up to 300(!), so i think frustum culling still working for each entity and after it - do not renders entities because it out of camera frustum. So it's very fast, and it's great. But when i turn to scene (with many-many entities) - frustum culling still there, but added distance+occlusion culling. (i have tested single mesh renders extreme fast) So i think distance and occlusion culling - is EVIL. Can i ask about feature for LE2.x - disable any culling per entity? Think it's very simple to implement I can't open cards right now, but it something realy amazing
  17. Seems like 2 parameters in info affects render speed, it's Entity cull time and Entity draw time Scene have no any lights (for clean testing) I can decrase Entity draw time by attaching separate material chanels (surfaces) to one texture on whole mesh, and then Entity draw time will be very little. But Entity cull time will be at the same value. I don't think that Entity cull time is frustum culling time, because when i'm turn away from scene - this value droped to zero (in this way frustum culling always pass throw all entities in scene) What is Entity cull time? May be will be better tu turn (somehow) off entity culling?
  18. Aily

    The Last Chapter

    Thanks guys, it bring me back to work on this game. Last time i'm some disapointed in gamedev, little loose trust in this money-making work, and work on another projects. But now i realy want to continue it. Thanks for you support me
  19. Convert model to EditPoly Select all vertices Press "Remove isolated vertices" 90% - it will helps
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