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Everything posted by Chiblue
Based on what the engine.log tells me the lua scripts are being loaded from the project folder which makes sense... the problem I have is that the terrain is getting a collision type of 5, and I don't know where this is coming from? I cannot get the collisions to work either custom or standard so now I am really confused..
I am using the process scene functions from gamelib but I am having problems with terrain appearing the terrian only appears when I am facing certain directions I thougt it was camera issue but I set me near range to 0 and the same, plus on some directions the terrain disappears completely I know it is there as I am getting collisions both using raycast down and my controller and idea?
I have modified the collision_const.lua and collisions.lua to create a set of custom collisions, I have checked and everything appears to be setup correctly, and my entities are getting the correct types, but my controller keeps sinking through the terrain.. It maybe something I am doing with the engine, I have Vista 64 and due to the UAC I have leadwerks engine folder in both my program files and it's own folder on my D drive... I run all the tools from the D drive otherwise I have to run everything as admin which is a pain in the but... anyway... I have placed my customer lua scripts in the appropriate folders in both places, plus I have a copy of them in my project... The question really is how doe these get processed, are they stored in the sbx file, of read at runtime (which I believe is the case) , and where will it run from, the include in my project points to leadwers in the program files folder, but my abstract path is my project folder which also stores the scripts... Can someone please clearly explain to me where these need to be for the editor and runtime of my project, I just cannot seem to get this correct... also how can I verify in the project that these scripts are being read... Oh as a side note I am using LEO, I am also using parts of Gamelib, is there something I need to do to ensure these get loaded...
I found my problem, the .ini for the entity has the class name... thanks
I know I have been here before, but with taking a few month away I have forgotten what I did wrong, I have a model (standard mesh, no animation or bones) I have applied a DDS image as the map and created a material, but when I view my model in model viewer it is grey ie. no material applied... I know this is something stupid that I need to do but cannot remeber, sorry for being a pain.. I have attached the model, and material... thanks in advance.. arrow.zip
Well maybe I did not explain it... The code that pulls this is "cn=GetEntityKey(e,"classname");" Which assumes it is a key in lua, but my lua script does not set this value as I thought is defaults to the script name?? Or am I confusing it or myself and add classname as a key within my script?
I have created a new entity in LUA called info_spawnpoint_node.lua along with associated files... When I ready this in my code the class name appears as "info_info_spawnpoint" why? what dictates the class name when using in the scene? the path to the entity is Models/Entities/info/Spawn/Node/ Can someone explain how the class names are derived?
I found the problem it was failing becuase I have not created a camera.. I created a camera from the framework.getmain and now it works..
I am trying to ensure that my project only contains the files I need for the scene, I have added the script folder, model/entity folder and materials.. My scene is very simple, it's a terrain with a couple player start entity... Thanks all I have but when I run my game, the loadscene returns a bad pointer to the entity.. m_eScene=LoadScene((str)m_cLevelPath.getFullPath().c_str()); (cLevelPath is the leve path name, i built a class to provide information on file names)... m_cLevelPath.getFullPath() contains "abstract::t5est01.sbx" which is what I expect... I even removed abstractpath and qualified the path entirely.. but I still have a problem.. how do I trouble shoot this? some trapable error would help? If I remove the script folder it fails.. so it seems to be trying the load... by the way I am using 2.40
Never Mind, I found out how to get all textures/material associated with a Mesh..
Ok, found the problem, my paths icons properties got messed up...
I checked the editor.log and the error I am getting it... Creating class info_ai_node Lua error: [string "d:/leadwerks/leadwreks engine sdk 2_40_pris..."]:6: attempt to call global 'base_InitDialog' (a nil value) Failed to call InitDialog script function. Script error occured. Stack size=1. [string "d:/leadwerks/leadwreks engine sdk 2_40_pris..."]:6: attempt to call global 'base_InitDialog' (a nil value) This is running from the place I did the update, I am running the editor from the program files copy of this folder, is there a registry entry?
I was playing around with editor and changed the paths in the configuration options, now when I start the editor it shows the splash screen for a fraction of a second and then ends... I tried replacing all the files in the programs folder but still have the same problem, I am sure this is a simple fix? but I guess I am too stupid to find it...
I am using gamelib and would like to get the materials being used by a faces on a mesh, I want to load all meshed and create impact options for each material. Is there a way to do this using the entity creating within the process scene function in Gamelib.. or if not another way to do this. I could add a LUA value to the class supporting the object for the imapct data I want to use, but I would to get the actual data from the mesh so I can create a more accurate impact resolution.
I am just in the process of setting up a new system to use Le this is a dedicated development machine and one thing that drives me nuts is that there is not any single play that is easy to get to that tells me what I need to download... Open GL is always a pain, please can you simply post on the requirements screen for LE a link to the appropriate open GL downloads that are compatible with LE.. I know I am going to get a million posts telling me were it is... Please can you make this simple... or post something that is one click that has all links required to run LE.... I have been digging around in the wiki and the forums and still cannot find a link for open gl...
I have just finished converting my project to use LE but when I try to build the project I get the following messages... What did I do wrong, I am not referencing g_engineLoaded in my class RGame.. so I cannot see why this is happening 1>RGame.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "bool LEO::g_engineLoaded" (?g_engineLoaded@LEO@@3_NA)
I read this all with interest, it would be very helpful if we had the ability via the licensing to do one of the following options.. 1. Distribute a locked down editor with a game, this is a version of the editor that is locked to using specific assets.. 2. Provide a seperate license for the editor so anyone wishing to build levels/maps for the game can simply buy a license from Leadwerks, rather than having to buy the entire $250+ license, they can buy the editor like 3DWS license. The problem I have is that I have several guys that are outstanding at level/map design (unlike me lol) who have been testing my game but hate the levels I have (built just to test the mechanics of my code) and would like to build some levels for the game to use with it. But are reluctant to pay $250 to be able to do this... Any suggestions on ways to get around this.... as the editor and the lua scripts you build are a fundamental part of the mechanics having the ability to allow gamers to build or customize your levels would be a major benefit..
I would like to see the ability in LE to have a project manager tool... which I would envisage being an interactive application that would allow me to create a new project, define a project folder for the project and then allow me to add files to that project and drive the tools within LE from that project interface. So basically my starting point when using the tools would always be the project manager, from there I can add entities, each entity would be a component of the project... examples of entities... Levels or editor maps... within each would be the folders for the different resources needed.. C++ projects... etc.. What would also be nice would be to build a list of todos against each entity so you can keep track of where you are within the tool... This would create a consistent interface into the tools and provide a more robust creation toolset
I seem to be getting myself confused on using Lua and Editor in a meaningful way to develop levels for my project... So I have a couple of questions about this that seem to dog me everytime I try to work through them... Using object and resources in editor and then distributing the level... Strategy? 1. Should I use a general set of models, images and scripts and then build my level, when complete just pull out what is needed by the level to distribute it, this is the easiest for creating but presents some challenges when distributing the level to use in my game, I don't want to put everything in the map forlder.... 2. alternatively... should I build a new set of folders and then copy the editor to that location set the paths and then just add the resources I need for that project... I see ups and downs in both approaches so I would be interested in how others more expereinced deal with this?? My second question is relating to lua scripts and associated objects... In my game I have weapons and characters, these are defined using a lua class, but I want these to remain static, i.e. whenever I add a weapon to a level I don't want it to be changeable, I don't want to be able to change this for each level I want the settings to be static and always be based on a master configuration... how can I do this? Sorry for adding multiple questions to the same post but I believe they are connected as the solution to one will impact the other...
So what do you use?
Dark GDK has a command to return a list of all supported graphics resolutions for each graphics card that is available within the system. If Dark GDK can do it I cannot beliebe it is that difficult? dbPerformChecklistForDisplayModes and dbPerformChecklistForGraphicsCards these are very useful to ensure your users cannot select a mode that is not valid...
A while back I had a problem with using FOV setting to simulate a sniper zoom scope... as when I used the FOV becuse the camera was still far away from the object the LOD kicked in and I get the low level detail model... I thought I would post how I finally resolved this... actually very simply and kinda embarrased I did not (nor anyone else) came up with this... instead of changing the FOV, I moved the camera closer with the sniper overlay works like a dream and I maintain the LOD I need to zooming....
I used gamelib to get started but found that although it is useful to get started, if you are more critical of your own content then it does get somewhat combersome, and please not rebukes, gamelib is great for what it is intended for... Anyway... take a look at AIEntityFollowPlayer, AISetEntityDefending, AITeamFollowPlayer, AITeamSeparate whic allows you to get multiple AI entities working as a team... I have a little test program that does not use AI but allows you easily change the code to test out the different AI and add multiple AI entities of any type, plus play with the controls..
I agree with this completely and there is much more demand for Multiplayer, especially if you can build a dedicated server for your game. But having an AI in my opinion is a must, becuase very few people will initially jump into MP environment without having the option to play in the environment first to get a feel for the controls, look and feel and playability of the game... Take games like BF2 and BF2142, they had no true single player option in the trditional sense, but they gave you enough of an AI challenge to play the maps and get a feel for the game... just my opinion for as much as it's worth