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Vida Marcell

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Everything posted by Vida Marcell

  1. #include "UltraEngine.h" using namespace UltraEngine; int sidepanelwidth = 380; int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { //Get the displays auto displays = GetDisplays(); //Create a window auto window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1200, 800, displays[0], WINDOW_TITLEBAR | WINDOW_RESIZABLE | WINDOW_CENTER); window->SetMinSize(800, 600); //Create User Interface auto ui = CreateInterface(window); double bgcolor = 0.187; ui->root->SetColor(bgcolor, bgcolor, bgcolor); //Create Menu auto menu = CreateMenu("", ui->root); menu->SetColor(bgcolor, bgcolor, bgcolor); auto menu_file = CreateMenu("File", menu); auto menu_edit = CreateMenu("Edit", menu); auto menu_view = CreateMenu("View", menu); auto menu_window = CreateMenu("Window", menu); auto menu_help = CreateMenu("Help", menu); //Create viewport int gap = 6; int y_size = 30; auto sz = ui->root->GetSize(); auto viewport = CreateTabber(gap, y_size, sz.x - sidepanelwidth - gap, sz.y - gap - y_size, ui->root); viewport->AddItem("Albedo", true); viewport->AddItem("Normal"); viewport->AddItem("Roughness"); viewport->AddItem("AmbientOcclusion"); viewport->SetLayout(1, 1, 1, 1); auto albedo_p = CreatePanel(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y, viewport); albedo_p->SetLayout(1, 1, 1, 1); viewport->items[0].extra = albedo_p; auto normal_p = CreatePanel(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y, viewport); normal_p->SetLayout(1, 1, 1, 1); viewport->items[1].extra = normal_p; auto rough_p = CreatePanel(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y, viewport); rough_p->SetLayout(1, 1, 1, 1); viewport->items[2].extra = rough_p; auto ao_p = CreatePanel(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y, viewport); ao_p->SetLayout(1, 1, 1, 1); viewport->items[3].extra = ao_p; auto sidepanel = CreateTabber(viewport->GetSize().x + gap + gap, y_size, sidepanelwidth - gap - gap, sz.y - gap - y_size, ui->root); sidepanel->SetLayout(0, 1, 1, 1); sidepanel->AddItem("Setup", true); sidepanel->AddItem("De-Lit"); auto setup_p = CreatePanel(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y, sidepanel); setup_p->SetLayout(1, 1, 1, 1); sidepanel->items[0].extra = setup_p; auto delit_p = CreatePanel(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y, sidepanel); delit_p->SetLayout(1, 1, 1, 1); sidepanel->items[0].extra = delit_p; while (true) { const Event ev = WaitEvent(); switch (ev.id) { case EVENT_WIDGETACTION: Print("Item " + String(ev.data) + " action"); break; case EVENT_WIDGETSELECT: if (ev.source == viewport) { for (int n = 0; n < viewport->items.size(); ++n) { if (viewport->items[n].extra) { auto panel = viewport->items[n].extra->As<Widget>(); if (n == ev.data) { panel->Show(); } else { panel->Hide(); } } } } else if (ev.source == sidepanel) { for (int n = 0; n < sidepanel->items.size(); ++n) { if (sidepanel->items[n].extra) { auto panel = sidepanel->items[n].extra->As<Widget>(); if (n == ev.data) { panel->Show(); } else { panel->Hide(); } } } } break; case EVENT_QUIT: case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE: return 0; break; default: break; } } return 0; } for example add this to "viewport": viewport->AddItem("Metalness"); or viewport->AddItem("Height");
  2. The Ambient occlusion is covered by height, as i noticed there couldnt be more that 4 tabs
  3. I know that Josh, here is what i mean
  4. And if i do this in ultra, i mean i import my custom meshes, and i dont use the brushes. Will the game run slower?
  5. So i'we been looking at half life: alyx's graphics and i cant say a word about the level design, how did they make it so good. But now i want to ask about this: how can Source 2 handle these type of brushes?
  6. Wow, dont say things like that! its a bit hurtful.
  7. From far it looks like real.
  8. Josh, Ultra needs to have this feature!!! w0u9dhctwa.mp4 slkmiil39t.mp4
  9. Josh: who the hell made this library?? The menu is bugging! Also Josh: Oh, i did.
  10. Vida Marcell


    Josh, after you released Ultra, will you update the stand alone verison of UAK with these new widgets?
  11. Vida Marcell

    Global Illumination WIP

    We will write history with this game engine, Josh also but mainly code. Estimately how many lines of code Ultra made of?
  12. I remember seeing this on your screenshots
  13. I have a material collection still growing for my future game. And i use it in Leadwerks for prototyping, but thanks!
  14. Oh i understand thats why hammer editor has separate windows for each viewport.
  15. I have nothing to do till Ultra is released (Bothering Josh with idiot questions). So i made this for fun.
  16. I dont quite understand what are you talking about. So Cromartie is the other guy when Josh says "We" developed...?
  17. Lets see wich comes out first C4 or Ultra?
  18. This will be on my gravestone: 2007-2022 Death cause: Josh waited me with his engine. seriously i can imagine, Josh rubbing his hands and smiling after every post that showcases the graphics of Ultra.
  19. Dear Josh, i have been waiting for the new engine for months, can you share something, even a little information of the release date of Ultra or what things left to work on?
  20. Hi everybody, i searched all google pages that had the two words ui and opengl, and i didnt found anything that could help. So i can slightly understand what the opengl example tries to do, but i dont think i can even call myself a programmer, so i cant translate glaux opengl to glew. So i need you help guys!! Can someone give me an UAK example with a glew context? Thanks for the help!
  21. I never understood why it takes so much time to make a game engine. Now i know why, after seeing all the post about Josh trying to solve a problem, i admit that it not just about making shaders to make the render look good. Respect Josh.
  22. Sorry Josh, but what do you mean, so Ultra will have pre-made material sound? like in source engine like: ? $surfaceprop
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