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Everything posted by Vida Marcell
Introduction Everybody hates to UV unwrap their models after their done finishing their 3D models, and i do too, but i'm good at it. Some people use software like RizomUV or Blender add-ons to make their job easyer, but it does'nt work for every texturing workflow. If you are using a 3D painting software like Adobe Substance Painter, then you should let your computer do the UV unwrapping job, but if you don't have the money for Substance products like i do, then you do textures the old fashioned way, and you need clean UV maps for that. An useful add-on https://github.com/Radivarig/UvSquares a must have, but if youre good, you dont need it. Basics Here is the model on which i will show you how to properly unwrap a model. Its some kind of sci-fi prop, i made it, even i don't know what it is. Probably some battery charger. To do unwrapping in blender, you head over to the UV Editing workspace: On the right you will see your model in Edit mode, the vertices, edges, faces you select will show up at left, at the UV Editor: Useful Shortcut is the L key, if you hover your mouse over a separated part of your model, and press L, it will select only that part. 1. Cilinder shapes You need to mark a seam (Ctrl + E), which will break the unwrapping, where you placed it (Hold alt and press the left mouse button to select a continous line): You have to go to Orthographic view, for the cilinder projection, then you hit U, and Cilinder projection: And i got my Unwrapped mesh: Now, you migh encounter some weird unwrapping by the Cilinder projection, thats because your camera is not in angle with the mesh. just keep in mind that the two holes of the should be at top and bottom of the screen. It will not work like this: 2. View projection I use view projection for parts of the mesh that face me (so they are convex from my point of view), but always in ORTHOGRAPHIC VIEW. Like this panel: Basically any flat surface you can get in front of you, perpendicular to the camera, you can, and should use view projection on it. 3. Smart UV projection Smart UV projection is like Unwrap for non-organic meshes. You have to tweak the Angle limit to get the desired unwrapping You could use this at the corners, or at bit more organic parts of your mesh. 4. Packing UV maps Now comes the even more painful part, packing the UV maps efficiently. Your maps after using projections most likely will not be equally sized so you can use the UV > Average island scale function to estimate their sizes based on your model. I sometimes set the sizes by hand, because some parts need to have more detail, so those will be bigger, because they can take up more pixels from the texture, leading to higher resolution. Here i would do this to parts that need text or logos. This function and the Pack islands function can destroy parts that you want to be together, like the buttons on the panel: You have to do packing manually, thats it. You can export the UV layout as a png file, so you can see where are the parts in photoshop or whatever you are using to texture: Hope this tutorial helped. UV unwrapping is not something you can teach, but just try to find what each projection is capable of, and where are they working the best.
Blender - Animating Tutorial (And how to Bake an IK rig)
Vida Marcell posted a blog entry in Blender tutorials
Introduction Some folks here in the forum asked for help on more advanced Blender topics, like baking animations from an IK rig. I'm here to spread my knowledge, since i also learned from other people on the internet. I'll be using Blender 3.6, without add-ons. 1. Blender animation basics I recommend starting out with a rigged model for the first time, but if you dont have one, here is a tutorial on how to make yours. After you got your model, you have to make an armature, which will be the parent of the model, since it controls the model. Set the Armature as "In front" so you can see it when you are rigging: You then lay it out on the model in Edit mode, and while holding shift you click your model, then your armature, and hit Ctrl + P: I'll set up the weighting with the automatic option: every bone has a weight, which determines their infulence over the parts of the mesh, for non-organic models, like a robot, you should do this by yourself, but i'm not going to show you that one, because its then gonna be a lot longer. As you can see, the first bone influences the first part of the arm, red is high influence, blue is low. Select the Armature and go into Pose mode. Drag up the Timeline from the bottom, and check the Auto keying button in the middle: Now you can start animating, place keyframes by moving, rotating or scaling a bone. The place between 2 keyframes will interpolate between the 2 keyframes position, rotation, size. If you want to lock a bones axis, like the elbow here, you can do that with Constrains: Now it cant rotate to the sides, like a normal elbow. If you want to have multiple animations for an Armature, you can set them in the Dope Sheet Editor > Action Editor: Add a new animation in the Action editor here, at the New action button: Now you can animate onto that (it might copy the previous animation, you select all keyframes and delete them) And thats basically how you animate in blender, there are better tutorials online, i'm mostly doing this for my friend, @reepblue 2. Setting up IK hands with additional models - Baking IK animations If you did not know how to set up an IK (short for Inverse Kinematics) rig in Blender, which is useful is useful for viewmodels (i used it to stick a hand to a gun, so if i animated the gun, the hands just followed it). Add an IK Constraint to a bone in Pose Mode Set the chain lenght for how much parent bones you want to influence with the IK. If you want to stick the hands to the model, its a bit tricky, you have to assign an "Empty" object to the model, where you want the hand to be: Then you attach it to the model with the Child constraint, it will keep its transforms relative to the model you attached it to (you might have to readjust the Empty's position) i assigned the empty to the gun bone, but you can do it to just an animated model: Now i just set the palm bone of the hand to target the Empty: Now you can move around and rotate the model, but of course you will have to animate the fingers. After capturing the keyframes for the model its time to bake. Select all your bones you applyed IK animations to, and head over to Pose > Animation > Bake Action on the menu bar in Pose Mode. You might have to change things around, you can also bake if you animated with Curves, but almost all of the time Visual Keying and Overwrite Current Action should be checked. Keep in mind that we animated bones, so choose Pose as Bake Data (its Pose by default if you are baking bones {bruh if someone read this 100 years ago what would he think}). And thats it. If i'm a good teacher you just baked your IK animations. -
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I dont remeber having loadfile function, but this is helpful. Thanks!!
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I think its UAK, but maybe something with namespace? Can you post a full screenshot?
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Bruh whats going on here, how you guys have ultra?