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Everything posted by Aily

  1. You need to assign material with blend=alpha, and then control it color by EntityColor mesh,vec4(1,1,1,alpha), and render transparent meshes in second pass after lighting. If you don't want to use refractions, why you need normalmap then? For cubemap reflections?
  2. Aily


    It's amazing!!!!! It must to be a part of any 3D engine! Great man!
  3. SweptCollision body,mode - never miss
  4. Leadwerks sintax is easier than DarkGDK. And much*1000 times pretty render.
  5. So it's sign from GOD! YOU MUST NEVER CHANGE DESIGN!!!! :) :)
  6. In my case all is OK Josh, so this happennning at each of us i thinking, and many times.
  7. First part is good, random point in square. But not raycast, better to use bullet body. set Pivot(dummy) target object on picked position b=Createsphere(.1) positionentity b,entityposition(player) ( or enemy ) pointentity b,target setbodygravitymode b,0 setbodymass b,1 septcollision b,1 ' important setbodyforce b,vec3(0,0,1000) setentitycollisioncallback b,on_bullet_hit,ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION First time i maked as you say, but then i was need to write separate code for enemy shots. In this issue enemy can shot just like player (you need just position it target to player) and respawn bullet. In my gameplay demo (with spaceship) bullets maked same. So you can control bullet size! Your fire from weapon will be respawn before respawned particles from hitted body. You can simple create ricochet with it Im using raycasting only for enemy finding player
  8. You forget to say on what programming language? In BMax: Type MyData field x,y,z end type c=createcube() md:MyData=new MyData md.x=1 md.y=2 md.z=3 setentityuserdata c,md ' and now we can get data: md=MyData(getentityuserdata(c)) print md.x print md.y print md.z
  9. Aily

    Cartoon shaders

    How much time you mean? )))) There is less than 10 lines of code in shaders, about 20 minutes.
  10. Aily

    Cartoon shaders

    Yes, i just port it into new version, saw here somewhere that people need it. I will think about it But glow is works!
  11. Aily

    Cartoon shaders

    Just click to download file, and there will be screenshots in download post.
  12. Aily

    Cartoon shaders

    File Name: Cartoon shaders File Submitter: Aily File Submitted: 17 Oct 2010 File Updated: 17 Oct 2010 File Category: Tools and Utilities Just replace your shaders.pak with it, and your game became cartoon render style. It's not affect FPS much. Just detect edge in postfilter.frag and multiply pixel by 0.1, and downsampling attenuation of directional light (for point and spot there is bad idea to do this, looks not so good). Click here to download this file
  13. In all examples all values are multiply by appspeed() function. So what is faster to calculation: this: repeat turnentity cube1,vec3(0,1*appspeed(),0) turnentity cube2,vec3(0,2*appspeed(),0) turnentity cube3,vec3(0,3*appspeed(),0) forever or this: repeat spd#=appspeed() turnentity cube1,vec3(0,1*spd,0) turnentity cube2,vec3(0,2*spd,0) turnentity cube3,vec3(0,3*spd,0) forever ? And that's one, what is better (faster) to using vector constructors: this: repeat turnentity cube,vec3(0,1,0) forever or this: global turn_vec:tvec3=vec3(0,1,0) repeat turnentity cube,turn_vec forever ?
  14. I see you know LUA well (see your examples). No, i will use framework, but want self render to it. I saw LUA files, where calling "Flip", as i understand, in LUA, user can repalace one method with enover. And think that is possible to turn off standart render and make it my own.
  15. I want to discard standart rendering in editor, and make it myself. I need simple some rework render pipeline. Don't ask me why \ So, does it possible, to connect my own LUA script that can control render?
  16. Lum, you don't understanding I need something like cam=createcamera() world:tmatrix=getcameraWORLDmatrix(cam) view:tmatrix=getcameraVIEWmatrix(cam) proj:tmatrix=getcameraPROJmatrix(cam)
  17. My project don't be render more than 50 000 triangles per frame. And about 20-30 DIP calls (primitives at frame), so, i think forward render will be better. So. How about matrices?
  18. I want to build my own not-deffered renderer for LW2.24, and all works fine. FSAA and light. But for result calculation of shadow map I need WorldViewProj matrix of light (i.e. camera that renders shadow depth buffer) to compare depths of source pixel and it's position in the depth texture. So, is Leadwerks have such methods? P.S. before ask to your question: "Why do you need forward render?" With deffered lighting in my project (it have sun light only) i have 100 FPS (notebook), and with forward render - 250 FPS. So... think you understand. Thanks
  19. Aily

    DDS and 3DS :)

    Max have "save mipmaps" flag. See the picture.
  20. I don't know does anybody asked this. Why when i render to texture by 3DSMAX direct in to DDS format Leadwerks cant draw it? I tryed different DDS compression types in MAX options, but textures don't drawing therefore. Some time ago i downloaded cubemap textures in DDS from Nvidia site, and it's not works in leadwerks, but in MAX viewport all cool. Funny, how many DDS formats in the world? What you think? How it is treated?
  21. Yeah, funy game. It is possible absolutley.
  22. Updated new version Added mix by texture (vertex color are discarded) GI map Viewport shadows Texture copy on export And many bug fixes.
  23. If you want to execute this "on the fly", it is will be very slow solution. I've been maked some texture paint tool some time ago, and in my case I used shader to do this. 1 - get texture. 2 - clone it 3 - set source texture buffer as drawing buffer. 4 - set clone texture as buffer, that you want to draw (DrawImage(GetColorBuffer(clone_texture),0,0)) 5 - set post effect shader that have x,y uniforms to set position of drawing pixel and color of it ... in shader you need to draw all source texture pixels, but calculate, if x and y of current drawind pixel is = x and y uniforms that you pass to shader, than draw color pixel. This is realy fast way to draw to texture, and if you want to do some texture editor, you can write your own "brush" code in this post shader.
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