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  1. I'm on Win10, haven't experienced any other app freeze after inactivity the same way
  2. I've experienced this as well, it happens after as short as a few minutes with the focus on another window. Sometimes trying to minimize and maximize the editor window will wake it up, sometimes it seems to do it on its own after a bit of time.
  3. I was looking through the other bug reports wondering how nobody had run into this issue yet lol
  4. After a random number of changes in the map editor, the undo button will no longer work. Tested by moving a brush and then undoing the movement until I lose the ability to undo. I've recorded the undo functionality breaking at 7 changes, 16 changes, 24 changes, and 40 changes, so unfortunately I don't see a pattern to speak of, and it happens annoyingly frequently. Reloading the map (.ultra) file resets the undo function. I'm using the Steam version, currently on the beta branch (Build 867).
  5. Wow, you're fast! I have to say, this is pretty good customer service, lol. I see that you've got the export script working with brushes, too! That's really fantastic, it sounds like it'll do exactly what I was looking for. I can't wait to try it when I get home today. As for the terrain, I'm not bothered that it doesn't export along with the rest of the map geometry. If there's a way to export the heightmap, that's enough. Or even if there isn't, any external tool I'm using these glTF files in is sure to have a way to create heightmap terrain anyway. And the ability to tweak the editor colors, too, you really got it all covered! I really appreciate you doing this! I couldn't have hoped for a better response to my questions.
  6. Hello, I just purchased Ultra Engine on Steam under the impression that I would be able to use the map editor to create scenes that could be exported as glTF models, for use in Blender or possibly other engines. According to this blog post, the technology was finished in 2021, and it's also stated that entire scenes could be saved as glTF this way: I've found the ability to save models as glTF, but no equivalent for scenes. I also bought Leadwerks 4 some years ago, and I remember that it had the ability to export map geometry as OBJ (albeit without any materials, disappointingly). But Ultra Engine seems to lack even that. This was my primary way I intended to use this software, as I loved Leadwerks' CSG editor, and a modern CSG editor with the ability to export map geometry, model props, texture information, and possibly even entities such as lights would be a dream come true. I'm hoping that I just missed the functionality. Is there currently any way to save a scene as glTF format? Less importantly, I was also wondering if there's any way to customize the colors used in the UI of Ultra Engine? Or at least a light mode? As it is now, the background of the 2D viewports are nearly the same shade of grey as the background of the editor itself, and it makes the whole work area very visually confusing with viewports kind of melding into each other at a glance. Any help with these is appreciated, because I was really looking forward to using Ultra Engine in this way.
  7. Sorry for bumping a dead thread, but this looks like this might be the best place to ask this. I'm having trouble finding definite info on Leadwerks 5/Ultra Engine, is my understanding correct that Ultra Engine will actually be a separate product from Leadwerks 4 and will NOT be included as a free update? Or is "Ultra Engine" just a rebranding? Fingers crossed for the latter, but it'd be just my luck if I bought the professional edition of an engine that's about to be obsolete.
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