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    NE PA, USA

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  1. Thanks, I would like to try that just to understand it, what is the syntax? e.g. Framework fw(CREATE_LATER); <- like this? I only see this as a parameter on world and camera classes, not framework... An if so how would I actually creat the class variable before using it?
  2. I found the problem, it is due to the declaration of my Framework variable, Framework m_framewerk; If I remove this the class is created normally, so I gues the question is why is this causing and exit exception of code -1. when I look at the demo applicaiton is uses TFrameWork as the type. Is Framework not available within 1.5?
  3. I tried several other projects I created and they all work except for this one, I believe that this message is misleading and is being throw becuase of some other issue...
  4. Yes they are upto date according to NVidia... Also if that was the problem why would the spinning cube and editor work? So although it sounds like that is the problem I done think it is...
  5. I am compiling a project I developed a few months back using 2.5, it was originally written using 2.4. Everything compiles normally but when I try to run the app the compiler (VS C++ 2008) returns: The program '[6964] restrainer-Debug.exe: Native' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff). The engine.log has the following... Leadwerks Engine 2.5 Initializing Renderer... OpenGL Version: GLSL Version: Render device: Vendor: Error: GLSL 1.20 is not supported. Please update your graphics drivers or replace your hardware. But when I create and build a base project with the rotating cude everything works correctly... Any ideas?
  6. Ok, well I am confused... it just started working... FREAKY... I have no idea why..
  7. Already checked and I have the latest drivers for the GPU. But thanks again... I do have the full install directory from version 2.41 which I was using previously, when I try to run the editor from the folder I get the same error.
  8. I installed into D:\LESDK_2_5 and still get the same error, also removed the engine.ini but that did not help.. Also ran as administrator... and still same message window and log is the same.
  9. Tried that still get the exception error... but thanks for responding
  10. Hi guys, I have been away from LE for a few months, actually more like a year. Been playing with UDK and Unity, I got tired of continually making compromises or having to do workarounds due to the way they both want you to build your games... Being a programmer I want to control everything , so here I am back with my old trusty favourite LE.... That said, I just installed LE 2.5 using LESDK and everything installed but I cannot run the editor when I try I get an EXEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error, when I look at the log it appears that the shader is causing the problem... Leadwerks Engine 2.5 Initializing Renderer... OpenGL Version: 4.2.0 GLSL Version: 4.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler Render device: GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/SSE2 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation DrawBuffers2 supported: 1 32 texture units supported. GPU instancing supported: 1 Max batch size: 64 Shader model 4.0 supported: 1 Conditional render supported: 0 Loading shader "zip::c:/program files (x86)/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//query.vert", ""... I am running windows 7 professional, with GeForce GTX 460 card. I have tried to run the editor in admin mode but still get the same error, also when I run OALINST.EXE it tells me that it was installed correctly... Can anyone help me with getting LE to work.... Thanks
  11. After reading the posts about what will be in LE3, I am intrigued, and looking forward to it. Is there any idea of a release date or are we looking at 3month, 6months 1 year? I ask becuase my project uses a dedicated server, and I have started working on a process to load a scene and get raycast information from it for the AI collision control, path finding and line of sight... this said if LE3 has the ability to run the engine without rendering to the screen this becomes a pointless exercise. Thanks...
  12. Just wanted to say thanks for the help on this, I finally got the affects I was looking for... see attached..
  13. Thanks, I will take a look at that Book, I am interested in shaders and the only shader infomration I have is form the Open GL bible. I did play around trying to create a shader for this, but I do not know how to apply that shader to a scene in Editor, I believe someone said earlier or in a different post, that the lights are hard coded within the Editor so we cannot easily add new lights. We can only create variations of the basic lights available.
  14. The ability to reference other objects directly within an script... basically what I would envisage would be 2 new lua variable types. The first would be a "class type", although I guess using a string would work also... but basically the other variable type would provide a pull down that would list all objects in the scene of that specific "class type"... once linked in this way we can then read that key in code and return the reference to the attached entity. For example, this would allow me to have a character model defined within the scene, and link to each slot of that character a weapon object that is in the scene. Another option would be creating waypoints were you can link wapoints and visually see the links, I would guess a simply line connecting them would be ideal, another option here would be creating transporter locations.... I would like to add I love the idea of having zones witin the scene, this will be very useful... Day/night cycles would be nice... rivers definitely... How about a new light type that is a point light that we can define the length and width, or even the shape, this would be useful for modelling different light sources...
  15. I played around with using multiple point lights on the object model, after many different scenarios, what I found to be the best all round look that I wanted was to use a point light and position it a short distance beneath the light model, and have no lights attached to the model, this allows me to move the light up and down to get the glow I wanted.. I also change the light model not to cast shadows, so that the point light gave a glow on the ceiling. I also tried to add the point light to the objects lua script and set a parameter so that I could position the light within the settings for the model, but I could not get this to work, I seems that the light position can only be set during initialization of the model class not afterward, unless anyone else has done this and can provide a point light script to show how to do it? thanks for all the suggestion..
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